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Last child's age at death, years

Questionnaire Text

Dominican Republic 2010
Mexico 2000
Mexico 2010
Mexico 2020
Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_LCHAGED — Age at death of last child born
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For women age 15 and older (check from questions 27 and 29)

60. How old was the child when he/she died?

If less than one year of age, record 00

Age _ _
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Question 60. How old was the child when he/she died?
Record in the corresponding boxes the age of the last female or male child when they died. If the child was less than one year of age record 00.
After you fill in this question continue with the next person in the household. Once you have completed interviewing all the people in the household, if you have any observations please record them in the lines for observations on page 16. Once you have recorded your observations proceed with the information of the next household in the same dwelling if that is the case. If not continue with the next household.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_AGEDYR — Age at death ( in years) of the last child born
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For women who are twelve years old or more

37. Age at death

At what age did the son or daughter die? Write only one answer in days or months or years

If the son or daughter lived less than one day, write 00 in days

Years _____

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35. Data of birth, 36. Survival, and 37. Age at death

[Depictions of these three questions on the enumeration form]

With these questions you obtain the date of birth of the last daughter or son who was born alive, if this daughter or son is currently living and, if they've died, their age when they died.

If, for the date of birth, the person only remembers the month but not the year, record a 9 in each of the boxes for month and year. If they remember the year but not the month, record the complete year and 99 in the boxes for month.

[P. 86]

When the last daughter or son is deceased, ask their age at the time of death and only record one piece of information, whether it be in days, months, or years. If the informant doesn't remember at what age this daughter (son) passed away, record 99 in the boxes for days.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_AGEDDAY — Age at death ( in days) of the last child born
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For women who are twelve years old or more

37. Age at death

At what age did the son or daughter die? Write only one answer in days or months or years

If the son or daughter lived less than one day, write 00 in days

Years _____

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35. Data of birth, 36. Survival, and 37. Age at death

[Depictions of these three questions on the enumeration form]

With these questions you obtain the date of birth of the last daughter or son who was born alive, if this daughter or son is currently living and, if they've died, their age when they died.

If, for the date of birth, the person only remembers the month but not the year, record a 9 in each of the boxes for month and year. If they remember the year but not the month, record the complete year and 99 in the boxes for month.

[P. 86]

When the last daughter or son is deceased, ask their age at the time of death and only record one piece of information, whether it be in days, months, or years. If the informant doesn't remember at what age this daughter (son) passed away, record 99 in the boxes for days.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_AGEDMON — Age at death (in months) of the last child born
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For women who are twelve years old or more

37. Age at death

At what age did the son or daughter die? Write only one answer in days or months or years

If the son or daughter lived less than one day, write 00 in days

Years _____

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35. Data of birth, 36. Survival, and 37. Age at death

[Depictions of these three questions on the enumeration form]

With these questions you obtain the date of birth of the last daughter or son who was born alive, if this daughter or son is currently living and, if they've died, their age when they died.

If, for the date of birth, the person only remembers the month but not the year, record a 9 in each of the boxes for month and year. If they remember the year but not the month, record the complete year and 99 in the boxes for month.

[P. 86]

When the last daughter or son is deceased, ask their age at the time of death and only record one piece of information, whether it be in days, months, or years. If the informant doesn't remember at what age this daughter (son) passed away, record 99 in the boxes for days.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_DTHYEARS — Age of last child at death (years)
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For females age 12 or older
[Questions 36-41 were asked of females age 12 or older]

41. Age at death
How old was the child when s/he died?

[Question 41 was asked of females age 12 or older whose last live-born child is not still alive, per question 40.]

Write only one answer in days, months or years.
If the child lived for less than one day, write "00" in the "Days" grid.

Days _ _
Months _ _
Years _ _

Go to the next person or, if it's the last person on the list, go to Section IV "International migration".

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For women age 12 or older
[Questions 36-41 are for women age 12 or older]

39. Date of birth, 40. Survival, 41. Age at death
The questions investigate some facts about the last daughter or son born alive, like the date of his/her birth, if he/she lives currently, and in the case of death, the age when he/she died.

Remember that these types of dates can be sensitive. Support the informer with, if necessary, related events like: baptism, intervals of the ages of the children, births of children or relatives, lactating periods, and other events that are useful.

In question 41 "Age at death", record only one response in days or months or years.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_DTHDAYS — Age of last child at death (days)
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For females age 12 or older
[Questions 36-41 were asked of females age 12 or older]

41. Age at death
How old was the child when s/he died?

[Question 41 was asked of females age 12 or older whose last live-born child is not still alive, per question 40.]

Write only one answer in days, months or years.
If the child lived for less than one day, write "00" in the "Days" grid.

Days _ _
Months _ _
Years _ _

Go to the next person or, if it's the last person on the list, go to Section IV "International migration".

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For women age 12 or older
[Questions 36-41 are for women age 12 or older]

39. Date of birth, 40. Survival, 41. Age at death
The questions investigate some facts about the last daughter or son born alive, like the date of his/her birth, if he/she lives currently, and in the case of death, the age when he/she died.

Remember that these types of dates can be sensitive. Support the informer with, if necessary, related events like: baptism, intervals of the ages of the children, births of children or relatives, lactating periods, and other events that are useful.

In question 41 "Age at death", record only one response in days or months or years.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_DTHMNTHS — Age of last child at death (months)
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For females age 12 or older
[Questions 36-41 were asked of females age 12 or older]

41. Age at death
How old was the child when s/he died?

[Question 41 was asked of females age 12 or older whose last live-born child is not still alive, per question 40.]

Write only one answer in days, months or years.
If the child lived for less than one day, write "00" in the "Days" grid.

Days _ _
Months _ _
Years _ _

Go to the next person or, if it's the last person on the list, go to Section IV "International migration".

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For women age 12 or older
[Questions 36-41 are for women age 12 or older]

39. Date of birth, 40. Survival, 41. Age at death
The questions investigate some facts about the last daughter or son born alive, like the date of his/her birth, if he/she lives currently, and in the case of death, the age when he/she died.

Remember that these types of dates can be sensitive. Support the informer with, if necessary, related events like: baptism, intervals of the ages of the children, births of children or relatives, lactating periods, and other events that are useful.

In question 41 "Age at death", record only one response in days or months or years.

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_LSTBAGEDTH3 — Age of child at death (years)
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50. Surviving children: How old was the child when he/she died:

Write down only one answer in days, months, or years. If the child lived less than one day, write 00 in days

_ _ Days or
_ _ Months or
_ _ Years
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15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

Age at death

You should only apply this question if in 48. survival you registered code 3. No.

Read question 50. Age at death and record only one response in days or months or years.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

The question age of death is presented in the census manager as follows:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 403]

Once you finish applying all the questions for a person, the Census Manager confirms the following:

[Figure omitted: images with text]

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_LSTBAGEDTH1 — Age of child at death (days)
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50. Surviving children: How old was the child when he/she died:

Write down only one answer in days, months, or years. If the child lived less than one day, write 00 in days

_ _ Days or
_ _ Months or
_ _ Years
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

Age at death

You should only apply this question if in 48. survival you registered code 3. No.

Read question 50. Age at death and record only one response in days or months or years.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

The question age of death is presented in the census manager as follows:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 403]

Once you finish applying all the questions for a person, the Census Manager confirms the following:

[Figure omitted: images with text]

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_LSTBAGEDTH2 — Age of child at death (months)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
50. Surviving children: How old was the child when he/she died:

Write down only one answer in days, months, or years. If the child lived less than one day, write 00 in days

_ _ Days or
_ _ Months or
_ _ Years
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

Age at death

You should only apply this question if in 48. survival you registered code 3. No.

Read question 50. Age at death and record only one response in days or months or years.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

The question age of death is presented in the census manager as follows:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 403]

Once you finish applying all the questions for a person, the Census Manager confirms the following:

[Figure omitted: images with text]