Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
Kailahun | ||
011003 | Jawie | X |
011004 | Kissi Kama | X |
011005 | Kissi Teng | X |
011006 | Kissi Tongi | X |
011007 | Kpeje Bongre | X |
011008 | Kpeje West | X |
011009 | Luawa | X |
011010 | Malema | X |
011011 | Mandu, Dea | X |
011012 | Njaluahun, Jahn | X |
011013 | Penguia | X |
011014 | Upper Bambara | X |
011015 | Yawei | X |
Kenema | ||
012001 | Dama, Gaura | X |
012002 | Dodo | X |
012004 | Gorama Mende | X |
012005 | Kandu Leppiama, Simbaru | X |
012006 | Koya, Niawa, Langrama | X |
012008 | Lower Bambara | X |
012009 | Malegohun | X |
012012 | Nongowa | X |
012014 | Small Bo | X |
Code | Label |
012015 | Tunkia, Nomo | X |
012016 | Wandor | X |
012091 | Kenema Town | X |
Kono | ||
013001 | Fiama, Tankoro | X |
013002 | Gbane, Gorama Kono | X |
013006 | Kamara, Gbense | X |
013007 | Lei, Toli | X |
013008 | Mafindor, Gbane Kandor | X |
013009 | Nimikoro | X |
013010 | Nimiyama | X |
013011 | Sandor | X |
013012 | Soa | X |
013091 | Koidu Town | X |
Bombali | ||
021001 | Biriwa, Magbaimba Ndorh, Kamaranka | X |
021002 | Bombali Sebora, Bombali Siaray, Mara | X |
021004 | Gbanti | X |
021008 | Makari | X |
021010 | N'gowahun, Gbendembu | X |
021012 | Safroko Limba, Paki Masabong | X |
021091 | Makeni Town | X |
Falaba | ||
022001 | Delemandugu | X |
Code | Label |
022003 | Dembelia Sikunia | X |
022004 | Folosaba, Dembelia | X |
022008 | Mongo, Morifindugu | X |
022010 | Neya, Kulor Saradu, Nyedu | X |
022012 | Sulima, Kebelia | X |
022013 | Barawa Wollay, Kamadu Yiraia | X |
Koinadugu | ||
023001 | Diang | X |
023003 | Kalian | X |
023005 | Kasunko Kakellian, Gbonkobon Kayaka, Tamiso | X |
023006 | Nieni | X |
023007 | Sengbe | X |
023009 | Wara Wara Bafodia, Kamukeh | X |
023010 | Wara Wara Yagal | X |
Tonkolili | ||
024001 | Dansogoia, Kalanthuba | X |
024005 | Kholifa Mabang, Malal | X |
024007 | Kholifa Rowala, Kholifa Mamuntha/ Mayosso | X |
024008 | Kunike Barina | X |
024009 | Kunike Follawusu | X |
024010 | Kunike Sanda | X |
024012 | Mayeppoh, Poli | X |
024014 | Sambaya | X |
024015 | Simiria, Kafe | X |
024016 | Tane | X |
Code | Label |
024017 | Yele, Gbonkolenken | X |
024018 | Yoni Mbanta | X |
024019 | Yoni Mamailla | X |
Kambia | ||
031001 | Bramaia, Khonimaka | X |
031003 | Gbinle, Dixing | X |
031005 | Magbema | X |
031006 | Mambolo | X |
031008 | Tala Munu, Masungbala | X |
031009 | Samu | X |
031010 | Tonko Limba | X |
Karene | ||
032002 | Dibia, Safroko | X |
032006 | Romende, Buya | X |
032008 | Sanda Loko | X |
032009 | Sanda Magbolontor, Gbanti | X |
032010 | Sanda Tendaran, Libeisygahun Gombagu, Mafonda Makerembay | X |
032011 | Sella Limba | X |
032013 | Tambakha Yobangie, Tambakha Simibuie | X |
Port Loko | ||
033001 | Bakeh Loko | X |
033002 | Bureh, Kasseh, Makonteh | X |
033003 | Kaffu Bullom | X |
033004 | Kamasondo | X |
Code | Label |
033006 | Koya | X |
033007 | Lokomasama | X |
033009 | Maforki | X |
033010 | Marampa | X |
033012 | Masimera | X |
033013 | Thainkatopa, Makama | X |
Bo | ||
041002 | Bagbo | X |
041003 | Bagbwe, Niawa Lenga | X |
041004 | Boama | X |
041005 | Bongor, Wonde, Jaiama | X |
041006 | Bumpe Ngao | X |
041009 | Kakua | X |
041010 | Komboya, Badjia | X |
041011 | Lugbu | X |
041014 | Tikonko | X |
041015 | Valunia, Selenga, Gbo | X |
041091 | Bo Town | X |
Bonthe | ||
042002 | Bum, Kwamebai Krim | X |
042004 | Imperri, Bendu-Cha | X |
042005 | Jong | X |
042008 | Nongoba Bullom, Yawbeko | X |
042009 | Sittia, Bonthe Urban, Dema | X |
Code | Label |
042010 | Sogbeni, Kpanda Kemo | X |
Moyamba | ||
043001 | Bagruwa, Timdale | X |
043002 | Bumpeh | X |
043003 | Dasse, Kamajei, Kowa | X |
043004 | Fakunya | X |
043005 | Kagboro | X |
043006 | Kaiyamba | X |
043009 | Kori | X |
043011 | Lower Banta, Upper Banta | X |
043012 | Ribbi, Kongbora | X |
Pujehun | ||
044001 | Barri | X |
044002 | Galliness | X |
044004 | Kpaka, Yakemu Kpukumu krim, Mono Sakrim | X |
044005 | Makpele | X |
044006 | Malen | X |
044008 | Panga, Panga Krim | X |
044011 | Perri | X |
044012 | Soro Gbema | X |
044013 | Sowa, Pejeh(Futa Pejeh), Kabonde | X |
Western Rural | ||
051001 | Koya Rural | X |
051002 | Mountain Rural | X |
Code | Label |
051003 | Waterloo Rural | X |
051004 | York Rural | X |
Western Urban | ||
052001 | Central I | X |
052002 | Central II | X |
052003 | East I | X |
052004 | East II | X |
052005 | East III | X |
052006 | West I | X |
052007 | West II | X |
052008 | West III | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
GEO2ALT_ SL2015 identifies the household's chiefdom within Sierra Leone in 2015. Chiefdoms are the second level administrative units of the country, after districts. A GIS map (in shapefile format), corresponding to GEO2ALT_ SL2015 can be downloaded from the GIS Boundary files page in the IPUMS International web site.
The full set of geography variables for Sierra Leone can be found in the IPUMS International Geography variables list. For cross-national geographic analysis on the first and second major administrative level of any country refer to GEOLEV1, and GEOLEV2. More information on IPUMS-International geography can be found here.
Comparability — General
Sierra Leone adopted new geography boundaries in 2017, following the 2015 census. GEO2ALT_ SL2015 corresponds to these new geography boundaries. GEO2_SL2015 displays boundaries that are at par with the older 2004 boundaries.
Chiefdoms with populations less than 20,000 (based on the most recent sample year) were regionalized (combined) with neighboring chiefdoms within the same district to create units with populations greater than 20,000.
- All households
- Sierra Leone: 2015