Source Variables

Some unharmonized variables may not be available.

Variable Label
Type Sample
AR1970A_ECONACT Employment status P Argentina 1970
AR1980A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Argentina 1980
AR1991A_EMPSTAT Activity status P Argentina 1991
AR2001A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Argentina 2001
AR2010A_WK1HR Worked at least 1 hour last week P Argentina 2010
AR2010A_WKINF Informal work last week P Argentina 2010
AR2010A_WKAWAY Did not work but had work P Argentina 2010
AR2010A_WKLOOK Looked for work last 4 weeks P Argentina 2010
AM2001A_WORKED Had a job the week before the census P Armenia 2001
AM2001A_LOOKWK Searched for work P Armenia 2001
AM2001A_LOOKFIR Looking for work the first time P Armenia 2001
AM2011A_WKLSTWK Job or income-producing business P Armenia 2011
AM2011A_LOOKWK Looked for work during last 4 weeks P Armenia 2011
AM2011A_FIRSTWK Seeking first job P Armenia 2011
AT1971A_EMPSTL Activity status (livelihood concept) P Austria 1971
AT1981A_EMPSTL Activity status (livelihood concept) P Austria 1981
AT1991A_EMPSTL Activity status (livelihood concept) P Austria 1991
AT2001A_EMPST Activity status (labor force concept) P Austria 2001
AT2011A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Austria 2011
BD1991A_IND Industry P Bangladesh 1991
BD2001A_IND Main work field P Bangladesh 2001
BD2011A_EMPSTAT Activity status P Bangladesh 2011
BY1999A_WORK Did person have a job or business? P Belarus 1999
BY1999A_LOOKING Did person look for a job? P Belarus 1999
BY1999A_WHYNOT Reason for not looking for a job P Belarus 1999
BY2009A_EMPLOY Employment during the week before the census P Belarus 2009
BY2009A_SEEKWORK Search for employment during the previous month P Belarus 2009
BY2009A_WHYNOWK Reason for not seeking employment P Belarus 2009
BJ1979A_ACTIVITY Type of activity (last month) P Benin 1979
BJ1992A_ACTIVITY Type of activity (last 3 months) P Benin 1992
BJ2002A_ACTIVITY Economic activity (in the last 3 months) P Benin 2002
BJ2013A_ACTIVITY Economic activity (last 3 months) P Benin 2013
BO1976A_EMPSTAT Activity last week P Bolivia 1976
BO1992A_WORKED Worked last week P Bolivia 1992
BO2001A_WKRLSTWK Worked last week P Bolivia 2001
BO2001A_NONWORK1 Nonwork activity 1 P Bolivia 2001
BO2001A_NONWORK2 Nonwork activity 2 P Bolivia 2001
BO2012A_WORK Worked last week P Bolivia 2012
BO2012A_WORK2 Activity last week P Bolivia 2012
BW1991A_EMPSTAT Working status P Botswana 1991
BW2001A_WORK Working status during the past 7 days P Botswana 2001
BW2001A_INACTIVE Activity if not working in the past 7 days P Botswana 2001
BW2011A_EMPIND Employment status since Independence Day 2010 P Botswana 2011
BR1960A_NONECOAC Non-economic activity P Brazil 1960
BR1960A_WORKWEEK Occupation last week P Brazil 1960
BR1970A_ACTIVITY Employment situation P Brazil 1970
BR1970A_OCCWEEK Occupation last week P Brazil 1970
BR1980A_EMPSTAT Current activity P Brazil 1980
BR1991A_WORK Worked during all or some of the last 12 months P Brazil 1991
BR1991A_OCCUCOND Condition of activities P Brazil 1991
BR2000A_WRKWEEK Had remunerated work last week P Brazil 2000
BR2000A_OFFWEEK Had work but was off last week P Brazil 2000
BR2000A_UNPAID Unpaid non-farm household or apprentice work last week P Brazil 2000
BR2000A_AGWORK Unpaid farm labor last week P Brazil 2000
BR2000A_SUBSIST Grew crops to feed household last week P Brazil 2000
BR2000A_FINDWK Efforts to find work P Brazil 2000
BR2010A_WKLSTWK Paid work last week (for at least one hour) P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_PAIDAWAY Paid work last week while temporarily away from that job P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_WKNOPAY Unpaid work for other resident last week (for at least one hour) P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_IND Industry of work from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_SEEKWORK Looked for job from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BF1985A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Burkina Faso 1985
BF1996A_EMPSTAT Occupational status P Burkina Faso 1996
BF2006A_EMPSTAT Occupational status P Burkina Faso 2006
KH1998A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Cambodia 1998
KH2004A_ACTIVITY Main activity in the last year P Cambodia 2004
KH2008A_EMPSTAT Activity status P Cambodia 2008
KH2013A_ACTIVITY Main activity (last year) P Cambodia 2013
KH2019A_ACTIVITY Main activity last year P Cambodia 2019
CM1976A_EMPSTAT Activity situation P Cameroon 1976
CM1987A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Cameroon 1987
CM2005A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Cameroon 2005
CA1971A_EMPSTAT Labour force status P Canada 1971
CA1981A_EMPSTAT71 Labour force activity (based on 1971 definition) P Canada 1981
CA1991A_EMPSTAT Labour force activity P Canada 1991
CA2001A_LFACTP Labour force activity - in reference week P Canada 2001
CA2011A_EMPSTAT Labor force status during reference week P Canada 2011
CL1960A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Chile 1960
CL1970A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Chile 1970
CL1982A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Chile 1982
CL1992A_EMPSTAT Employment status in previous week P Chile 1992
CL2002A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Chile 2002
CL2017A_EMPSTAT Worked last week P Chile 2017
CN1982A_OCC Occupation P China 1982
CN1982A_NONWORK Status of non-working person P China 1982
CN1990A_OCC Occupation P China 1990
CN1990A_UNEMPST Non-employment status P China 1990
CO1964A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Colombia 1964
CO1964A_SEEKWORK Looked for work P Colombia 1964
CO1973A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Colombia 1973
CO1985A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Colombia 1985
CO1993A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Colombia 1993
CO2005A_EMPSTAT Type of work that he/she did last week P Colombia 2005
CR1963A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Costa Rica 1963
CR1973A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Costa Rica 1973
CR1984A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Costa Rica 1984
CR2000A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Costa Rica 2000
CR2011A_WKLSTWK Worked last week P Costa Rica 2011
CR2011A_UNEMP Unemployed and inactive persons P Costa Rica 2011
CU2002A_EMPSTAT Job status P Cuba 2002
CU2012A_EMPSTAT Job status P Cuba 2012
CI1988A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Côte d'Ivoire 1988
CI1998A_EMPSTAT Type of activity P Côte d'Ivoire 1998
DO1960A_ECONACT Economic activity P Dominican Republic 1960
DO1960A_CLASSWKR Status in employment P Dominican Republic 1960
DO1970A_ECONACT Economic activity P Dominican Republic 1970
DO1981A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Dominican Republic 1981
DO2002A_ECONACT Economic activity P Dominican Republic 2002
DO2010A_EMPSTAT Economic activity of individual P Dominican Republic 2010
EC1962A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ecuador 1962
EC1974A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ecuador 1974
EC1982A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ecuador 1982
EC1990A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ecuador 1990
EC2001A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ecuador 2001
EC2010A_EMPSTAT Activity performed last week P Ecuador 2010
EC2010A_UNEMPSTAT Activity of the unemployed P Ecuador 2010
EG1986A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Egypt 1986
EG1996A_EMPSTAT Work status P Egypt 1996
EG2006A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Egypt 2006
SV1992A_EMPSTAT Employment status P El Salvador 1992
SV2007A_EMPSTAT Status in economic activity P El Salvador 2007
ET2007A_ACTW2MO Economic activity (for most of last 2 months) P Ethiopia 2007
FJ1976A_EMPSTAT Employment status in past week P Fiji 1976
FJ1986A_EMPSTAT Type of activity last week P Fiji 1986
FJ1996A_WORK Activity in the past week P Fiji 1996
FJ1996A_SUBSIST Subsistence P Fiji 1996
FJ1996A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Fiji 1996
FJ2007A_WKLASTWK Person did any work last week P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_LOOKWORK Looking for work last week P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_NONACTIV Reason not looking for work P Fiji 2007
FJ2014A_WORK Work last week P Fiji 2014
FJ2014A_WKLOOK Actively looking for work P Fiji 2014
FJ2014A_WKREAS Reason for not looking for work P Fiji 2014
FI2010A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Finland 2010
FR1962A_EMPSTAT Type of activity P France 1962
FR1968A_UNEMP Unemployment duration P France 1968
FR1968A_EMPSTAT Employment status P France 1968
FR1975A_EMPSTAT Employment status P France 1975
FR1975A_DURUNEMP Duration of unemployment P France 1975
FR1982A_EMPSTAT Type of activity P France 1982
FR1990A_EMPSTAT Employment status P France 1990
FR1999A_EMPSTAT Type of employment activity P France 1999
FR1999A_OCCTY Socio-professional category P France 1999
FR2006A_SOCIO24 Socio-professional category (2-digit) P France 2006
FR2006A_ACTIVTY Type of activity P France 2006
FR2011A_EMPSTAT Employment status P France 2011
DE1970A_ECON Economically active P Germany 1970
DE1970A_UNEMP Unemployed / seeking work P Germany 1970
DE1987A_EMPSTAT Employment indicator P Germany 1987
GH1984A_EMPSTAT Activity during past week P Ghana 1984
GH2000A_EMPSTAT Unemployment status P Ghana 2000
GH2010A_WHYNOWK Reason for not seeking work P Ghana 2010
GH2010A_ECONACT Economic activity P Ghana 2010
GR1971A_EMPSTAT Employment status previous week P Greece 1971
GR1981A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Greece 1981
GR1991A_EMPSTAT Occupation during the previous week P Greece 1991
GR2001A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Greece 2001
GR2011A_EMPSTAT Employment status during last week P Greece 2011
GT1964A_WORKED Worked (last four weeks) P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_WKLOOK Looked for work (last four weeks) P Guatemala 1964
GT1964A_ACTIVITY Inactive population (last 4 weeks) P Guatemala 1964
GT1973A_ACTIVITY Type of activity during last week P Guatemala 1973
GT1981A_ACTIVITY Economic activity last week P Guatemala 1981
GT1994A_ACTIVITY Type of activity last week P Guatemala 1994
GT2002A_WORK Worked last week P Guatemala 2002
GT2002A_ACTIVITY Activity last week P Guatemala 2002
GN1983A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Guinea 1983
GN1996A_EMPSTAT Economic activity status P Guinea 1996
GN2014A_EMPSTAT Activity status (last week) P Guinea 2014
HT1971A_EMPSTAT Main activity during the last six months P Haiti 1971
HT1982A_EMPSTAT Type of work (last 12 months) P Haiti 1982
HT2003A_EMPLSTAT Terms of occupation P Haiti 2003
HN1961A_EMPSTAT Economic activity in the reference year P Honduras 1961
HN1974A_ACTIVITY Economic activity in the previous week P Honduras 1974
HN1988A_ACTIVITY Economic activity in the last week P Honduras 1988
HN2001A_WORK Worked last week P Honduras 2001
HN2001A_ACTIVITY Activity last week P Honduras 2001
HN2001A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Honduras 2001
HU1990A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Hungary 1990
HU2001A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Hungary 2001
HU2011A_EMPSTAT Current activity status P Hungary 2011
ID1971A_WKWEEK Worked last week P Indonesia 1971
ID1971A_ACTIVITY Activity last week P Indonesia 1971
ID1971A_EVERWORK Ever worked before P Indonesia 1971
ID1976A_EMPSTAT Primary activity during past week P Indonesia 1976
ID1976A_WORKED Worked one or more hours during past week P Indonesia 1976
ID1980A_ACTIVITY Primary activity during the previous week P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_WORKWEEK Worked last week P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_ABSENTWK Holds a job but absent during the previous week P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_EVERWORK Ever worked P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_SEEKWORK Looked for work during the previous week P Indonesia 1980
ID1980A_REASNOWK Primary reason for not seeking work during the previous week P Indonesia 1980
ID1985A_ACTIVITY Primary activity last week P Indonesia 1985
ID1985A_WORKWEEK Worked at least 1 hour last week P Indonesia 1985
ID1985A_NOTWORK Temporarily not working last week P Indonesia 1985
ID1985A_EVERWORK Ever worked before P Indonesia 1985
ID1985A_LOOKWORK Looked for work last week P Indonesia 1985
ID1990A_ACTIVITY Primary activity during previous week P Indonesia 1990
ID1990A_WORKED Worked at least 1 hour last week P Indonesia 1990
ID1990A_JOBNOWK Has job but did not work last week P Indonesia 1990
ID1990A_EVERWORK Ever worked before P Indonesia 1990
ID1990A_LOOKWORK Looked for work during the previous week P Indonesia 1990
ID1990A_REASLOOK Main reason for not looking for work during the previous week P Indonesia 1990
ID1995A_ACTIVITY Primary activity in the previous week P Indonesia 1995
ID1995A_WORK1HR Worked for at least one hour P Indonesia 1995
ID1995A_ABSENTWK Held a job but temporarily absent P Indonesia 1995
ID1995A_SEEKWORK Looking for work P Indonesia 1995
ID1995A_REASNOWK Primary reason for not seeking work P Indonesia 1995
ID1995A_MARRNUM Number of marriages P Indonesia 1995
ID2010A_ECONACT Working P Indonesia 2010
ID2010A_TEMPWORK Temporarily not working P Indonesia 2010
ID2010A_SEEKWORK Seeking work P Indonesia 2010
ID2010A_WILLWORK Available for work P Indonesia 2010
IR2006A_EMPSTAT Work status P Iran 2006
IR2011A_EMPSTAT Employment in the past 7 days P Iran 2011
IR2011A_WKSEARCH Job search in the past 30 days P Iran 2011
IQ1997A_EMPSTAT Labor force status P Iraq 1997
IE1971A_CLASSWK Class of worker, employment status P Ireland 1971
IE1981A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ireland 1981
IE1986A_EMPSTAT Present status P Ireland 1986
IE1991A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ireland 1991
IE1996A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ireland 1996
IE2002A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ireland 2002
IE2006A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ireland 2006
IE2011A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ireland 2011
IE2016A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Ireland 2016
IL1972A_EMPSTAT In the labor force last week P Israel 1972
IL1995A_EMPSTAT Belong to weekly labor force P Israel 1995
IL2008A_CIVWRK1 Part of a weekly civil labor force P Israel 2008
IT2001A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WORKED Worked one or more hours of paid work, or as contributing family worker P Italy 2001
IT2001A_WORKEDOCT Worked during the week of 14 to 20 October P Italy 2001
IT2011A_ACTIVITY Employment status last week P Italy 2011
IT2011A_WORK Worked at least 1 hour last week P Italy 2011
IT2011A_WKABS Absent from job last week P Italy 2011
JM1982A_EMPSTAT Economic situation during the past week P Jamaica 1982
JM1991A_IND Economic activity last week P Jamaica 1991
JM2001A_WORK1HR Worked for at least an hour last week P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_FARMING Farming, buying or selling last week P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_ODDJOB Odd job/hustling last week P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_ACTIVITY Activity last week P Jamaica 2001
JO2004A_WORK Worked during the week that ended in October 1, 2004 P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_EMPSTAT Economic situation P Jordan 2004
KE1989A_EMPSTAT Activity status P Kenya 1989
KE1999A_CLASSWKR Class of worker P Kenya 1999
KE2009A_EMPSTAT Economic activity in the last 7 days P Kenya 2009
KG1999A_OCC Main activity P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_WKLOOK Looking for a job P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG2009A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Kyrgyzstan 2009
KG2009A_LOOKWK Looking for work P Kyrgyzstan 2009
LA1995A_ACTIVITY Main activity in the last 12 months P Laos 1995
LA2005A_ACTIVITY Main activity the last 12 months P Laos 2005
LA2015A_ACTIVITY Main activity in the last 12 months P Laos 2015
LS1996A_ACTIVITY Employment status last week P Lesotho 1996
LS2006A_ACTIVITY Economic activity in the last week P Lesotho 2006
LR2008A_EMPSTAT Activity status P Liberia 2008
MW1987A_ACTIVITY Activity status last week P Malawi 1987
MW1998A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Malawi 1998
MW2008A_EMPSTAT Economically active P Malawi 2008
MW2008A_NOWORK Reason for not working P Malawi 2008
MW2008A_SUBSIST Subsistence work P Malawi 2008
MW2008A_LOOKING Looking for work P Malawi 2008
MY1970A_ACTIV Type of economic activity last week P Malaysia 1970
MY1980A_EMPSTAT1 Type of activity P Malaysia 1980
MY1991A_EMPSTAT2 Labor force status P Malaysia 1991
MY2000A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Malaysia 2000
ML1987A_EMPSTAT Type of activity P Mali 1987
ML1998A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Mali 1998
ML2009A_EMPSTAT Activity status P Mali 2009
MU1990A_WKHOURS Hours worked last week P Mauritius 1990
MU1990A_WKABS Temporarily away from work P Mauritius 1990
MU1990A_WKLOOK Job search (last 8 weeks) P Mauritius 1990
MU1990A_WKAVAIL Available for work last week P Mauritius 1990
MU1990A_WKMON Months since person last worked P Mauritius 1990
MU2000A_WKHOURS Hours worked during previous week P Mauritius 2000
MU2000A_WKABS Have a job but was temporarily absent last week P Mauritius 2000
MU2000A_WKLOOK Job search during past 4 weeks P Mauritius 2000
MU2000A_WKAVAIL Available for work during past week P Mauritius 2000
MU2000A_WKMON Months since person last worked P Mauritius 2000
MU2011A_ACTIVITY Economic activity P Mauritius 2011
MU2011A_WKABS Temporarily away from work P Mauritius 2011
MU2011A_WKLOOK Job search P Mauritius 2011
MU2011A_WKAVAIL Available for work P Mauritius 2011
MX1970A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Mexico 1970
MX1970A_EMPPREV Working experience P Mexico 1970
MX1990A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Mexico 1990
MX1995A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Mexico 1995
MX2000A_ECONACT Economic activity status P Mexico 2000
MX2010A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Mexico 2010
MX2015A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Mexico 2015
MX2020A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Mexico 2020
MN2000A_EMPLOYED Current employment P Mongolia 2000
MN2000A_UNEMP Reason for not working P Mongolia 2000
MA1982A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Morocco 1982
MA1994A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Morocco 1994
MA2004A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Morocco 2004
MA2014A_ACTIVITY Activity status P Morocco 2014
MZ1997A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Mozambique 1997
MZ2007A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Mozambique 2007
MM2014A_ACTIVITY Activity status P Myanmar 2014
NP2001A_ACTIVITY Usual activity during last 12 months P Nepal 2001
NP2011A_INACTIVE Reason for economic inactivity in past 12 months P Nepal 2011
NL2001A_CLASSWK Economic status P Netherlands 2001
NL2011A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Netherlands 2011
NI1971A_ECONACT Economic activity P Nicaragua 1971
NI1995A_EMPSTAT Work status last week P Nicaragua 1995
NI2005A_ECON Employment status P Nicaragua 2005
PK1973A_WORKED Worked last week P Pakistan 1973
PK1973A_UNEMP Reason for unemployment P Pakistan 1973
PS1997A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Palestine 1997
PS2007A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Palestine 2007
PS2017A_ACTIVITY Activity status P Palestine 2017
PA1960A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Panama 1960
PA1970A_EMPSTAT1 Type of economic activity P Panama 1970
PA1980A_WORK Had work last week P Panama 1980
PA1980A_WORKL Looked for work last week P Panama 1980
PA1980A_WHYNOT Reason for not looking for work last week P Panama 1980
PA1990A_EMPSTAT1 Principal economic activity P Panama 1990
PA2000A_EMPSTAT Activity status recoded P Panama 2000
PA2010A_ABSWK Do you have a job from which you were temporarily absent last week? P Panama 2010
PA2010A_WKPAY Did you do any work for which you received any money last week? P Panama 2010
PA2010A_WKLOOKWK Looked for work last week P Panama 2010
PA2010A_WKLOOKMO Looked for work last month P Panama 2010
PA2010A_WHYNOT Reason for not looking for work P Panama 2010
PG1980A_ACTIVITY Economic activity in the last week P Papua New Guinea 1980
PG1990A_ACTIVITY Economic activity last week P Papua New Guinea 1990
PG2000A_CLASSWK Class of work (last 7 days) P Papua New Guinea 2000
PG2000A_ACTIVITY Economic activity (past 7 days) P Papua New Guinea 2000
PY1962A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Paraguay 1962
PY1972A_EMPSTAT Economic activity last week P Paraguay 1972
PY1982A_EMPSTAT Economic activity during last week P Paraguay 1982
PY1992A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Paraguay 1992
PY2002A_EMPSTAT Worked during the last week P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_WK Have a job but did not work last week P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_WKHELP Helped with others' job last week P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_LOOKWK Looked for work during last 4 weeks P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_WKPAST Have worked before P Paraguay 2002
PY2002A_WHYNOTWK Reason for not working last week P Paraguay 2002
PE1993A_EMPSIT Employment situation P Peru 1993
PE2007A_WORKED Worked at least one hour last week for pay P Peru 2007
PE2007A_REASONWK Activity last week P Peru 2007
PE2007A_LASTNOWK Activity last week if not working P Peru 2007
PE2017A_EMPSTAT Worked last week for wage or in-kind income P Peru 2017
PE2017A_ACTIVITY Activity last week P Peru 2017
PE2017A_WKLOOK Actively looking for work last week P Peru 2017
PH1990A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Philippines 1990
PH1990A_WRKLOOK Looking for work P Philippines 1990
PH1990A_WHYNOT Reason for not looking for work P Philippines 1990
PL2002A_ACTIVITY Economic activity P Poland 2002
PT1981A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Portugal 1981
PT1991A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Portugal 1991
PT2001A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Portugal 2001
PT2011A_EMPSTAT Current activity status P Portugal 2011
PR1990A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Puerto Rico 1990
PR2000A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Puerto Rico 2000
PR2005A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Puerto Rico 2005
PR2010A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Puerto Rico 2010
PR2015A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2020A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Puerto Rico 2020
RO1992A_EMPSTAT Economic status in reference week P Romania 1992
RO2002A_EMPSTAT Employment status in week of census P Romania 2002
RO2011A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Romania 2011
RU2002A_WORK Worked last week P Russia 2002
RU2002A_WKLOOK Job search P Russia 2002
RU2010A_WORK Worked last week P Russia 2010
RU2010A_WKLOOK Looking for work P Russia 2010
RW1991A_EMPSTAT Type of economic activity P Rwanda 1991
RW2002A_EMPSTAT Employment status (situation in economic activity) P Rwanda 2002
RW2012A_WORK Worked at least one hour (previous week) P Rwanda 2012
RW2012A_WKSEEK Seeking work P Rwanda 2012
LC1980A_EMPSTAT Economic situation during last week P Saint Lucia 1980
LC1991A_EMPSTAT Activity last week P Saint Lucia 1991
SN1988A_EMPSTAT Employment status (past 12 months) P Senegal 1988
SN2002A_EMPSTAT Employment status in the last 12 months P Senegal 2002
SN2013A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Senegal 2013
SL2004A_ACTIVITY Economic activity in the last 30 days P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2015A_EMPSTAT Economic activity status P Sierra Leone 2015
SK1991A_EMPSTAT Economic activity status P Slovakia 1991
SK2001A_EMPSTAT Economic activity status P Slovakia 2001
SK2011A_EMPSTAT Economic activity status P Slovakia 2011
SI2002A_EMPSTAT Economic activity status P Slovenia 2002
ZA1996A_ECONACTT Employment status P South Africa 1996
ZA2001A_WRKAVAIL Availability P South Africa 2001
ZA2001A_EMPSTAT3 Employment status (derived) P South Africa 2001
ZA2007A_EMPSTATO Employment status (official definition) P South Africa 2007
ZA2007A_EMPSTATE Employment status (expanded definition) P South Africa 2007
ZA2011A_DEMPSTAT2 Official employment status (derived) P South Africa 2011
ZA2011A_DEMPSTAT3 Expanded employment status (derived) P South Africa 2011
SS2008A_EMPSTAT Activity status P South Sudan 2008
ES1981A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Spain 1981
ES1991A_EMPSTAT1 Work relationship 1 P Spain 1991
ES2001A_EMP1 Employment situation last week (first response) P Spain 2001
ES2011A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Spain 2011
SD2008A_EMPSTAT Activity status P Sudan 2008
SR2004A_ACTIVITY Activity status P Suriname 2004
SR2012A_ACTIVITY Activity status P Suriname 2012
CH1970A_EMPSTAT Labour force status P Switzerland 1970
CH1980A_LABFORCE Labour force status P Switzerland 1980
CH1990A_LABFORCE Labour force status P Switzerland 1990
CH2000A_LABFORCE Labour force status P Switzerland 2000
CH2011A_EMPSTATAGG3 Labor market status P Switzerland 2011
TZ1988A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Tanzania 1988
TZ2002A_ACTIVWK Economic activity last week P Tanzania 2002
TZ2012A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Tanzania 2012
TG1960A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Togo 1960
TG2010A_ACTIVITY Activity status last 7 days P Togo 2010
TT1970A_EMPSTAT Economic situtation during the past week P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
TT1980A_EMPSTAT Employment status in the past week P Trinidad and Tobago 1980
TT1990A_EMPSTAT Economic activity past week P Trinidad and Tobago 1990
TT2000A_EMPSTAT Economic activity in the past week P Trinidad and Tobago 2000
TT2000A_WORKREAS Reason for not seeking work in the past week P Trinidad and Tobago 2000
TT2011A_EMPSTAT Current activity status P Trinidad and Tobago 2011
TT2011A_WORKREAS Reason for not seeking work during past week P Trinidad and Tobago 2011
TR1985A_WORKWEEK Worked during previous week P Turkey 1985
TR1985A_WORKREAS Reason for not working P Turkey 1985
TR1990A_WORKWEEK Work previous week P Turkey 1990
TR1990A_WORKREAS Reason for not working P Turkey 1990
TR2000A_WORKWEEK Worked previous week P Turkey 2000
TR2000A_SEEKWORK Seeking a job P Turkey 2000
TR2000A_WORKREAS Reason for not working P Turkey 2000
UG1991A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Uganda 1991
UG2002A_EMPSTAT Employment status in the last seven days P Uganda 2002
UG2014A_ACTIVITY Work status P Uganda 2014
UA2001A_INCSRC Source of livelihood P Ukraine 2001
UK1991A_EMPSTATP Economic position (primary) P United Kingdom 1991
UK2001A_EMPSTAT Economic activity (last week) P United Kingdom 2001
US1960A_EMPSTAT Employment status P United States 1960
US1970A_EMPSTAT Employment status P United States 1970
US1980A_EMPSTAT Employment status P United States 1980
US1990A_EMPSTAT Employment status P United States 1990
US2000A_EMPSTAT Employment status P United States 2000
US2005A_EMPSTAT Employment status P United States 2005
US2010A_EMPSTAT Employment status P United States 2010
US2015A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P United States 2015
US2020A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P United States 2020
UY1963A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Uruguay 1963
UY1975A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Uruguay 1975
UY1985A_EMPSTAT Primary activity last week P Uruguay 1985
UY1996A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Uruguay 1996
UY2006A_POBPCOAC Labor force status P Uruguay 2006
UY2011A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Uruguay 2011
VE1971A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Venezuela 1971
VE1981A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Venezuela 1981
VE1990A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Venezuela 1990
VE2001A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Venezuela 2001
VN1989A_ECONACT Usual activity in last 12 months P Vietnam 1989
VN1999A_ECONACT Main activity last 12 months P Vietnam 1999
VN2009A_EMP1 Income from employment P Vietnam 2009
VN2009A_EMP2 Received salary without employment P Vietnam 2009
VN2009A_EMP3 Has job to return to next 30 days P Vietnam 2009
VN2009A_UNEMP Looked for work P Vietnam 2009
VN2009A_UNEMP1 Available for work P Vietnam 2009
VN2009A_REASUE Reason did not look for work P Vietnam 2009
VN2019A_WORK Paid work in the past seven days P Vietnam 2019
VN2019A_WKBENEF Paid or received benefits from production or business activities without working P Vietnam 2019
VN2019A_WKRETURN Will return to a job in the next 30 days P Vietnam 2019
VN2019A_WKSEEK Looked for work or prepared to start a production or business activity in last 30 days P Vietnam 2019
VN2019A_WKREAS Reason for not finding a job P Vietnam 2019
VN2019A_WKAVAIL Ready to begin a job in the next two weeks P Vietnam 2019
VN2019A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Vietnam 2019
ZM1990A_EMPSTAT Main economic activity in last week P Zambia 1990
ZM2000A_WKLSTWK Activity last seven days P Zambia 2000
ZM2010A_ACTIV7DAYS Activity in last seven days P Zambia 2010
ZW2012A_ACTIVITY Main economic activity (last 12 months) P Zimbabwe 2012