Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
00 | NIU (not in universe) | · | X | · | · | · | · | · | X | X | · |
10 | Agricultural activities | X | X | X | X | X | · | · | · | · | · |
11 | Subsistence animal husbandry | · | · | · | · | · | X | X | · | · | · |
12 | Subsistence farming | · | · | · | · | · | X | X | X | X | X |
13 | Commercial farming | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | X | · | X |
14 | Fishing | X | X | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · |
20 | Employment income | X | X | · | · | · | X | X | X | X | X |
30 | Business enterprise | X | X | · | · | · | X | X | · | X | X |
31 | Formal trading | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | X | · | · |
32 | Petty trading | X | X | · | · | · | · | · | X | · | · |
40 | Cottage industry | X | X | · | · | · | · | · | X | X | X |
50 | Property income | · | X | · | · | · | X | X | X | X | X |
60 | Family support/remittances | · | X | · | · | · | X | X | X | X | X |
70 | Humanitarian aid | · | · | · | · | · | X | X | · | X | X |
80 | Other | X | X | X | X | X | · | · | X | X | X |
81 | Rent or remittances | X | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · |
82 | Religious work | X | X | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · |
83 | Pension | · | · | · | · | · | X | X | · | · | · |
84 | Sale of assets | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | · | X |
99 | Unknown | X | · | X | · | · | · | · | X | · | · |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
LIVEHOOD describes the main source of livelihood of the household. If there were multiple sources, one had to be chosen as the most important.
Comparability — Index
GENERAL Bangladesh |
Indonesia |
Uganda |
Comparability — General
The variable is conceptually comparable across samples. There are differences in category availability, especially for Indonesia, which only identifies agricultural and non-agricultural sources of livelihood.
Comparability — Bangladesh [top]
The source variables for both samples include more detail on the types of "employment income", based largely on the type of enterprise (i.e., industry). Rent and remittances are combined in 1991; comparison to 2001 statistics suggests remittances are predominant.
Comparability — Indonesia [top]
The census question in all years asks only whether agriculture was the primary means of livelihood. Households indicating non-agricultural activities were classified into "other", as no further specifics were provided.
Comparability — Uganda [top]
Apart from minor variations in categories, the three samples are largely comparable. An unharmonized source variable in the 1991 sample specifies the specific type of activity for the cottage industry.
- Bangladesh 1991: All households
- Bangladesh 2001: Permanent households
- Indonesia 1976: All households
- Indonesia 1985: All households
- Indonesia 1995: All households
- South Sudan 2008: All households
- Sudan 2008: All households
- Uganda 1991: Private households
- Uganda 2002: Private households
- Uganda 2014: All households
- Bangladesh: 1991, 2001
- Indonesia: 1976, 1985, 1995
- South Sudan: 2008
- Sudan: 2008
- Uganda: 1991, 2002, 2014
Questionnaire Text
Bangladesh 1991 |
Bangladesh 2001 |
Indonesia 1976 |
Indonesia 1985 |
Indonesia 1995 |
South Sudan 2008 |
Sudan 2008 |
Uganda 1991 |
Uganda 2002 |
Uganda 2014 |
11. Main source of income of household (last year)
[] 2. Livestock
[] 3. Forestry
[] 4. Fisherman
[] 5. Fishery
[] 6. Agricultural labor
[] 7. Non-agricultural labor
[] 8. Handloom
[] 9. Industry
[] 10. Business
[] 11. Hawker
[] 12. Trans. Non-Mech
[] 13. Trans. Mechanical
[] 14. Construction
[] 15. Religious
[] 16. Service
[] 17. Rent/remittance
[] 18. Other service
[] 19. Others
11. Main source of income of the household:
There may be more than one source of income of the members of the household. Consider the following 19 sources of income and in accordance with the regular income mark for that source which yearly income is maximum. Ask the respondent "Which is the maximum income source of your household?", considering the last one year. "Which is the most among the income source?" If the respondent mentioned more than one source then ask the respondent "Which source is the maximum among those you have already mentioned?" Mark the oval cell appropriately.
2. Livestock rearing: Income comes from livestock rearing.
3. Forest: Collection of Forest resources such as honey, wood, bamboo, leaf, wax, etc.
4. Fisherman: Income comes from catching and selling of fish.
5. Fish culture: Income comes from commercial fish farming and breeding center.
6. Agricultural labor: Income comes from working as laborer in other's land or farm
7. Non- Agricultural labor: Income comes from working as laborer other than agriculture work.
8. Handloom: Income comes from handloom industry.
9. Industry: Income comes from other cottage industry, heavy industry and factory
10. Business: Income comes from glossary shop trade and business activities
11. Hawkers: Don't have permanent shop but Income come from hawking
12. Non-mechanized vehicle: Income from rickshaw, cart, boat, push cart etc.
13. Mechanized vehicle: Bus, minibus, motor vehicles, scooter, lanch/steemer, boat driven by engine etc.
14. Construction work: Roads, highways, house, bridge construction/contracting activities etc.
15. Religious work: Income from religious works such as Imam, Moazzin, Clergy men, Milad mehfil, puja festival
16. Employment: Income from government, semi- government, private employment
17. Rent/remittances
18. Other services: Income from providing services as Barber, carpenter, lawyers, doctors (self-employed) etc.
19. Others: Income from begging, charity, etc.
16. Main source of income of the household
[] 2 Fisherman/Fish farming
[] 3 Agriculture labor
[] 4 Non-Agriculture labor
[] 5 Handloom
[] 6 Industry/Factory
[] 7 Business
[] 8 Hawker
[] 9 Transport
[] 10 Construction
[] 11 Religious work
[] 12 Service
[] 13 Rent
[] 14 Remittance
[] 15 Others
Question 16: Main Source of Household Income
The main source of income of the household is organized into 15 categories. The household may have more than one source of household income from members of the household. Considering the regularity of the income and the source from where maximum income of the household is earned, fill out that oval box for the household. Ask the respondent the source from where maximum income earned for the household? If the respondent answers more than one source, then again ask him/her to specify from which source the maximum income is earned? Fill out the appropriate oval box for answer of this question.
(1) Agriculture/Forest/Livestock: Maximum income of the household earned from owned or leased land cultivation, from acquiring forest resource like collecting honey, bamboo, cane, candle or goalpata (one kind of leaves), or from agricultural nurseries or from raising livestock or poultry birds.
(2) Fishing/Hatchery: Maximum income of the household earned from catching and selling fish or from commercial hatchery or from fish farm.
(3) Agricultural Labor: Maximum income earned selling labor in agricultural work or day labor in agriculture.
(4) Non Agricultural Labor: Maximum income of the household earned from selling labor in non-agricultural activities,
(5) Handloom: Maximum income of the household earned from owned handloom or from handloom industries;
(6) Industry/Factory: Maximum income of the household earned from cottage industries, medium industries or from large industry or factories.
(7) Business: Maximum income of the household earned from shops, trade and commerce.
(8) Hawker: Do not own any permanent shop; maximum income of the household earned from hawking of different goods.
(9) Transportation: Maximum income of the household earned from mechanized or non-mechanized transport like rickshaw, bullock cart, boat, push cart, rickshaw van, bus, truck, minibus, scooter, launch/steamer, trailer, etc.
(10) Construction: Maximum income of the household earned from construction of roads, houses, culverts, bridge, industries and factories or from contracting works in this sector.
(11) Religious Works: Maximum income of the household earned from religious works.
(12) Employment: Maximum income of the household earned from employment in the government, semi government or private sectors.
(13) Rent: Maximum income of the household earned from rented out of houses, shops, farms, factories etc.
(14) Remittances: Maximum income of the household earned from remittances of money from abroad.
(15) Others: Maximum income of the household earned from other than the above 14 sectors.
Ask the head of household or other eligible respondent. Circle the code of the correct answer.
B1. What is the means of livelihood for this household?
[] 2 Non-agriculture only
[] 3 Mixture, with agriculture the primary means
[] 4 Mixture, with non-agriculture the primary means
If the above is agriculture or mixture (B1 = code 1, 3, or 4) ask B2. If the above is non-agriculture (B1 = code 2) go to B3.
B1. Source of household income
Concept and definitions:
Household income is the income from all household members, income from the household head, children and other household members.
Source of household income is all income from all efforts of the household, including earnings from work by all household members, pensions, rent, interest from investments, etc.
Agriculture covers all work on the land (rice and other crop production), plantations, fisheries (fresh water or sea), forestry, animal husbandry.
Non-agriculture: This covers areas not already mentioned, such as: commerce, manufacturing, employee of a state/private enterprise, government employee, member of the military, etc.
Mixture: Source of household income is from agriculture and other areas.
Ask the question as follows:
"Is the source of income of this household from agriculture, non-agriculture, or a mixture?"
If the answer is "Non-agriculture" circle code "2" and directly go to question B3
If answer is "Mixture", then ask "Which area is your primary source of income?"
If "Agriculture" is the primary source, circle code "3".
If "Non-agriculture" is the primary source, circle code 4.
If the source of household income is non-agriculture, skip question B2.
Q.1. Is the income of this household from:
2 Agriculture sector
3 Mixture, agriculture as the main source
4 Mixture, non-agriculture as the main source
Question 1: Source of income for this household. Ask: "What was the source of income for this household during the past year?" Circle one of the codes in accordance with the respondent's answer, and transfer the code into the box provided. If code 1 is circled, go to Q.4.
- Agricultural sector: This includes all households whose source of income/livelihood depends solely on working in the agricultural sector or as an agricultural worker; some examples are farmers of food crops or commercial crops, those in animal husbandry or fishery, or those who work as a laborer in agriculture, animal husbandry or fisheries.
- Non-agricultural sector: This includes all households whose source of income/livelihood does not depend on working in agriculture. The source of income/livelihood is from mining and quarrying; manufacturing industries; electricity, gas and water; building/construction; wholesale and retail trade and restaurants and hotels; transportation, storage, and communication; financial and, insurance; rental of buildings and property; and business, community, and social services. Examples: government official/civil servant, military personnel, bank personnel, drivers of commercial vehicles, merchants, teachers, workers.
- Mixed sources with agriculture as the main source: A household that has several sources of income/livelihood, but the majority of the earnings come from the agricultural sector is recorded in this category. Example: Mr. Dadang's household consists of 6 people, that is, Mr. Dadang, his wife, 3 children and 1 cousin. Mr. Dadang works as a custodian at a movie theater, but he also works for Mr. Harja as a laborer in fish processing. His eldest child works as a coconut farmer, while his wife is a food seller. The main source of income for this household comes from the earnings of the eldest child. This household has income from the entertainment industry, agriculture, and manufacturing industry, but the main source of income is from the agricultural sector.
[pg. 44]
- Mixed sources with agriculture not the main source: A household that has several sources of income/livelihood, but the main source of livelihood is not from the agricultural sector, but from building/construction, commerce, transportation, etc., is recorded in this category.
IV. Household information
401. The means of livelihood for this household during the last year
[] 2 Agriculture only
[] 3 Mixture: agriculture the primary means
[] 4 Mixture: non-agriculture the primary means
6.4. Block IV. Household characteristics
This block is used to record the household characteristics, such as household income one year ago, type of physical building, status of residence ownership also other household facilities.
Question 401: Source of household income during the last year
Ask the source of household income during a year ago. Circle the code that is appropriate to the respondent's answer.
Non-agriculture sector: if the household income only depends on a non-agricultural sector such as mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas and water, building/construction, large and retail trade. Also included are: working in restaurants and hotels, transportation, warehouse and communications, finance, insurance, building rentals, land and services establishments, social and community services and others.
Civil servant, military, bank officers, driver, traders, course instructor, and factory workers.
Agriculture sector: the income/livelihood of a household only depends on an agricultural sector or as a farm worker, such as a farmer who cultivates food crops, field crops, livestock, fishermen, farm helper, livestock helper or fishery helper.
Combination, agriculture as the main source: if a household has several income sources, but the major income support of the household is from the agricultural sector.
Mr. Sudin's household consists of Mr. Sudin, his wife and 5 children. Mr. Sudin works as a watch guard in a Cinema Theater and also processes fish. The eldest child is a coconut farmer and the wife sells gado-gado [traditional salad with peanut sauce]. According to Mr. Sudin, the main income source of the household is from the eldest son. This household has income resources from the entertainment services industry, agriculture and trade, but the main source is from agriculture.
Combination, non-agriculture as the main source: if a household has several income sources, but the main income source of the household is from the non- agricultural sector such as from mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas and water, building/construction, large and retail trade. Also included are: working in restaurants and hotels, transportation, warehouse and communications, finance, insurance, building rentals, land and services establishments, social and community services and others.
1. Mr. Danil is a teacher (civil servant) who teaches in the morning at Sumbersari Elementary School. To use his leisure time in the afternoon, Mr. Danil plants cassava on the side of his house. Every 3 months Mr. Danil takes his cassava and sells it to the market. His wife is a dressmaker for children and women. Although the sources of Mr. Danil's income are social and community services, individual services and agriculture, Mr. Danil's main income source is from teaching at Sumbersari Elementary School (social and community services).
2. Mr. Aji works at the Statistic Office in Bogor Regency and his wife is a homemaker. Every Monday to Friday afternoon Mr. Aji works as a driver in city transportation. Besides that, every Saturday and Sunday he sells fruit at the road side of the main road to Puncak. From this example, Mr. Aji has income from social and community services, transportation and trade. Based on Mr. Aji's opinion, his main supportive income source is from working at the Statistic Office in Bogor Regency (social and community services sector).
42. What is the household's main source of livelihood?
[] 2 Subsistence animal husbandry
[] 3 Wages and salaries
[] 4 Owned business enterprise
[] 5 Property income
[] 6 Remittance
[] 7 Pension
[] 8 Humanitarian aid
Q42 "What is the household's main source of livelihood?"
- Only one number can be shaded.
- Shade the number for the source that the respondent says is the most important for the survival of the household. If this source is cut or is not available then the household will find it very difficult to survive.
- If the respondent is uncertain, read the categories aloud.
42. What is the household's main source of livelihood?
[] 2 Subsistence animal husbandry
[] 3 Wages and salaries
[] 4 Owned business enterprise
[] 5 Property income
[] 6 Remittance
[] 7 Pension
[] 8 Humanitarian aid
Q42 "What is the household's main source of livelihood?"
- Only one number can be shaded.
- Shade the number for the source that the respondent says is the most important for the survival of the household. If this source is cut or is not available then the household will find it very difficult to survive.
- If the respondent is uncertain, read the categories aloud.
Household economic activity
(if more than one , tick main)
Is the household involved in-
[] 2 Metal products
[] 3 Leather products
[] 4 Mechanical repairs
[] 5 Brick/tile pottery
[] 6 Food/cash crop processing
[] 7 Embroidery/other crafts
[] 8 None
[] 9 Other (specify)
What is the main source of the household's livelihood-
[] 2 Commercial farming
[] 3 Petty trading
[] 4 Formal trading
[] 5 Cottage industry
[] 6 Property income
[] 7 Employment income
[] 8 Family support
[] 9 Other (specify)
Household Economic Activity
186. As well as the occupations of individual persons in the household which you have described in Question 18 on the first part of the questionnaire, many household are involved in small scale cottage industrial activity. Ask whether the household is engaged in this way and tick the appropriate box. If the household is engaged in more than one kind of activity, tick the main one - the most important to the household - the one which brings in most money - the one on which most time is spent. The following notes may help you:
Metal products - includes black-smithing, forging, and the manufacture of sigiris, tadoobas, pails, buckets, beds, metal cases and trunks etc from scrap metal.
Leather products - includes local treatment and tanning of animal hides and skins and making shoes, suitcases, bags etc, also shoe repairs.
Mechanical repairs - includes garages and workshops for motor and mechanical repairs to such items as coffee hullers, maize mills etc.
Brick/tile/pottery - includes both mechanical methods using modern machines and traditional methods.
Food and cash crop processing - includes such activities as maize-milling, cotton-ginning, and coffee-hulling if done at the household level. Includes also traditional beer brewing (tonto, mulamba, malwa, enguli etc) if done commercially. Includes also the manufacture of animal feeds etc if done at the household level.
Embroidery and other crafts - includes embroidery, knitting, tailoring, bark-cloth making, mat making and basket weaving, jewel manufacturing, carving etc.
None - if the household is not involved in any of the activities described above, tick this box.
Other - if there are other activities, describe them and tick this box.
187. The main source of the household's livelihood may be difficult to decide, for there may be many activities and sources of income. Very often, however, the answer will be clear from the information you have already recorded and from what you have heard in course of the interview. Record the main source. If it is not clear which is the main source, you will have to ask which is the one the members of the household consider most important.
188. The following notes may help you:
Commercial farming - includes all who produce cash crops, engage in forestry or fishing or ranching on a commercial scale. They produce mainly to sell.
Petty trading - includes such activities as operating market stalls, kiosks, selling food, trading in second hand goods, and hawking.
Formal trading enterprise - includes those which operate from shops, warehouses, godowns etc and are involved in retail or wholesale trade or import/export activities. Includes also such businesses as beauty/hair saloons and restaurants.
Cottage industry - includes those households involved in the activities listed in the previous column.
Property income - includes households mainly relying on income from ownership of houses and other assets such as transport, real estate, company shares, government bonds and so on.
Employment income - includes households mainly relying on income earned by members who are employed or who receive pensions.
Family support - includes households relying mainly on remittances in cash or kind from relatives or others living elsewhere.
If the household relies mainly on some other source of livelihood - for example, charity, relief or begging - describe it and tick the box marked "other".
Domestic economy
H22 What is the MAIN source of the household's livelihood?
[] 2 Employment income
[] 3 Business enterprise
[] 4 Cottage industry
[] 5 Property income
[] 6 Family support
[] 7 World food program support
[] 8 Other (specify)
Question H22: Source of Livelihood for the Household?
Ask, "What is the main source of livelihood for the Household?"
254. The main source of the Household's livelihood may be difficult to decide, for there may be many Household members, engaged in different activities and hence different sources of income. Very often, however, the answer will be clear from the information you have already recorded and from what you have heard in the course of the interview.
255. Circle the code of the main source of the Households livelihood. If it is not clear what the main source is, you will have to probe in order to decide on the one the members of the Household consider most important. 256. The following notes may help you:
2. Employment income - includes Households mainly relying on income earned by members who are employed or who receive pensions.
3. Business Enterprise - includes such activities as operating market stalls, kiosks, selling food items, trading in second hand goods, and hawking etc.
4. Cottage industry - includes those Households involved in small scale industries. These are usually Household based, backyard in nature and mainly informal.
5. Property income - this is income in the form of rent from any property e.g land, houses, etc.
6. Family support - includes Households relying mainly on remittances in cash or kind from relatives or others living elsewhere.
7. Others - If the Household relies mainly on some other source of livelihood - for example, charity, relief or begging - describe it and circle the code marked "other".
Source of livelihood
H28 What was the main source of the household's livelihood in the last 12 months?
[] 11 Commercial farming
[] 12 Employment income
[] 13 Business enterprise
[] 14 Cottage industry
[] 15 Property income
[] 16 Family/Friends/Relatives
[] 17 Institutional or program support (e.g. Red Cross, WFP, etc)
[] 18 Sale of assets
[] 96 Other