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Educational attainment, Mali

Questionnaire Text

Mali 1987
Mali 1998
Mali 2009
Mali 1987 — source variable ML1987A_EDATTAN — Last grade attended
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For individuals 6 years of age and older.
[Questions 14-22]

15. Last school grade attended


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This is the second group of questions related to the characteristics of the household members. It relates only to persons aged 6 and older. Put a dash or a hyphen (-) for persons of less than 6 years in questions 14 to 25.

15. Last grade attended

In this case write the last grade attended (or successfully completed) of people who are currently in school, or who have already been to school. The schools in questions are: French schools, Franco-Arab schools, Koranic schools and schools for functional literacy

Ask household members the following question about the last grade attended: "What was the last grade that you attended?" For those who are literate in one of the national languages this will be the name of a training campaign.

Write the answer in column 15 according to their response. Write:

a. NONE for people who have never been to school;
b. For students and all people who have been to school, write the last grade.

Example 1: If a student is in 6th grade of basic schooling, the last class attended will be 6th A F

Example 2: If an individual left school in the 8th year of basic schooling, the last grade he attended

[The rest of text is cut off at bottom of page]

[Page 31]

Example 3: A civil servant has his 4th year diploma from an institution of higher learning (FNA, ENI, ENSup, I.P.R. etc.). His last grade or level would the one in which he obtained his diploma, or 4th A. Sup.

The table below shows the way to fill in the responses:

[Table not reported here]

The last grade attended is indicated in the last column. Pay special attention to cases where the names of the years have changed (basic school).

1st and 2nd cycle uses a double name (general secondary and technical education).

Mali 1998 — source variable ML1998A_EDATTAIN — Last school grade completed
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Section B: Individual Characteristics

For persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 16-26]


16. Level of education

[] 00 Not applicable
[] 01 Fundamental, first cycle
[] 02 Fundamental, second cycle
[] 03 Medersa, first cycle
[] 04 Medersa, second cycle
[] 05 Secondary school, general
[] 06 Secondary school, technical
[] 07 School for teachers
[] 08 Vocational school, grade 5 (CEPE)
[] 09 Vocational school, grade 9 (DEF)
[] 10 Vocational school, grade 12+ (BAC)
[] 11 University
[] 13 Post-university [code 12 is absent from the original form]
[] 14 Koranic school
[] 15 Center for adult literacy

17. Last school grade completed

_ _ _ _

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1.2.1. Questions for ALL Household Members

1.2.2. Questions for persons aged 6 years and above

This is the second group of questions, concerning the characteristics of household members. They concern only the persons aged 6 years and above.

For persons aged less than 6 years (children), write (0) or (00) depending on column width in Columns P16 to P30.

Column P16-P18: Level of education

This group of questions provides together an idea on the level of education of the population.

16. Column P16 -- the level of education attained
17. Column P17 -- highest grade completed
18. Column P18 -- highest diploma obtained

The question to be asked to the household members aged 6 years and above will be: "Has name ever been to school?"
If no, then write (00) in Columns P16, P17 and P18.

If yes, then write:

In Column P16 le number corresponding to the level attained
In Column P17 the last grade attended in this level of education
In Column P18 the highest diploma obtained, while using the instructions at the bottom of the questionnaire.

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_EDATTEND — Highest class attended within education level
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Population age three or older
[Questions P18-P23 were asked for persons age 3+.]

P19) Level
What is [Name]?s education level?

Record the code corresponding to the response (compare from bottom of the page)

[] 00 Not applicable (less than 3 years)
[] 01 None
[] 02 Instruction in the Koran (not trained)
[] 03 Literate (not trained)
[] 04 Preschool
[] 05 Fundamental 1st cycle
[] 06 Fundamental 2nd cycle
[] 07 Madras 1st cycle
[] 08 Madras 2nd cycle
[] 09 Secondary
[] 10 Technical and Professional
[] 11 Teaching school
[] 12 University
[] 13 Post University
P20) Class
What is the highest class in this level of school [Name] has attended?

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Education level (Column P19)
The agent ask the following question: "What is [Name] educational level?." Enter the appropriate code (available at the bottom of the page of the questionnaire). If the person is not applicable (less than three years), enter the code "00" and if the person does not attend school, enter the code "01."

00 = Not relevant (under 3 years)
01 = None (uneducated)
02 = Education of the Koran
03 = literate
04 = Preschool
05 = Fundamental 1st cycle
06 = Fundamental 2nd cycle
07 = 1st cycle Medersa
08 = 2nd cycle Medersa
09 = Secondary
10 = Technical and Vocational
11 = Teacher training
12 = University
13 = Post University Class (Last class taken) (Column P20)
The enumerator asks the question: "What is the last class that [Name] took at this level of education?" This is the last class or year successfully completed by [NAME] at the level of education.

[Omitted example]

Instruction: For those not relevant (less than 3 years old), people without any education, for those who attended school on the Koran or a literacy program, the agent records code "00."