Codes and Frequencies
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class Yrsimm2 : public Editor {
Yrsimm2(VarPointer varInfo) : Editor(varInfo) {}
void edit() {
long a = getRecoded();
switch (dataSet) {
case dataset_id::es2001a: {
if (ES2001A_0406() < 66)
a = 9;
} break;
case dataset_id::gr2011a: {
if (GR2011A_0407() < 5)
a = 9;
} break;
case dataset_id::it2011a: {
if (IT2011A_0410() < 5)
a = 9;
} break;
case dataset_id::it2011h:
case dataset_id::it2012h:
case dataset_id::it2013h:
case dataset_id::it2014h:
case dataset_id::it2015h:
case dataset_id::it2016h:
case dataset_id::it2017h:
case dataset_id::it2018h:
case dataset_id::it2019h:
case dataset_id::it2020h: {
a = getRecodedFromEditedSource();
} break;
case dataset_id::ch2011a: {
if (CH2011A_0463() < 9998 && CH2011A_0622() == 8100)
a = 9;
} break;
YRSIMM2 indicates the number of years since a foreign-born person immigrated to the country. The number of years is grouped into intervals.
Comparability — Index
GENERAL Canada Dominican Republic France |
Italy Jamaica Nicaragua Panama |
Paraguay Spain Trinidad and Tobago Venezuela |
Comparability — General
The variable is fully comparable across samples, apart from minor differences in the universe. YRSIMM2 is top-coded at 10 or more years to maximize comparability across samples, but there is usually more detail available in the sources variables.
For most samples the values in YRSIMM2 are calculated from year of immigration (YRIMM). Because the censuses were taken at different times of the year, it means that most values are understated by a number of months.
The data for Venezuela and France are actual number of years since immigration; they are not recoded from calendar year.
See YRSIMM for a similar variable that gives single years of immigration not coded into ranges. For the samples recoded from calendar year of arrival, the original year of immigration can be reconstructed by subtracting the value for YRSIMM from the year of the census.
Comparability — Canada [top]
The 2001 sample has no responses for "less than one year," because the original data combined 2000 and 2001 in one category. The categories for 2011 are "0 to 4 years", "5 to 10 years", and "11 or more years" following the source variable responses.
The universe differs among samples. The Canadian data in 1991 are restricted to permanent residents born abroad who are not from the Atlantic Provinces and the territories. The 2001 and 2011 census questions also refer to foreign-born persons who have permanent residence (landed immigrant). The 1971 and 1981 samples do not include specific instructions on this regard.
Data are available for persons in the Atlantic Provinces in 1991, but they were coded into broad intervals incompatible with YRSIMM2. See the unharmonized source variable.
The census question in all samples refers to the year corresponding to the first time the person immigrated to Canada (not the most recent if the person immigrated more than once).
Comparability — Dominican Republic [top]
The 1981 census was both de jure and de facto. The 2002 and 2010 censuses were de jure. In 1981, the question was asked only of habitually resident foreign-born persons. Therefore, this variable is comparable across all samples.
Comparability — France [top]
The 2006 sample has no responses for "less than one year," because the original data has a single category for persons with "fewer than 5 years" since immigrated.
Comparability — Italy [top]
Comparability — Jamaica [top]
The universe for Jamaica 1982 and 2001 is foreign-born persons; in 1991 it is foreign-born persons in private households or selected collective households (including religious, educational, military, and other institutions).
The 1982 and 1991 samples have no responses for "less than one year". In Jamaica 1982 this is because the original data combined 1980-1982 in one category. In Jamaica 1991 there were no persons declaring that year as their time of arrival to the country.
Comparability — Nicaragua [top]
The 1971 data are classified into 5-year intervals from 7-21 years and therefore are difficult to code in this variable -- the 7-11 year range is recoded as "5 to 9 years". Those immigrating in 1970-1971 (0-1 years) are coded as "Less than 1 year".
The 1995 data does not contain any responses indicating a 1995 arrival, so there no responses for "Less than 1 year."
Comparability — Panama [top]
Immigrants who arrived within one year of the census are not distinguished from those who arrived 1 to 4 years ago.
Comparability — Paraguay [top]
Tourists who are included in the 2002 census universe were coded as "NIU (not in unverse)."
Comparability — Spain [top]
Comparability — Trinidad and Tobago [top]
In 1970, the census question was applied to persons born abroad, while in 2011 the universe is restricted to persons born abroad in private households.
The 1970 sample have no responses for "less than one year", because the original data combined 1969-1970 in one category.
Comparability — Venezuela [top]
In the 1981 sample, immigrants who arrived within one year of the census are not identified.
- Argentina 1970: Foreign-born persons
- Argentina 1980: Foreign-born persons
- Bolivia 2001: Foreign-born persons
- Bolivia 2012: Foreign-born persons
- Brazil 2010: Foreign-born persons
- Canada 1971: Foreign-born persons
- Canada 1981: Foreign-born persons
- Canada 1991: Permanent residents born abroad and not from the Atlantic Provinces
- Canada 2001: Permanent residents born abroad
- Canada 2011: Permanent residents born abroad
- Chile 1992: Foreign-born persons
- Chile 2002: Foreign-born persons
- Chile 2017: Foreign-born persons
- Colombia 1985: Foreign-born persons
- Colombia 2005: Foreign-born persons
- Costa Rica 1984: Foreign-born persons
- Costa Rica 2000: Foreign-born persons
- Costa Rica 2011: Foreign-born persons
- Dominican Republic 1981: Habitually resident foreign-born persons
- Dominican Republic 2002: Foreign-born persons
- Dominican Republic 2010: Foreign-born persons
- Ecuador 2001: Foreign-born persons
- Ecuador 2010: Foreign-born persons
- El Salvador 1992: Foreign-born persons
- El Salvador 2007: Foreign-born persons
- France 2006: Foreign-born persons
- Greece 2001: Non-citizens
- Greece 2011: Foreign-born persons
- Guatemala 1973: Foreign-born persons
- Guatemala 1981: Foreign-born persons
- Guatemala 1994: Foreign-born persons
- Guatemala 2002: Foreign-born persons
- Honduras 1974: Foreign-born persons
- Honduras 1988: Foreign-born persons
- Honduras 2001: Foreign-born persons
- Italy 2001: Foreign-born persons
- Italy 2011: Foreign-born persons who permanently transferred to Italy
- Jamaica 1982: Foreign-born persons
- Jamaica 1991: Foreign-born persons in private households or selected collective households
- Jamaica 2001: Foreign-born persons
- Malaysia 2000: Foreign-born persons
- Nicaragua 1971: Foreign-born persons
- Nicaragua 1995: Foreign-born persons
- Nicaragua 2005: Foreign-born persons
- Panama 2010: Foreign-born persons
- Paraguay 1982: Foreign-born persons
- Paraguay 2002: Foreign-born persons
- Puerto Rico 2010: Foreign-born persons
- Puerto Rico 2015: Foreign-born persons
- Puerto Rico 2020: Foreign-born persons
- South Africa 2011: Foreign-born persons in private households and transient and tourist hotels
- Spain 2001: Foreign-born persons who resided in the household
- Switzerland 2011: Foreign-born persons who lived outside Switzerland for at least one year
- Trinidad and Tobago 1970: Foreign-born persons
- Trinidad and Tobago 2011: Persons born abroad in private households
- United States 2000: Foreign-born persons and persons born in US outlying areas
- United States 2005: Foreign-born persons and persons born in US outlying areas
- United States 2010: Foreign-born persons and persons born in US outlying areas
- United States 2015: Foreign-born persons and persons born in US outlying areas
- United States 2020: Foreign-born persons and persons born in US outlying areas
- Uruguay 1996: Foreign-born persons
- Uruguay 2011: Foreign-born persons
- Venezuela 1981: Foreign-born persons
- Venezuela 1990: Foreign-born persons
- Argentina: 1970, 1980
- Bolivia: 2001, 2012
- Brazil: 2010
- Canada: 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2011
- Chile: 1992, 2002, 2017
- Colombia: 1985, 2005
- Costa Rica: 1984, 2000, 2011
- Dominican Republic: 1981, 2002, 2010
- Ecuador: 2001, 2010
- El Salvador: 1992, 2007
- France: 2006
- Greece: 2001, 2011
- Guatemala: 1973, 1981, 1994, 2002
- Honduras: 1974, 1988, 2001
- Italy: 2001, 2011, 2011Q1, 2012Q1, 2013Q1, 2014Q1, 2015Q1, 2016Q1, 2017Q1, 2018Q1, 2019Q1, 2020Q1
- Jamaica: 1982, 1991, 2001
- Malaysia: 2000
- Nicaragua: 1971, 1995, 2005
- Panama: 2010
- Paraguay: 1982, 2002
- Puerto Rico: 2010, 2015, 2020
- South Africa: 2011
- Spain: 2001, 2005Q1, 2005Q2, 2005Q3, 2005Q4, 2006Q1, 2006Q2, 2006Q3, 2006Q4, 2007Q1, 2007Q2, 2007Q3, 2007Q4, 2008Q1, 2008Q2, 2008Q3, 2008Q4, 2009Q1, 2009Q2, 2009Q3, 2009Q4, 2010Q1, 2010Q2, 2010Q3, 2010Q4, 2011Q1, 2011Q2, 2011Q3, 2011Q4, 2012Q1, 2012Q2, 2012Q3, 2012Q4, 2013Q1, 2013Q2, 2013Q3, 2013Q4, 2014Q1, 2014Q2, 2014Q3, 2014Q4, 2015Q1, 2015Q2, 2015Q3, 2015Q4, 2016Q1, 2016Q2, 2016Q3, 2016Q4, 2017Q1, 2017Q2, 2017Q3, 2017Q4, 2018Q1, 2018Q2, 2018Q3, 2018Q4, 2019Q1, 2019Q2, 2019Q3, 2019Q4, 2020Q1, 2020Q2, 2020Q3, 2020Q4
- Switzerland: 2011
- Trinidad and Tobago: 1970, 2011
- United States: 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020
- Uruguay: 1996, 2011
- Venezuela: 1981, 1990