Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
01 | Bambara, Malinké, Dioula | 287,473 |
02 | Pulaar (Peulh, Foulfoulbé) | 69,510 |
03 | Songhai, Djerma | 39,427 |
04 | Marka (Maraka), Soninké | 39,678 |
05 | Kassongé | 8,133 |
06 | Senoufo | 17,054 |
07 | Dogon, Kado | 42,853 |
08 | Mauritanian [Maure] | 8,868 |
09 | Tamasheq, Bellah | 26,277 |
10 | Bobo, Dafing | 15,003 |
11 | Minianka | 25,205 |
12 | Haussa | 246 |
13 | Samogo | 3,199 |
14 | Bozo, Somono | 12,524 |
15 | Other language from Mali | 3,567 |
16 | Other African language | 2,840 |
17 | French | 177 |
18 | Arabic | 2,345 |
19 | English | 33 |
20 | Other non-African language (foreign language) | 99 |
98 | Unknown | 3,009 |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | 177,864 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable identifies the mother tongue of each person.
- Mali 1987: Persons age 6+
- Mali: 1987
Integrated variables
