Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | University, college | 17,445 |
2 | Non-university education at the 3rd level | 3,174 |
3 | Higher vocational school | 17,542 |
4 | Higher general secondary school | 25,786 |
5 | Intermediate vocational school | 62,652 |
6 | Apprenticeship | 164,414 |
7 | Compulsory secondary school | 313,772 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 151,771 |
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This variable indicates the person's level of highest education completed.
- Austria 1981: Persons age 15+
- Austria: 1981
Questionnaire Text
(9) Education: (Provide information for complete educational background)
(a) Compulsory school (for example community college, secondary school (public school), special school, lower levels of advanced schooling, or polytechnic training)
[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
(b) Apprenticeship with final examination for general, sales clerk (customer service), chamber of commerce, or skilled laborer certificate, with vocational school (continuing education or trade school)
[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished
What profession?
[] Unfinished
What profession?
(c) Technical College (= without Matura)
[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Which technical college? (For example trade school, school for hotel management, electrical engineering school, etc. ____
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Which technical college? (For example trade school, school for hotel management, electrical engineering school, etc. ____
(d) High School Abitur
[Abitur is the school-leaving exam, reserved for the secondary schools that prepare students for post-secondary education at a university]
[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Type of school (Course specialization). For example: Gymnasium, Realschule, HTL for machine construction, business academy, etc. ____
[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Type of school (Course specialization). For example: Gymnasium, Realschule, HTL for machine construction, business academy, etc. ____
[Gymnasium is like a high school, but only selected students attend the school, although public. It prepares students for college. A Realschule is for those students who were not accepted into the Gymnasium system and is considered an intermediary-level education (like junior high school).]
(e) University, College, Academy
[] Completed (with diploma or certificate)
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Which (Faculty/ Department)? ____
Area of Study (Major, Concentration) ____
[] Unfinished/ uncompleted
Which (Faculty/ Department)? ____
Area of Study (Major, Concentration) ____
For Question 9, Education:
This question must be answered by all persons who are 15 years of age and older. This question is constructed so that all levels of education can be assessed.
[p. 27]
Sub-question a (compulsory school) serves only as a control question. You should be able to mark each person over the age of 15 with "completed".
Sub-question b applies to the education as an apprentice. The attendance of a professional school (winter school, continuing education school, trade school) is included therewith and should not be stated again in sub-question c. "Completed" is marked, for those who have passed the apprentices' (journeymen's) final examination.
For sub-question c the attendance of technical schools (examples on the persons sheet) should be given. These are schools that can be attended following compulsory school or in place of a poly-technical apprenticeship. It is not completed with a Matura [no English translation--final examination for preparatory school; required for entrance into college]. For the interpretation [of statistics] at the Statistic Central Office, continuing education courses, foreman courses and others are not taken into consideration. In case of doubt, it is better to give the school attended. With help from a reference book, you can easily leave the unmentioned training unaddressed for the processing. As was mentioned above, professional schools, continuing education schools, and similar, which guide the practical professional training as an apprentice, should not be marked in sub-question c.
For sub-question d, training should be marked that leads to school leaving exams (Matura). Apprentices whose attendance assumes a predetermined school leaving exam, should be marked in sub-question e.
"Completed" is only marked, when all prescribed final exams of the corresponding education are completed on May 12th, 1981 or the diploma has already been issued.
"Not completed": These boxes have in first place the function to check the training programs that have been thoroughly completed. The boxes should therefore be marked, when a training program is started, although not--or not yet--completed.