Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
011 | Kayes | 26,578 |
012 | Bafoulabé | 13,680 |
013 | Diéma | 10,054 |
014 | Kéniéba | 10,219 |
015 | Kita | 24,650 |
016 | Nioro | 16,527 |
017 | Yélimané | 9,268 |
021 | Koulikoro | 14,175 |
022 | Banamba | 12,514 |
023 | Dioila | 23,224 |
024 | Kangaba | 6,280 |
025 | Kati | 35,232 |
026 | Kolokani | 16,240 |
027 | Nara | 17,149 |
031 | Sikasso | 36,070 |
032 | Bougouni | 23,052 |
033 | Kadiolo | 8,568 |
034 | Kolondiéba | 9,829 |
035 | Koutiala | 27,329 |
036 | Yanfolila | 11,880 |
037 | Yorosso | 9,287 |
041 | Ségou | 43,880 |
042 | Baraouéli | 14,065 |
043 | Bla | 14,887 |
044 | Macina | 15,548 |
Code | Label |
045 | Niono | 12,644 |
046 | San | 22,751 |
047 | Tominian | 13,916 |
051 | Mopti | 22,422 |
052 | Bandiagara | 21,248 |
053 | Bankass | 15,843 |
054 | Djénné | 13,647 |
055 | Douentza | 17,336 |
056 | Koro | 21,589 |
057 | Ténenkou | 11,569 |
058 | Youvarou | 8,037 |
061 | Tombouctou | 8,369 |
062 | Diré | 9,557 |
063 | Goundam | 13,548 |
064 | Gourma Rharous | 9,957 |
065 | Niafunké | 12,945 |
071 | Gao | 14,323 |
072 | Ansongo | 7,956 |
073 | Bourem | 9,096 |
074 | Kidal | 2,965 |
075 | Ménaka | 5,297 |
081 | Bamako | 42,967 |
101 | Guinea | 2,026 |
102 | Ivory Coast | 5,326 |
103 | Burkina Faso | 2,694 |
Code | Label |
104 | Niger | 455 |
105 | Mauritania | 1,936 |
106 | Algeria | 47 |
107 | Senegal | 1,313 |
108 | Ghana | 215 |
109 | Other African country | 886 |
110 | France | 324 |
111 | United States of America | 17 |
112 | China | 13 |
113 | U.S.S.R (Russia) | 34 |
114 | Other country in the world | 152 |
999 | Unknown | 1,779 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable identifies the place of birth: province or country for each person.
- Mali 1987: All persons
- Mali: 1987
Questionnaire Text
8. Place of birth (district [cercle] or country)
8. Place of Birth (province or country)
This purpose of this question is to find out the place of birth of the members of the household. To do this, ask a question like "where was this person born," (try to figure out the province) and write the answer given in column 8.
a. Write the name of the province of birth if the individual was born in Mali. But be careful: If a person gives you the name of a town make sure you know which administrative province in Mali this town is in before you write it down.
b. If the individual was born outside of Mali, write the name of the country of birth (Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, France, etc...)
b. If the individual was born outside of Mali, write the name of the country of birth (Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, France, etc...)
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Practical example: Mamadou DIARRA was born in the village of Togoye in the district of Taga, in the province of Djenné in the region of Mopti.
The province of birth is Djenné, and this is what you write in column 8.