Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
00 | NIU (not in universe) | X | X | X |
01 | Bambara, Malinké, Dioula | X | X | X |
02 | Pulaar, Peulh, Foulfoulbé | X | X | X |
03 | Songhai, Djerma | X | X | X |
04 | Marka, Soninké | X | X | X |
05 | Kassongé | X | X | X |
06 | Senoufo | X | X | X |
07 | Dogon, Kado | X | X | X |
08 | Mauritanian, Maure | X | X | X |
09 | Tamasheq, Bellah | X | X | X |
10 | Bobo, Dafing | X | X | X |
11 | Minianka | X | X | X |
12 | Haussa | X | X | X |
13 | Samogo | X | X | X |
14 | Bozo, Somono | X | X | X |
15 | Other language from Mali | X | X | X |
16 | Arabic | X | X | X |
17 | Other African language | X | X | X |
18 | French | X | · | · |
19 | English | X | · | · |
20 | Other non-African language | X | X | X |
99 | Unknown | X | X | X |
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Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
MTONGML indicates the person's mother tongue: the language spoken in the respondent's infancy or by their mother.
Comparability — General
This variable is generally comparable across samples, aside from the following issues: 1) The 2009 questionnaire defines "mother tongue" as the language usually spoken in the household during the person's infancy, while earlier samples define it explicitly as the language spoken by the person's mother; 2) The universe differs across samples; the 2009 census asked the question of persons age 3+, while earlier censuses restricted this question to persons age 6+; 3) The "French" and "English" categories are present in the 1987 Mali sample but not in later samples; 4) The 2009 census counts Bambara and Malinké as well as Bobo and Dafing as separate languages; this detail is available in the unharmonized source variables.
The everyday language spoken by the person is recorded in the variable LANGML.
- Persons age 6+
- Mali: 1987, 1998, 2009
Questionnaire Text
Mali 1987 |
Mali 1998 |
Mali 2009 |
For individuals 6 years of age and older.
[Questions 14-22]
16. Mother's tongue (maternal language)
This is the second group of questions related to the characteristics of the household members. It relates only to persons aged 6 and older. Put a dash or a hyphen (-) for persons of less than 6 years in questions 14 to 25.
16. Mother's Language
At issue is the language spoken by the mother of the person in question. Put a dash or hyphen for foreigners.
Section B: Individual Characteristics
For persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 16-26]
20. Maternal language
[] 01 Bambara, Malinke
[] 02 Peul, Foulfouble
[] 03 Sonrhai, Djerma
[] 04 Maraka, Soninke
[] 05 Kassonke
[] 06 Senoufo
[] 07 Dogon
[] 08 Mauritanian
[] 09 Tamacheq
[] 10 Bobo Dafing
[] 11 Minianka
[] 12 Haoussa
[] 13 Samogo
[] 14 Bozo
[] 15 Other Malian language
[] 16 Arabic
[] 17 Other African language
[] 18 Other foreign language
[Questions P18-P23 were asked for persons age 3+.]
P22) What is [Name]?s native language?
[] 00 Person not applicable
[] 01 Bambara
[] 02 Malinke
[] 03 Peul/Foulfoulbe
[] 04 Sonrai/Djerma
[] 05 Maraka/Soninke
[] 06 Kassonke
[] 07 Senoufo
[] 08 Dogon
[] 09 Maure
[] 10 Tamacheq
[] 11 Bobo
[] 12 Dafing
[] 13 Minianka
[] 14 Haoussa
[] 15 Samogo
[] 16 Bozo
[] 17 Arab
[] 18 Other Malian languages
[] 19 Other African languages
[] 20 Other foreign languages
The enumerator asks the question: "What is [Name]?s mother tongue?." The mother tongue is the language usually spoken in the household during the person?s infancy. Enter the corresponding response (codes at the bottom of the page of the questionnaire) code. The code "00" is for children who do not yet know how to talk (less than 3 years).
01 = Bambara
02 = Malinké
03 = Peul/Foulfoulbé
04 = Sonrai/Djerma
05 = Maraka/Soninké
06 = Kassonké
07 = Sénoufo
08 = Dogon
09 = Maure
10 = Tamacheq
11 = Bobo
12 = Dafing
13 = Minianka
14 = Haoussa
15 = Samogo
16 = Bozo
17 = Arab
18 = Other Malian languages
19 = Other African languages
20 = Other foreign languages
[Omitted example]
Instructions: The enumerator should not confuse the native language with ethnicity. Indeed, one may be from an ethnic group without speaking the language of this ethnic group.