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8. Place of birth
[] 90 In the same place as the enumeration locality
_ _ In another locality in the country
[] 1 Municipality/town
[] 2 Commune

_ _ In another country

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Place of birth (item 8)

55. The place of birth represents the locality where the mother of the enumerated person had the legal residence at the date when the birth took place, and not the locality where the child was actually born..
So, in the case of the persons born on maternities, birth houses, situated in other places than of the mother's legal residence, are not considered as place of birth- the locality where the birth house is located or the maternity, etc. (even this is mentioned on the birth certificate or on the identification card), but the mother's place of her legal residence, at the date of birth.

The way of recording:

-- the mark x will be written on the box of the code 90 --for the persons born in the same place where the census enumeration staff is recording them and the spaces designated for the county (municipality/town/commune)/country, will remain empty;
-- the name of the county where the person was born - will be recorded for persons born in other place than that where they are enumerated. The recording of the county's name will be done according to the actual administrative-territorial division and not of that existing when the enumerated person was born.
-- the mark x will be recorded on the code boxes 1 or 2 for persons born in place other than where they were enumerated, on the municipalities/towns or communes, according to the situation existing at the date of birth of the enumerated person;
-- the actual name of the country will be written -- for persons born in another country or in the territories being actually under other country's administrations.

Later, the enumerator will codify, on the corresponding spaces the codes for county or country (paragraphs 126 and 125).

[p. 41]

Will be not considered as born in another place, but in the locality of enumeration -- the persons born in another village of the same commune, where they are enumerated, or in another locality, component of the same municipality / town where they are enumerated.