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Department of birth, Bolivia; [Level 1: consistent boundaries, GIS]

Questionnaire Text

Bolivia 1976
Bolivia 1992
Bolivia 2001
Bolivia 2012
Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_BRTHPLC — Province or country of birth
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A. General Information

For all individuals regardless of age (including newborn infants)
[Questions 1-8 were asked of all persons.]

5. Where were you born?

If born in this same locality, mark "Here," if born in another place, first write as concretely as possible the locality and then the province and department. If born outside of Bolivia write only the name of the country.

[] Here

____ Other locality
____ Province
____ Department or other country

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Question 5. Where were you born?

Mark "Here" if a person was born in the locality where they are enumerated.

In the contrary case, write the name of the locality, providence, and department where they were born.

If born abroad, write down only the name of the country.

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_BPLDEP — Department of birth
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7. Where were you born?
If born in this place or locality, mark Here. If born in another place within the country, list the department, province and locality. If born abroad, list the year of arrival in Bolivia and the country of birth.

[] Here

In another place within the country:

____ Department
____ Province
____ Locality


____ Year of arrival
____ Country

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Question 7. Where were you born?

You will mark the circle "Here" with an X when the person being enumerated was born in the place where they are being enumerated. Otherwise, the name of the Department, Province, and Locality where the person was born will be written on the corresponding lines.

If the person was born outside the country, record the year of arrival in Bolivia and the name of the country of birth in the corresponding space.

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_DEPTBRTH — Department of birth
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Chapter D. For all individuals (Request the presence of those people who slept in this dwelling, including [explicitly both male and female] children.)
[Questions 27-34 were asked of all persons.]

34. Where were you born?

[] 1 Here - Go on to Chapter E
[] 2 In another place within the country:

____ City or locality
____ Municipality (Province Section)
____ Province
____ Department

[] 1 Chuquisaca
[] 2 La Paz
[] 3 Cochabamba
[] 4 Oruro
[] 5 Potosí
[] 6 Tarija
[] 7 Santa Cruz
[] 8 Beni
[] 9 Pando

[] 3 Abroad:

____ Country
____ Year of arrival in Bolivia - Go on to Chapter E

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Chapter D. For all persons

From this question [question 27] onwards, each person who spent the night prior to the census day in this dwelling should be interviewed individually. The presence of all persons, including children, should be requested.

If the person is younger than 7 years of age or if he cannot make himself understood, his presence should be requested but the information should be provided by the father, mother, or another adult. This person should be present for the duration of the interview.

Question 34. Where were you born?

For example:

Pedro is a priest who lives in Sucre. He was born in Argentina and arrived in Bolivia in 1987.

The form is filled out in this way:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with the above information filled in.]

[p. 62]

1. If the person was born in the place where the enumeration is taking place, the oval, "Here" is filled in and the enumerator will proceed to Chapter E.

2. If the person was born "In another place in the country", the same procedure as in question 33 is followed.

3. If the person was born "Abroad", the corresponding oval is filled in, the "Name of the country" is recorded, and the enumerator will proceed to Chapter E.

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_BORNHERE — Born here
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Chapter D. For all individuals (Request the presence of those people who slept in this dwelling, including [explicitly both male and female] children.)
[Questions 27-34 were asked of all persons.]

34. Where were you born?

[] 1 Here - Go on to Chapter E
[] 2 In another place within the country:

____ City or locality
____ Municipality (Province Section)
____ Province
____ Department

[] 1 Chuquisaca
[] 2 La Paz
[] 3 Cochabamba
[] 4 Oruro
[] 5 Potosí
[] 6 Tarija
[] 7 Santa Cruz
[] 8 Beni
[] 9 Pando

[] 3 Abroad:

____ Country
____ Year of arrival in Bolivia - Go on to Chapter E

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Chapter D. For all persons

From this question [question 27] onwards, each person who spent the night prior to the census day in this dwelling should be interviewed individually. The presence of all persons, including children, should be requested.

If the person is younger than 7 years of age or if he cannot make himself understood, his presence should be requested but the information should be provided by the father, mother, or another adult. This person should be present for the duration of the interview.

Question 34. Where were you born?

For example:

Pedro is a priest who lives in Sucre. He was born in Argentina and arrived in Bolivia in 1987.

The form is filled out in this way:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with the above information filled in.]

[p. 62]

1. If the person was born in the place where the enumeration is taking place, the oval, "Here" is filled in and the enumerator will proceed to Chapter E.

2. If the person was born "In another place in the country", the same procedure as in question 33 is followed.

3. If the person was born "Abroad", the corresponding oval is filled in, the "Name of the country" is recorded, and the enumerator will proceed to Chapter E.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_BPLDEPT — Department of birth
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F1. For all people

32. Where were you born?

[] 1 Here [Go to question 33]
[] 2 Elsewhere in this country
____ City or community
____ Municipality
____ Department
[] 3 Abroad
Name of country ____
Year of arrival in Bolivia _ _ _ _
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Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

Internal migration and international immigration
Internal migration refers to people's migratory movements within the country's borders. International immigration refers to immigration from other countries to Bolivia.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_BPL — Birthplace
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F1. For all people

32. Where were you born?

[] 1 Here [Go to question 33]
[] 2 Elsewhere in this country
____ City or community
____ Municipality
____ Department
[] 3 Abroad
Name of country ____
Year of arrival in Bolivia _ _ _ _
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Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

32. Place of birth
The question about place of birth has the following multiple-choice options:

- Here. If the place of birth is in the place where the census interview is occurring.
- Elsewhere in this country. If the place of birth is in this country but not the same as the place where the census interview is occurring. In this case, on the appropriate lines, indicate the name of the city or community, name of the municipality, and the name of the regional department in which the person was born.
- Abroad. In this case, note down the answer in the appropriate circle; then write the name of the country of birth and the year of arrival in Bolivia.