Questionnaire Text

Mauritius 1990
Mauritius 2000
Mauritius 2011
Mauritius 1990 — source variable MU1990A_LANGHOM — Languages usually spoken at home
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In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990

18 Languages usually spoken ____

State the language usually or most often spoken by the person in his/her home.
For children not yet able to speak, insert the language spoken by the mother.
Consider creole and bhojpuri as languages.
[Stop here for children under 2 years]
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Languages read and written, and school attendance
The answers to the questions help to assess the need for literacy programs for both adults and young school drop-outs.
Column 18
Language usually spoken
Insert the language usually or most often spoken by the person in his/her home. For children not yet able to speak, write the language spoken by the mother.

For a person who cannot speak, write the language usually spoken in the person's home.
Consider creole and bhojpuri as languages.

Mauritius 2000 — source variable MU2000A_LANGHOM — Language usually spoken at home
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[Population census form]

18. Language usually spoken _ _

State the language usually or most often spoken by the person in his/her home. For children not yet able to speak, insert the language spoken by the mother. For a person who cannot speak, write the language usually spoken in his/her home. For census purposes, consider creole, bhojpuri, etc. as languages.

[Stop here for children under 2 years]
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form

Column 18 - Language usually spoken
Insert the language usually or most often spoken by the person in his/her home.
For children not yet able to speak, write the language spoken by the mother.
For a person who cannot speak, write the language usually spoken in the person's home.
For census purposes, consider creole, bhojpuri, etc. as languages

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_LANGHOM — Language usually spoken at home
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Individual form

P19. Language usually spoken

Write the language usually or most often spoken at home. For children not yet able to speak, write the language spoken by the mother ____
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P17, P18 and P19 - Religion, languages of forefathers and language usually spoken
These questions together with others help to determine the size and geographical distribution of different religious and socio-cultural groups. The information is useful to both public and private institutions in the planning of facilities for the religious and socio-cultural development of the different components of the population.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P19- Language usually spoken
[figure omitted]

Write the language usually or most often spoken by the person in his/her home.

For children not yet able to speak: write the language spoken by the mother.

For a person who cannot speak: write the language usually spoken in his/her home.

For census purposes, consider Creole, Bhojpuri, etc. as languages.

[Stop at P19 for children under 2 years of age]