Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1970 Costa Rica 2000 Honduras 1974 Puerto Rico 2015
Argentina 1980 Costa Rica 2011 Honduras 1988 Puerto Rico 2020
Bolivia 2001 Dominican Republic 1981 Honduras 2001 South Africa 2011
Bolivia 2012 Dominican Republic 2002 Italy 2001 Spain 2001
Brazil 2010 Dominican Republic 2010 Italy 2011 Switzerland 2011
Canada 1971 Ecuador 2001 Jamaica 1982 Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Canada 1981 Ecuador 2010 Jamaica 1991 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Canada 1991 El Salvador 1992 Jamaica 2001 United States 2000
Canada 2001 El Salvador 2007 Malaysia 2000 United States 2005
Canada 2011 France 2006 Nicaragua 1971 United States 2010
Chile 1992 Greece 2001 Nicaragua 1995 United States 2015
Chile 2002 Greece 2011 Nicaragua 2005 United States 2020
Chile 2017 Guatemala 1973 Panama 2010 Uruguay 1996
Colombia 1985 Guatemala 1981 Paraguay 1982 Uruguay 2011
Colombia 2005 Guatemala 1994 Paraguay 2002 Venezuela 1981
Costa Rica 1984 Guatemala 2002 Puerto Rico 2010 Venezuela 1990
Argentina 1970 — source variable AR1970A_ARRYR — Year of arrival in Argentina
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General characteristics -- For all individuals

[Questions 1-8 were asked of all persons.]

8. In what year did you arrive to live in the country? ____

Only for those born abroad and who currently live habitually in the country.

Write the year of arrival.

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General characteristics


32. The question number 8 says: in what year did you arrive in the country to live in?
This refers to the persons who in question 5 answered having been born in a foreign country, although at the moment of the census they have Argentinean nationality.

Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_ARRYR — Year arrived in Argentina
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C. Population

For all of the persons
[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons]

6. [Immigration status]

Only for persons who have usual residence in Argentina and were born in another country.
[Questions 6A and 6B asked only of persons born outside Argentina and who currently reside in Argentina.]

A. When did you arrive in the country to stay?

Year 18 _ _
Year 19 _ _

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C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

6. Only for persons born abroad who usually reside in Argentina.
a) You will complete the year.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form.]

b) You will fill out the corresponding cell.

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_YRARRIV — Year of arrival
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Chapter D. For all individuals (Request the presence of those people who slept in this dwelling, including [explicitly both male and female] children.)
[Questions 27-34 were asked of all persons.]

34. Where were you born?

[] 1 Here - Go on to Chapter E
[] 2 In another place within the country:

____ City or locality
____ Municipality (Province Section)
____ Province
____ Department

[] 1 Chuquisaca
[] 2 La Paz
[] 3 Cochabamba
[] 4 Oruro
[] 5 Potosí
[] 6 Tarija
[] 7 Santa Cruz
[] 8 Beni
[] 9 Pando

[] 3 Abroad:

____ Country
____ Year of arrival in Bolivia - Go on to Chapter E

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Chapter D. For all persons

From this question [question 27] onwards, each person who spent the night prior to the census day in this dwelling should be interviewed individually. The presence of all persons, including children, should be requested.

If the person is younger than 7 years of age or if he cannot make himself understood, his presence should be requested but the information should be provided by the father, mother, or another adult. This person should be present for the duration of the interview.

Question 34. Where were you born?

For example:

Pedro is a priest who lives in Sucre. He was born in Argentina and arrived in Bolivia in 1987.

The form is filled out in this way:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with the above information filled in.]

[p. 62]

1. If the person was born in the place where the enumeration is taking place, the oval, "Here" is filled in and the enumerator will proceed to Chapter E.

2. If the person was born "In another place in the country", the same procedure as in question 33 is followed.

3. If the person was born "Abroad", the corresponding oval is filled in, the "Name of the country" is recorded, and the enumerator will proceed to Chapter E.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_YRIMMIG — Year of arrival in Bolivia
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F1. For all people

32. Where were you born?

[] 1 Here [Go to question 33]
[] 2 Elsewhere in this country
____ City or community
____ Municipality
____ Department
[] 3 Abroad
Name of country ____
Year of arrival in Bolivia _ _ _ _
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Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

Internal migration and international immigration
Internal migration refers to people's migratory movements within the country's borders. International immigration refers to immigration from other countries to Bolivia.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_MOVEYR — Year moved to Brazil
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6. Resident characteristics

Internal migration and international immigration

6.21 In what year did you move to Brazil?

[Question 6.21 was asked of persons who reported that their nationality was either naturalized Brazilian or foreigner, per 6.20.]
_ _ _ _

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6.21 ? In what year did you move to Brazil?

Record the year in which the naturalized Brazilian or foreigner moved to Brazil.

Canada 1971 — source variable CA1971A_IMMPER — Period of immigration
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12. If born outside Canada, in which period did you first immigrate to Canada?
[] Before 1931
[] 1931-1945
[] 1946-1950
[] 1951-1955
[] 1956-1960
[] 1961-1964
[] 1965
[] 1966
[] 1967-68
[] 1969
[] 1970
[] 1971

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12. Fill the circle for the period (or year) when you first came to live in Canada.

Canada 1981 — source variable CA1981A_IMMYR — Year of immigration
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25. In what year did you first immigrate to Canada?
[Question 25 was asked of persons who immigrated to Canada, per question 24.]
Print year below.
If exact year is not known, please enter best estimate.
Year _ _ _ _

Canada 1991 — source variable CA1991A_IMMYR — Year of immigration
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14. In what year did this person first become a landed immigrant in Canada?
[Question 14 was asked of persons who have ever been a landed immigrant, per question 13.]
If exact year is not known, enter best estimate.
Year 1 _ _ _

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Question 14: Year of immigration
If the response to Question 13 was No, do not answer this question.
For persons who have immigrated to Canada more than once, enter the year that landed immigrant status was first obtained.

Canada 2001 — source variable CA2001A_YRIMMIGA — Year of immigration 2
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11. Is this person now, or has this person ever been, a landed immigrant?
A "landed immigrant" is a person who has been granted the right to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities.
[] No - Go to question 13
[] Yes

12. In what year did this person first become a landed immigrant?
[Question 12 was asked of persons who have ever been a landed immigrant, per question 11.]
If exact year is not known, enter best estimate.
Year _ _ _ _

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Question 11 -- Landed immigrant status

Mark No for persons who are: Canadian citizens by birth; foreign students, foreign workers, Minister's permit holders, or refugee claimants.
Mark Yes for persons who are: Canadian citizens by naturalization; permanent residents under the Immigration Act. Permanent residents have been granted the right to live permanently in Canada by immigration authorities but have not yet obtained Canadian citizenship.

Question 12 -- Year of immigration

For persons who immigrated to Canada more than once, report the year landed immigrant status was first obtained.

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_YRIMM — Year of immigration
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11. Is this person now, or has this person ever been, a landed immigrant?

A "landed immigrant" (permanent resident) is a person who has been granted the right to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities.

[] No [Go to question 13.]
[] Yes

12. In what year did this person become a landed immigrant?

If exact year is not known, enter best estimate.

Year: _ _ _ _
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Sociocultural Information
Questions 9 to 22 provide a social and cultural profile of Canada's population.

Question 9 provides information on the diversity of Canada's population, and tells us about movements of people within Canada and from other countries to Canada.

Question 10 provides the citizenship status of Canada's population. The information is used to plan citizenship classes and programs.

Questions 11 and 12 provide information about immigrants and non-permanent residents in Canada, and the year people immigrated. This information is used to compare the situation of immigrants over time, to evaluate immigration and employment policies and programs, and to plan education, health, and other services.

Questions 13 to 16 are used to provide a profile of the linguistic diversity of Canada's population. This information is used to estimate the need for services in English and French, and to better understand the current status and the evolution of Canada's various language groups.

Question 17 provides information about ethnic and cultural diversity in Canada. This information is used by associations, agencies and researchers for activities such as health promotion, communications and marketing.

Questions 18, 20 and 21 provide information used by governments, including Aboriginal governments and organizations, to develop programs and services for Aboriginal people.

Question 19 tells us about the visible minority population in Canada. This information is required for programs under the "Employment Equity Act", which promote equal opportunity for everyone.

Question 22 helps measure religious affiliation and diversity. It is used to trace change in Canada's society. The information is also used to plan facilities and services within diverse communities.

Question 12 -- Year of immigration
For persons who immigrated to Canada more than once, report the year landed immigrant status was first obtained.

Chile 2002 — source variable CL2002A_YRARRIVE — Year of arrival in the country
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For all individuals [applies to questions 17 to 23]

22. When you were born, in what municipality or place did your mother live?

[] In this municipality

[] In another municipality

Name of the municipality or place ___

[] In another country
Name of the country ___
Year of arrival in Chile ___

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Question 22

Note: When the person being enumerated was born outside the country, mark the country where the mother was living [at the time the person being enumerated was born] and the year that the person being enumerated arrived in Chile. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 22 on the census form. Arrows point to the second and third set of boxes in question 22.]

Questions 22 and 23

Fill in the name of the municipality only if it is different from the municipality currently being enumerated. [These instructions refer to graphics of questions 22 and 23 on the census form. Arrows point to the first set of boxes in those questions.]

Chile 2017 — source variable CL2017A_YRIMMIG — Year of arrival in the country
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D. Personal information

12. When you were born, in which commune or country did your mother live?

A. In this country
[] 1 In this commune
[] 2 In another commune ____ (enter the name of the commune)
B. In another country
[] 4 Peru
[] 5 Argentina
[] 6 Bolivia
[] 7 Ecuador
[] 8 Colombia
[] 9 Other ____ (enter the name of the country)
12.a. If your mother lived in another country, in what year did you arrive in Chile?
_ _ _ _ Year

If you do not know the year, mark the period in which you arrived in Chile.

[] 1 Between 2010 and 2017
[] 2 Between 2000 and 2009
[] 3 Between 1990 and 1999
[] 4 Before 1990
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Questionnaire section D: "Personal information"
Interview each member of the household using one page for each person. The order in which you must conduct the interviews is the same as you entered on question 6.c. Therefore, person No. 1 will correspond to the head of household, while person No. 2 will be the person you entered on the second row, and so forth.
It is very important that you follow the order as entered on question 6.c for conducting the interviews in section D. This way, you will avoid leaving someone out without being recorded for the census.

[Questions 10-11, place of usual residence and place of residence in 2012]
You must bear in mind that questions 10, 11, 12 and 12a are open-ended. This means that you must wait for the response from the interviewee. Remember to use the stipulated type of print and numbering to complete the questionnaire.
A person is considered to be a habitual resident of a commune or country when the person has been residing in it at least 6 months in the last year or intends to remain for at least 6 months.
[Figure omitted, image of question 10 from the questionnaire]

Important: There are communes that are in different parts of the country and have a similar name. For example: San Pedro de Atacama (Antofagasta region), San Pedro de Melipilla (Metropolitan region), San Pedro de la Paz (Biobío region). For this reason, it is very important that you record the exact and complete name (without abbreviations) of the commune or country in the box that appears below the category.
Do not confuse region and province with commune. For example, if the response is "Santiago," remember to ask if it refers to the commune or to the city.
[Figure omitted, image of question 11 from the questionnaire]

[Questions 12-12a, place of birth and year of immigration]
This question seeks to identify the mother's residence at the time of the birth of the person you are recording.
In the case of persons who have entered the country more than once, consider only the year of the most recent permanent residence. In other words, if a person arrived in 2000 but has done some traveling between 2000 and 2016 that has not entailed changing habitual residence (less than six months abroad), you should take the year 2000 as a reference.
[Figure omitted, image of questions 12 and 12.a from the questionnaire]

Colombia 1985 — source variable CO1985A_YRARRIVE — Year came to Colombia
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B. For persons born in a different country.

34. What year did you arrive in Colombia?
Year of arrival 19 _ _

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B. Only for those born in another country

(Question 34)

34. What year did you arrive in Colombia?

[Below the text is a form.]

Write the year in which the person came to live in Colombia. Observe that it is only necessary to write down the last numbers of the year; for example if they arrived in 1939, it is only necessary to write down 39.

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_ARRIVYR — Year of arrival in the country
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28. Where was [the respondent] born? (basic)
[] 1 In this municipality
[] 2 In another Colombian municipality:

Name of the department ____ "DMC removable list"
Name of the municipality ____"DMC removable list"

[] 3. In another country:

Name of the country ____ "DMC removable list"

[p. 18]
In what year did he/she arrive in Colombia? _ _ _ _

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_ARRIVE — Year of arrival in Costa Rica
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4. Place of birth
[] 8 Here
____ District
____ Canton
____ Province
If born abroad:

____ Country
_ _ _ _ Year of arrival in Costa Rica

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First block of questions: for all persons

Question 4: Place of Birth

This question supplies information about the geographic place where the person was born, considered this, as the place where the mother of the person resided habitually when they were born.

[p. 47]

Convenient that you ask specifically in what district, canton and province the mother resided in at the moment of birth and not simply asking about where they were born, since the majority of persons are born in hospitals, clinics, etc. that generally are not found in the same place in which the mother resided.

[Below the text is a form]

Write down the response according to the following instructions:

1. Mark the circle "here", as when being born, the mother resided in the district, canton and province where the person is found to be enumerated in your segment.
2. If at the moment of birth the mother resided in another district, write down legibly the name of the district, canton and province. If you cannot obtain the information about the canton or province, write down the district and locality.
3. If the mother resided abroad, write down the name of the country. In this case, you should ask for the year of arrival to the country and write down the four digits in the four boxes put there for this purpose.

Year of Arrival in Costa Rica

When a person was born abroad, it does not matter what country, it is defined as year of arrival in Costa Rica, which corresponds to the arrival with the purpose of establishing themselves in the country.

Costa Rica 2000 — source variable CR2000A_ARRYR — Year of arrival in Costa Rica
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[Questions 1 - 8 are] For all individuals

4. When ____ was born, where did the mother live?

[] 1 In this same canton
[] 2 In another canton
____ Canton or place
____ Province
[] 3 In another country:
____ (Name of the country)

[a 3-character box appears here]

4a. In what year did ____ arrive to live in Costa Rica?
_ _ _ _ Year
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First block

For all persons

Question 4: Place of Birth

With this question, the place of birth of each person is to be determined, understanding that it as where their mother resided when the person was born. Do not confuse the place of birth with the hospital or place where the birth occurred.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

The possible situations are:

In this same canton: if at the moment the reference person was born, their mother resided in this same canton where this person currently resides.

In another canton: in whose case you should write down the canton or province of the usual residence of the mother at the moment of birth of the person. If the person does not know exactly, write down any reference, like neighborhood or district, that permits determining later the correct canton.

In another country: Write down the country of birth when the person was born abroad. Additionally the year of arrival to the country is requested. You should not forget question 4a. It refers to the respective person and not to their mother.

Costa Rica 2011 — source variable CR2011A_ARRYR — Year of arrival in Costa Rica
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6. In what year did [the respondent] arrive to live in Costa Rica?

_ _ _ _ If the year is unknown, ask:
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Question 6: Year of arrival to country

6. In what year did [name] arrive to live in Costa Rica?

_ _ _ _ If the year is unknown, ask:
Did he/she arrive to live in Costa Rica
[] 1 before 1980
[] 2 between 1980 and 1989
[] 3 between 1990 and 1999
[] 4 in 2000 or later

You must ask this question to people born in another country.

You must ask for the exact year in which the person arrived to live in the country. If the response is known, then register it in the corresponding boxes.

[p. 142]

If, on the other hand, the informant does not know nor remember the exact year of arrival to the country, leave these spaces blank and proceed to ask the question by periods.

If the person entered the country various times, you must register the year or the most recent period, based on the one in which the person decided to establish his/her fixed residency.

Keep in mind that, even though the question provides two ways of obtaining the answer, only one of these should have a response.

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_ARRYR — Year of arrival in country
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Only for foreigners [Applies to question 34.]

34. Do you habitually live in this country?

[] 1 Yes
____ Year of arrival
[] 2 No - Skip to question 38
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Question 34: (for foreigners only) Do you usually reside in the country?

This question should only be presented to those born abroad.

The corresponding circle is filled in.

If the answer is affirmative, circle 1 (Yes) is filled in and the date of arrival is recorded.

If the answer is negative, circle 2 (no) is filled in and the enumerator will skip to question 38.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_ARRYR — Year arrived in country
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31. Where was [the respondent] born?

[] 1 Here, in this municipality
[] 2 In another municipality
[] 3 Abroad
If [the respondent] was born in another municipality, write the name of the municipality. If [the respondent] was born abroad, write the name of the country

If born abroad, indicate year of arrival in the Dominican Republic (Skip to question 34)
_ _ _ _
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Question 31: Where was (NAME) born?

For the purpose of the census, the place where a person was born is the place where the mother of that person lived when she gave birth, even if the person was born in a hospital, clinic or house outside of the mother's house during that time.

There are three (3) possible options for this question:

Here, in this Municipality. In case that the person was born in the same municipality in which he/she is being surveyed. After choosing this option skip to question 32.
In other Municipality, in the case that the person was born in a different municipality than the one he/she is being surveyed. In this case you should ask:
The name of the municipality or municipal district in which the person was born, and then record it in the corresponding boxes.
Abroad, if the person was born in a different country. In this case you should ask:
a) The name of the country in which the person was born, and then record it in the corresponding boxes.
b) The year that the person arrived to the Dominican Republic, record it in the corresponding boxes and then skip to question 34.

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_ARRYR — Year of arrival in country
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Section VI - Personal characteristics

33. In which year did [the respondent] arrive to the Dominican Republic?

Year of arrival to the Dominican Republic _ _ _ _
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Question 33. In which year did [the respondent] arrive to the Dominican Republic?
This question is also only for those members of the household that replied in question 30 that they were born abroad. Ask the informant the year of arrival to the Dominican Republic and record it in the corresponding boxes.
Write down the year of arrival in the corresponding boxes.
Note: The year of arrival recorded in question 33 should be greater than or equal to the year of birth of the person recorded in question 28.

Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_YRIMMIG — Year of arrival in Ecuador
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7. Where was he/she born?
[ ] 1 In this rural parish or county seat
In another part of the country

____ Rural parish or county seat
____ County
____ Province
____ In another country (specify)
_ _ _ _ Year of arrival in Ecuador

[ ] 9 Don't know

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Question 7.- Where were you born?

[There is a picture of question 7 from this section of the enumeration form.]

[p. 42]

If the person being interviewed was born in the rural parish or head-town of the canton where they are being enumerated, mark the box in this rural parish or head-town of the canton.

If they were born in another part of the country, record the name of the rural parish or head-town of the canton, the canton, and the province. In no case should you record the names of: neighborhoods in the same city, towns, hamlets, premises (recintos), or estates in the same rural parish.

Don't confuse the term another place with another neighborhood in the same city or town which belongs to the same rural parish or head-town of the canton where the person was born. Explain that it refers to other cities or rural parishes.

Keep in mind that the information should be explicit and complete, since there are towns and rural parishes with the same name but which belong to different cantons and provinces.


Rural parish: San Carlos
Canton: Quevedo
Province: Los Ríos

Rural parish: San Carlos
Canton: La Joya de los Sachas
Province: Orellana

Rural parish: Atahualpa
Canton: Quito
Province: Pichincha

Rural parish: Atahualpa
Canton: Ambato
Province: Tungurahua

Rural parish: Atahualpa
Canton: Santa Elena
Province: Guayas

If the informant was born abroad, record the name of the country and proceed immediately to record the year that they arrived in Ecuador, in Arabic numbers (1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999... etc.)

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_IMMIGYR — Year of arrival to Ecuador
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For all persons
[Questions 1-18 were asked of all persons.]

11. Where was [the respondent] born:

[] 1 In this city or rural parish? (skip to question 12)
[] 2 In another part of the country? (skip to question 12)

____ Province
____ Canton
____ City or rural parish

[] 3 In another country?

3.1 In what country was this person born? ____
3.2 In what year did this person arrive in Ecuador? _ _ _ _

For use of INEC

_ _Province/country
_ _Canton
_ _Parish

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[Section 4]

Step 11: Continue with the second part (questions 11 to 13) of section 4, information about the population / B : General characteristics.

[A copy of part of section 4B of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]


  • Follow the order sequential of the questions.
  • Remember the leaps in questions 11, 12, and 13.
  • Question 11 must have all of the categories read, like this:

  • Where was (Marco Méndez)born: in this city? , in another place of the country? or in another country?
  • In this example the informant was born in Bolivia, immediately you must ask the year in which he arrived in Ecuador.

  • Question 12 must have the categories read, like this:

  • In what place does (Marco Méndez) habitually live?: in this city?, in another place of the country? , or in another country?
  • In this example the informant lives in this same city, or marks x, in category 1 and continues with the next question.

  • Question 13 must have the categories read, like this:

  • 5 years ago, in what place did (Marco Méndez) habitually live?: in this city? , in another place of the country? or in another country?
  • In this example if the informant lived in another place of the country, mark x, in category 2.
  • Ask, In what Province?, in what county? and in what city or rural parish?
  • For the example, 5 years ago he lived in the province of Guayas, Guayaquil county, and Guayaquil City; write down these names.

(A) You should not register anything in the fields for the use of INEC.

  • Remember that if you are enumerating a child under 5 years of age, you should not ask question 13, just mark x in option 4 and continue with the next question.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_ARRYR — Year of arrival in El Salvador
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V. Information on members of the household

1. All persons

8. Where were you born?

[] 1 Here
[] 2 In another part of the country:

Head town or canton _ _
Municipality _ _
Department _ _

[] 3 In another country:

Name of the country ______
Year of arrival in El Salvador _ _ _ _

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8. Birthplace
Where were you born?
"Here" will be filled in for those people who were born in the township or town where the interview takes place. For those who were born in another part of the country, the geographic location of their birth will be detailed exactly: the complete name of the township or town, municipality and department. For those who were born in another country, care should be taken to clearly record the complete name of the country of origin and at the same time write the year of arrival to El Salvador.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_IMMIGYR — Year of arrival in El Salvador
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7. Where was your mother living when you were born?
A) In this municipal capital [cabecera municipal] or canton (go to question 8)
B) Someplace else in this country

Municipal capital or canton ________________
Municipality ________________
Department ________________

C) In another country

Name of country______________
Year of arrival in El Salvador /_/_/_/_/

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Question 7: Where was your mother living when you were born?
A) Circle number "1" if the mother was living in the municipal capital or canton where the interview took place, then go to question 8

B) For those who were born while the mother was living somewhere else in the country, write the complete name of the capital or canton, municipality and department.

C) For persons who were born while the mother was living in another country write very clearly the complete name of the country of origin and year of arrival in El Salvador.

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_YRSFR — Aggregated length of time in France
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2. Date and place of birth
Born on:

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

In: ___________________
(Municipality or administrative district for Paris, Lyon, or Marseille,)

Department _ _

Overseas department number ___

Country for foreigners; territory for overseas territories residents _____________

If you were born in another country, in which year did you arrive in France? Year _ _ _ _

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_GRYR — Year of settling in Greece
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1. In what year did you settle in Greece?
[] 1900
[] 2000

[] Jan
[] Feb
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] Aug
[] Sept
[] Oct
[] Nov
[] Dec

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Question 1: Write down the month only if the respondent has settled in Greece in 1998, 1999 or 2000. In case that the person left the country and came back again, take account of the most recent settlement, except for the case that the absence did not exceed three months.

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_MIGYR — Year of settling in Greece
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[Question were asked of all person who have previously resided abroad]
10. Have you ever resided abroad?

[] 1 Yes
A. What year did you settle in Greece? _ _ _ _
B. Country of previous residence (state) ____
C. Reason of settlement in Greece:
[] 1 Work
[] 2 Repatriation
[] 3 Family reunification
[] 4 Studies
[] 5 Asylum seeking
[] 6 Refugee
[] 7 Other reason (state) ____
[] 2 No
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Question 10 "Have you ever resided abroad"
The purpose of asking this question is to count the number of people relocated from abroad to Greece. It refers both to foreign migrants that have settled in Greece as well as to Greek migrants that returned home.
The question will be answered with an X in the appropriate box.
If the answer is 'Yes', then you should:
[] Indicate in the corresponding boxes the date that person permanently settled in Greece,
[] indicate in the space the place of the previous residence,
[] to give an answer with an X in the box corresponding to the main reason why the individual settled in Greece. If answer is 7 "other reason" it should be noted in the relevant space ratio.
In the case of persons with successive changes to habitual residence between Greece and abroad, the settlement date in Greece will note the date of the last settlement.
If the answer is "No" then the census will proceed to the next question 11 of the sheet.

Guatemala 1973 — source variable GT1973A_YRIMMIG — Year of arrival in the country
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B - Geographic characteristics
(For all individuals)

10. Year of arrival in the country: only for those born abroad.

[Question 10 was asked only of persons who born abroad]

In what year did you come to live permanently in the country?

[] Year 19 _ _
[] 9 Unknown

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B) Geographic characteristics

Question 10: year of arrival in the country

1. How to ask the question:
For anyone born abroad ask the following question: "What year did you come to live permanently in this country?"

2. How to record the answer:
A) Write the year declared by the enumerated person on the appropriate line.

B) Mark an "X" in the box for "unknown" if the respondent does not know the year the enumerated person arrived in this country.

3. Example:
[This box contains question 10 of the section VI "people in the census household."]

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_YRIMMIG — Year of arrival to Guatemala
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VII. People in the census household

For all individuals
[Questions 9, 10 and 12 were asked for all persons]

9. Place of birth
In what municipality and department were you born?

[] 1 Here
[] [If born in this country write the name of the municipality and department]
____ Municipality
____ Department or country
[] If born abroad, write the country and ask: In what year did you come to live permanently in this country?
Year of arrival in the country 19 _ _
[Name of the country] ____
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B. Second block: geographical characteristics (for all persons)

The questions relating to geographical characteristics are designed to study internal and international migration of the population.

It is desired to find out the total number of migrants and the patterns of these movements as well as the principal characteristics of this population.

Question 10: period of residence

1. How to formulate the question

For how many years have you lived in this municipality?

2. How to record the data

If the person has always lived in the municipality of the place of usual residence at the time of enumeration, the number "1. Always" is circled.

If the enumerated person has changed residences, moving to the current municipality of usual residence, the number of years living in this municipality is written in the space provided. If the time of residence is less than one year, "00" is recorded.

[p. 71]

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 10 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_YRIMMIG — Year of arrival to the country
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VII. People in the census household

8. Place of birth

In what municipality and department were you born?

[] 00 In this municipality
[] [If born in this country write the name of the municipality and department]
____ _ _ Municipality
____ _ _ Department
[] [If born abroad, write the country and year of arrival in this country]
Country____ _ _
Year of arrival in the country_ _
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8. Place of birth
For the purposes of the census the enumerated person's place of birth is the municipality in which the mother was residing at the time of birth. This is so even if the mother gave birth in a municipality other than that of her residence for medical or other reasons.
Ask, "In which department, municipality or country were you born?"

[A graphic of box 8, "place of birth," is reproduced on the right-hand side of the page.]

If the person you are enumerating was born in the municipality in which you are interviewing him/her, mark an X in the circle for the 00 option, "In this municipality," and leave the rest of the question set blank.

If the person was born in a different municipality, write the name and department of the municipality.

The box for country is only for people born abroad. Write the year of their arrival.

Leave the grid spaces on the right of the box blank; they are for office use only.

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_YRIMMIG — Year of arrival in the country
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Chapter VII. Characteristics of the people

For all persons
[Questions 1 through 9 are for all persons]

5. Were you born in what department?

[] 1 Here
[] Other department or country:
Municipality________ _ _
Department or country ________ _ _

For foreign born, write year of arrival to country _ _ _ _
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Section 7: Individual characteristics

This section records individual information for a maximum of ten people - those listed in section 6, "total number of persons in the household." If there are more than ten people in the census household use as many additional forms as necessary.

[A graphic of the "individual characteristics", located at the top of section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Person number: In the grid spaces on the upper left side of the form, write the number that corresponds to the person according to the order from the list of persons in section VI. The head of household is number 1.

Name: In the appropriate space, write the name of each of the persons who make up the household according to the order in which they appear on the list in question 3 of section VI. Begin with the head of household and continue writing according to the order established.

Information supplied by respondent: This is when the person interviewed gives information about his/her own self. Fill in the appropriate oval according to the information you receive.

Questions 1-11 should be asked for all permanent residents of the household in the dwelling.

5. Place of birth
Ask, "Which municipality and department was the person born in?"

[A graphic of question 5, from section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

[p. 57]

If the person was born in the municipality in which the interview is taking place, only fill in the oval for "here."

If the person was born in another municipality, write the name of the municipality and the department.

If the person was not born in Guatemala, write the name of the country and the year in which he/she arrived in Guatemala.

Honduras 1974 — source variable HN1974A_ARRYR — Year of arrival in the country
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A. - Personal and Geographic Characteristics (For all people resident in the dwelling)

7. In what municipality were you born?

If born abroad write only the name of the country.

[] Here
____ Municipality
____ Department or country

8. Only for those born abroad

A. Year____
[] 9 Unknown
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A) Personal and Geographic Characteristics

This section is for all residents in the dwelling. It is intended to find out information about the composition of the population according to their relationship with the head of household, sex, age, civil status, whether the mother is alive, place of birth, year of arrival in the country, nationality, and permanent residence in 1969.

Ask questions 1-9 of everyone who is enumerated, without exception and according to the detailed instructions below.

Question set 8: Year of arrival in the country and nationality

A) Year of arrival in the country.
For any person born abroad ask, "In what year did you/the person come to live permanently in this country."

a) Record the stated year of arrival in the country.

b) Mark an "X" in the "Unknown" box if the respondent does not know the enumerated person's year of arrival in the country.

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_ARRYR — Year of arrival to Honduras
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A. General characteristics

6. In what municipality and department were you born?

[] 1 Here (Municipality and department of the interview)

In another part of the country
a. Municipality ____ _ _
b. Department ____ _ _

(If born abroad, write the name of the country)

c. Country ____ _ _
d. Year of arrival 19_ _

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6. In which municipality and department were you born?
There are three possible answers for this, and the following, question: here, in another place in the country, or abroad. Only one answer is marked.

When the answer is "another place in the country", the municipality and department are recorded.

If born abroad, the name of the country and the date of arrival [to Honduras] are recorded.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_MIGYR — Year of arrival to Honduras
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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

For all persons
[Questions 1- 5 were asked of all persons.]

4. Where was [the person] born?

A. In this municipality
[] 1 Yes (Continue to question 5)
[] 2 No
B. In another municipality in the country
1. Municipality ____ _ _
2. Department ____ _ _
C. In another country
3. Country ____
4. Year of arrival in Honduras _ _ _ _
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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

On the heading of each page of this section write the names of the persons that make up this household one-by-one, maintaining the order established in 'composition of the household' (question 2, section D).

You will begin with head of household [male or female] as person number 1 and will continue with the rest of the members of the household.

Always ask about the spouse or partner of the head of household; never assume that he or she does not exist. Whenever possible, in the case where both are present, you will ask the questions of each person separately.

For all persons
[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons]

Question 4: Where were you born?
You should complement the question by reading the three possible answers:

A) In this municipality? Mention the name of the municipality where you are enumerating?

B) In another municipality in the country?

C) In another country?
[p. 47]

Only one of them should be the response, marking the corresponding box.

If the answer is 'in this municipality', mark the box 'yes' and continue with the next question. If this is not the case, mark the box 'no'.

If the answer is 'in another municipality in the country', write the name of the municipality on the line B.1; the name of the department on the line B.2 and continue with the next question.

If the answer from the person is that he or she was born 'in another country', write the name of the country in which the person was born on the line C.3; write the year of arrival in Honduras in the box that corresponds to space C.4.

It is probable that there are informants that answer some person(s) was or were born in a hospital or in a place that is different from where his or her mother resided at the time. In this case, as place of birth of the person should be registered as the place where the mother resided when the person, about whom the information is being given, was born.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_ITALARRIV — Year moved to Italy
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2.2 Indicate whether the person has Italian citizenship
[Question 2.2 was asked of Italian citizens.]
[] 1 From birth [skip to point 3]
[] 2 Acquired (e.g. by marriage or naturalization)

Indicate the country of previous citizenship and go to point 3 ____

For foreign citizens and stateless persons, if born abroad Questions 2.3-2.4.
[Questions 2.3-2.4 were asked of foreign citizens and stateless persons if born abroad.]

2.3 Indicate the year in which you moved to Italy____

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Question 2.2
Those who are Italian citizens from birth must cross box 1 ("From birth"), even if born in a foreign country. An Italian citizen from birth is one:
a) Whose mother or father has Italian citizenship.
b) Who is born in Italy from a stateless mother and father, or a child who does not keep his father's or mother's citizenship, in
accordance with the laws of the country to which these belong.
c) Who is the child of unknown parents who was found in Italy and for whom there is no proof of other citizenship.

Anyone who made a special request to became an Italian citizen, and this request was approved by the appropriate Authorities, must cross box 2 ("Acquired, for example, through marriage, naturalization"). Box 2 must also be crossed by anyone who has "automatically" become an Italian citizen. For example, box 2 must be crossed by:
a) A minor who acquired Italian citizenship through adoption by an Italian citizen or by maternal or paternal recognition (or legal statement of filiation) by the Italian parent;
b) A live-in minor who acquired Italian citizenship;
c) Anyone who acquired Italian citizenship by marriage, ordinary or special naturalization, by birth in Italy where he/she uninterruptedly resided until the age of 18.

Anyone who crosses box 2 must also specify the previous foreign country of citizenship, in Latin letters and in Italian.

Question 2.3
Specify the year in which you transferred to Italy.

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_MIGYR — Year of most recent transfer to Italy
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Section II: Individual Form

[For persons in List A]

4. Presence and prior dwelling

4.3 Indicate the month and year of your most recent transfer to Italy

Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

Question 4.3
Those who were residents abroad should indicate the month and year of their last permanent transfer to Italy.

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_YRMIG — Year of immigration
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Section 3: Migration
[All persons]

18. Year of immigration:

[This question was asked of foreign-born persons]
[] Before 1960
[] 1960-69
[] 1970-72
[] 1973-75
[] 1976
[] 1977
[] 1978
[] 1979
[] 1980
[] Not stated

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Section 3 - Migration

5.29 General
Questions 15 to 18 deal with the movement of persons from parish to parish and into Jamaica. Questions 15 to 17 apply to all individuals, local or foreign born, while Question 18 relates to persons born abroad only.

5.33 Question 18 - Year of Immigration

[Image omitted here]

This question is to be addressed only to persons born outside of Jamaica (see Question 12 (b)) and relates to the time when the individual first came to live in Jamaica.
If the year stated is 1959 or some year before that, mark before 1960. If the year is 1960 or some year up to and including 1969 mark the response position 1960-69, and so on. For persons coming to live in the island after 1980, mark 1980.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_YRIMMIG — Year of immigration to Jamaica
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4.4. In what year did you / did [the respondent] come to live in Jamaica? 19 _ _ (go to Question 5.1)
If not stated, record "99".
For years before 1900, score "00".

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Section 4 - Birthplace and residence

These questions are to be asked of all persons.

These questions are intended to study internal migration or the movement of people between the parishes in Jamaica. Movements apply only to those taking place between parishes and residence abroad is not regarded as a move for the purpose of studying internal migration.

5.49 Question 4.4 Year of Immigration
This question is to addressed only to persons born outside of Jamaica (See Q4.3). Write in the last two digits of the year in the boxes provided. For persons entering Jamaica before 1900, record "00". If the person entered Jamaica then left to live abroad and then returned, it is the last year of entry which is required.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_YRIMMIG — Year migrated to Jamaica
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[Questions 2.3 - 2.10 are for all persons who are usual residents of the household. If not usual resident of household, interview ended at questions 2.2]

2.4 In what year did you/did [the respondent] come to live in Jamaica?

_ _ _ _ (go to section 3)
[] Not stated

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Section 2: Birthplace and residence
[All persons]

These questions are very important for the main reasons that they:
(1) Will establish the "de jure" population on which the final Census tabulations will be based. The "de jure" count identifies persons at their usual place of residence.

(2) Are important for studying movement of the population between parishes in Jamaica. Movements apply only to those taking place between parishes. Residence abroad is not regarded as a move for the purpose of studying internal migration.

5.59 Question 2.4: Year of immigration

This question is to be addressed only to persons born outside of Jamaica. Write in the four digits of the year in the boxes provided. If the person entered Jamaica, left to live abroad, and then returned, it is the last year of entry that is required.

Malaysia 2000 — source variable MY2000A_ARRYR — Year of arrival in Malaysia
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C11. Year of first arrival in Malaysia _ _ _ _
(For those born outside Malaysia)

Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_ARRCODE — Year of arrival to the country
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8. Year of arrival in the country

Only for those individuals born abroad

In what year did you arrive to live in Nicaragua?

19 ____ Year
[] 9 Native-born

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Geographic characteristics
Questions related to geographical characteristics (place of birth, year of arrival to Nicaragua of the foreign-born population, current usual place of residence,

[p. 51]

place of usual residence in April of 1966) are presented in order to study the internal and international migration of the population. The total number of migrants, the direction and tendency of the movements, as well as the principal characteristics of this population are investigated.

Question #8: Year of arrival in country
This question is only presented to those born abroad.

a. How to ask the question:
In which year did the person come to live in Nicaragua?

[p. 52]

b. How to record the information:
The year declared by the informant is recorded.

If the informant does not know the year of arrival to the country of one of the household members, the word "Unknown" is recorded in the space provided for the year.

An "X" is marked in the "Native ___" box that has been provided for those born in Nicaragua. This [box] is provided so that no box is left blank on the census form.

c. Examples:

[These instructions refer to a graph of question 8 on the census form]

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_YRIMMIG — Year of arrival in the country (born abroad)
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V. Persons in the dwelling
For all persons
[Questions 1-4 were asked of all persons]

4. In what municipality was the person born?

[] 1 Here, in this municipality

Elsewhere in Nicaragua?
Municipality: ____
Department: ____

In another country?
Country: ____
Year of arrival in Nicaragua: ____

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Question 4: Place of birth
For the purpose of the census, we consider the place of birth of the person as the municipality of the habitual residence of the person's mother at the time of birth, even if the delivery occurred in another municipality distinct from the one of the mother's habitual residence, because of medical care or other accidental reasons. If for the census you do not indicate the birth of the child in the place of the mother's residence, then we will have a false result for migrations. Therefore, you should be very careful with this question.

You will ask, "In which municipality of the country were you born?" But explaining that you want to know in which municipality the person started to grow up.

If the person was born in the same municipality where you are conducting the interview, you will mark the box that corresponds to Category 1 (Here, in this municipality) with an "X" and you will leave the rest blank.

If the person was born in another municipality, you will write the name of the municipality. For those who were born in another country, you should be careful to write the complete name of the country of origin clearly and at the same time, write the year of arrival in Nicaragua when the person intended to stay here. Leave the boxes to the right blank; they are for office use.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_YRIMMIG — Year of arrival to Nicaragua
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9. When [the person] was born, in which municipality was [the person]'s mother living in?
[] 1 Here, in this municipality
[] 2 Other municipality

Which municipality? ____
In which department? ____

[] 3 In another country: ____

In what year did [the person] arrive in Nicaragua? ___ (continue to question 11)

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Question 9. When [the person] was born, in which municipality was [the person]'s mother living in?

For the purposes of the census, the person's place of birth is understood to mean the municipality in which the mother was a permanent resident at the time of birth, even if, for reasons of medical care or for any other reason, the birth took place in a municipality other than the mother's permanent place of residence.

If the answer is "Here, in this municipality", mark an "X" next to option 1 and go to question 10.

If the answer is "Other municipality", mark an "X" next to option 2, write the complete name of the municipality and department and go to question 10.

If the mother was living in another country at the time of birth, mark an "X" next to option 3 and write the complete name of the country.

Use four digits to write the year in which the person arrived in Nicaragua and go to question 11. The name you write for the municipality should not correspond to a region, community or town. If you have questions consult the Territorial Political Divisions (DPT) guide in the appendices.

The name you write should correspond to a country and not a state, county, department, municipality, canton, parish or district of the country where the person who emigrated is currently living. For example, if the informant responds that the person lives in Miami, write "United States".

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_ARRPA — Period of arrival in Panama
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[Questions 10 to 12A were asked to all persons]

10. Where did your mother live when you were born

[] 0001 In this same place
Continue with question 11.
In another populated place?

Specify ____
District ____
Province or indigenous district ____
Province _ _ District _ _ A _

Continue with question 11

In another country?

Specify ____
Country _ _ _
10A. In which period did you arrive in Panama

[] 1 Before May, 2000
[] 2 Between May, 2000 and April 2005
[] 3 Between May 2005 and today

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[For persons of all ages]
[Questions 1 to 12a]

Question No 10: Where did your mother live when you were born?
[Questions 10 to 12A were asked to all persons.]
The objective of this question is to determine the lifetime migrant, i.e. persons whose habitual place of residence at the date of the census differs from their place of reference (mother's residence) at the moment of birth.
Mark with an "X" the circle "In this place" if a person declares that her mother lived in the same locality where she is being enumerated "when she was born".
When a person says that her mother was living "in another locality" "when she was born", write down the name of the district and the province or indigenous region to which the locality belongs to and go to question 11.
For those who say that their mother lived "in another country" "when they were born", write down the name of the country and go to question 10A.
[Below the text there is a sample image of the form.]

[p. 150]
You are enumerating the home of Mr. Vicente Moreno in Sardina del Palmar, in the district of La Pintada, Coclé province. He says that when he was born, his mother lived in El Platito, Las Minas district in the province of Herrera.
[Below the text there is a sample image of the form.]
Question No. 10A: In what period did you arrive in Panama?
[Questions 10 to 12A were asked to all persons.]
Objective: To know the time of arrival to Panama of people born in another country.
Ask this question if the respondent stated in question 10 that her mother lived in another country when she was born, and specify the period in which she arrived in Panama.

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_YRIMMIG — Year of arrival
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7. Date of arrival (only for those born abroad)
In what year did you arrive in Paraguay to stay?

____ Year of arrival

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I. For all persons. General characteristics

Question 7. In what year did you settle in Paraguay?

Write down the year that they settled in Paraguay

[A depiction of question 7 to the right of the preceding text and a drawing of a man below the text is omitted here.]

The date of arrival of foreigners to the country refers to the date on which they came to settle in Paraguay. Other trips that they might have made, for reasons of business, tourist visits, or to visit relatives, do not count.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_YRIMMIG — Year of arrival to country
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Population Information

Chapter E. For all persons.

Enumerator: Keep in mind the following instructions for questions 7, 8 and 9:

a. Mark "in this place" if referring to the same district in which the person is being enumerated;

b. Mark "in another place" if referring to another district, and specify the name of the district, whether it is a city/town or company [compañía]/colony [colonia]/indigenous community, and the name of the department.

c. If you marked "in another country," write the name of the country.

Only for foreigners:

_ _ _ _ Year of arrival

If a tourist, write 8888
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D. List of persons

E. Population information for all persons

Before enumerating each of the members of the household, you should note the order number, the name and last name and relationship on the page that corresponds to each of them in the same order as chapter D (Question 28). After registering all of the persons, you should complete the information for each of them, beginning with the head of household, male or female.

Question 8: Where did your mother live when you were born?

You should always refer to the place of residency of the mother of the person whose information you are taking.

Part 2 should only be completed if the district is different from the district where you are enumerating and you should not forget to mark the circle.

Do not forget to write the year of arrival of the person being enumerated, in the case where his/her mother had been living "in another country".

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_YRSUSA1 — Years in Puerto Rico

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_YRSUSA1 — Years in Puerto Rico
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8. Is this person a citizen of the United States?

[] Yes, born in Puerto Rico - skip to question 10a
[] Yes, born in a US state, district of Columbia, Guam, the US Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[] Yes, born abroad of US citizen parent or parents
[] Yes, US citizen by naturalization - print year of naturalization _ _ _ _
[] No, not a US citizen

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_YRSUSA1 — Years in Puerto Rico
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
9. When did this person come to live in Puerto Rico?

If this person came to live in Puerto Rico more than once, print latest year.

Year _ _ _ _
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Person questions 7-11

Answer questions 7-11 for the first five persons listed on pages 2-7 of your questionnaire. Person 1 on page 2 should correspond to Person 1 on page 12; Person 2 on page 3 should correspond to Person 2 on page 19; etc.

P9. (no special instructions)

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_YRIMM — Year of immigration
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P-08a Year moved to South Africa
In which year did [the person] move to South Africa?
If moved more than once to South Africa, please indicate the year of the last move.
_ _ _ _
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4. Section B: Migration (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Information is used to measure the movement of people from one geographical area to another for better understanding of the population and for planning purposes.

This section must be completed for every person listed on the questionnaire.
A person whose usual residence is outside South Africa should not answer the questions on province or municipality of usual residence.
If municipality/magisterial district is not known, leave the question blank.
b. Example - Migration (below):
All three people in this scenario were born in Western Cape.
Questions on country of birth and the year they moved to South Africa are only for those who were born outside the country.
The question on citizenship is answered by all persons listed on the questionnaire.

[Figure omitted, example]
c. Example - Migration cont. (below):

Francinah was visiting her daughter on census night.
Only visitors report on the province, municipality and nearest city/town where they usually live (P-10a, P-10b and P-10c).
Infants (younger than six months) should answer YES on (P-10) if their parents/guardians intend for them to live with the household for at least four nights a week for the next six months.
Persons who have recently moved to a new place and intend to live there for at least four nights a week for the next six months should also answer YES on P-10.

[Figure omitted, example]
d. Example - Migration cont. (below):

Diana has not been living in this place since October 2001.
She moved into this place in November 2007 from within Western Cape.
Adam was born after October 2001 and has never moved.
Francinah has never moved from her place of usual residence (Please note that Francinah is a visitor and is reporting on her place of usual residence).
As Adam and Francinah have never moved, they do not have to complete the questions.
Household members that have moved more than once should report their last move.

[Figure omitted, example]
e. Example - Migration cont. (below):

Household members that moved, should complete the province, municipality and nearest city/town of previous residence.
Diana moved from Stellenbosch local municipality where her nearest city/town was Franschhoek where she was staying with her mother (Francinah).
Adam and Francinah have never moved, so they do not have to complete the questions.

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_YRSPAIN — Year of arrival in Spain
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5. Since what year have you resided in the following places? (answer even if it is since birth):
_ _ _ _ Spain
_ _ _ _ This Autonomous community
_ _ _ _ This municipality
If you previously resided in another municipality or country, write it below:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_YRIMMIG — Year of arrival into Switzerland
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Personal questionnaire

5. Have you lived in a country other than Switzerland for at least one year without interruption?

[] 1 No
[] 2 Yes
[If yes,] in which year did you return to Switzerland for the last time? _ _ _ _ (year)

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_BPLCNTRY — Country of birthplace
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3.1.3 Basic output
The basic statistics of the population provide annual information.

T2 Information provided by the basic statistics of the population

Size and structure of the population

- Permanent and non-permanent resident population by age, sex, marital status, nationality, place of birth, type of residence permit (foreign nationals), reason for immigration, and length of stay in Switzerland

Trinidad and Tobago 1970 — source variable TT1970A_YRIMMIG — Year of immigration
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Section III. Migration

[Question 13-15 asked of all persons.]

16. Year of Immigration

[Question 16 asked of foreign born only.]

[] Before 1943
[] 1943-1946
[] 1947-1953
[] 1954-1958
[] 1959-1960
[] 1961-1963
[] 1964-1965
[] 1966-1968
[] 1969-1970
[] Not stated
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C. Section III - Migration

Questions 13 to 15 deal with movements from one major area to another, whereas question 16 applies only to persons born abroad. Answers to questions 14 and 15 depend on answers to question 13.

45. Question 16 - Year of immigration

This question relates to persons born outside the country and refers to the period when they first came to live in the country. You are required to mark the relevant period on the questionnaire

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_RESDUR — Year started living in Trinidad and Tobago
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Section 2: Migration (Birthplace and Residence) - For all Persons

Foreign born only
[Questions 7(c) and 7(d) are asked only to foreign born]

7(d). Duration of residence in Trinidad and Tobago

From what year has (N) [the respondent] been living in Trinidad and Tobago?

_ _ _ _ Year
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Section 2 - Migration

2.1. Place of birth

The place of birth is the geographical location in which the mother of the individual resided at the time of the person's birth.

2.2. Foreign born

This is defined as any person not born in Trinidad and Tobago.

2.3. Foreign born ? Duration of residence in Trinidad and Tobago

This is the interval of time up to the date of the census expressed in completed years during which each foreign born person has lived in Trinidad and Tobago.

United States 2000 — source variable US2000A_YRIMMIG — Year of immigration
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14. When did this person come to live in the United States? Print numbers in boxes.
_ _ _ _ Year

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_YRIMMIG — Year of immigration
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9. When did this person come to live in the United States?
[Question 9 is asked if the person is not born in the United States.]

Print numbers in boxes:

Year _ _ _ _

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_YRIMMIG — Year of immigration
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9. When did this person come to live in the United States? Print numbers in boxes. Year: ____

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_YRSUSA1 — Years in the United States
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9. When did this person come to live in the United States?

If this person came to live in the United States more than once, print latest year.

Year _ _ _ _

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_YRSUSA1 — Years in the United States
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9. When did this person come to live in the United States?

If this person came to live in the United States more than once, print latest year.

Year _ _ _ _
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Person questions 7-11

Answer questions 7-11 for the first five persons listed on pages 2-7 of your questionnaire. Person 1 on page 2 should correspond to Person 1 on page 12; Person 2 on page 3 should correspond to Person 2 on page 19; etc.

P9. (no special instructions)

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_MIGYR — Year of arrival in Uruguay
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10. If you reside in Uruguay and were born abroad, what year did you come to Uruguay to live?
19 _ _

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Question 10. If you live in Uruguay and were born abroad, in what year did you arrive in Uruguay in order to live here?
You should complete the last two figures of the year of arrival in the boxes that follow 19_ _

If they came before the year 1900, write down "00".

Uruguay 2011 — source variable UY2011A_ARRYR — Year of arrival
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Question 13.

13.1. If born abroad, in which year did [the respondent] arrive to Uruguay in order to reside therein? (PerMi02)
Year _ _ _ _
(9999 if unknown. Go to 13.2)

13.2. Approximately in which period did [the respondent] arrive to Uruguay in order to reside therein? (PerMi02_1)

[] 1 2010-2011
[] 2 2005-2009
[] 3 2000-2004
[] 4 1995-1999
[] 5 1990-1994
[] 6 1985-1989
[] 7 1980-1984
[] 8 1975-1979
[] 9 1970-1974
[] 10 Before 1970
[] 99 Unknown
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8.5 Migration

This module is formulated for everyone.

The objective is to identify the migrations that the people have had throughout their lives. Migration is understood to be a change of habitual residency from a place of origin to a place of destination that outreaches the limits of the geographic division (locality, department, or country).

In which year did he/she arrive to Uruguay in order to reside therein?

For the people that declared having been born abroad, investigate the year in which the person went to reside definitely in Uruguay, with respect to the last country where he/she resided (it doesn't have to coincide with the place of birth). Keep in mind that you must mark the year corresponding to the last arrival, from which he/she decided to establish fixed residency in the country.

If the informant does not know the year, mark 9999 and go on to the following question.

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_TIMECNTY — Time in country
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7. How long have you lived in this country?
[] Less than a year
A year or more. How many? ____

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Question 7

-- How long has the person lived in the country?

This question is only presented to those born abroad.

In the case of one or more years of residence, the number of years living in the country should be indicated.

[p. 69]

Important: The total number of years of residence in Venezuela is interrupted when the person leaves for more than 2 years. In this case, the total time of residence in the country is counted from the last entrance.

Trips abroad for short periods of time (less than 2 years) do no interrupt the total number of years of residency in Venezuela.

If the person has less than one year, fill in the appropriate oval. If more than one year, write down the number of years.

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_TIMECTRY — Time residing in the country
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For all individuals:
[Questions 1-10 -- are for all person]

7. How long have you lived in the country?

[] Less than 1 year
[] 1 to 4 years
[] 5 to 9 years
[] 10 years or more

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Questions 1-10 -- are for all persons

Every person in the household should be asked these questions.

-- In the case of people who are absent or of small children, ask the Head of Household or the person who can give the most reliable information.

Questions 6 and 7

-- These questions are only for those who answered "another country" in Question No.5.

Question No.7

[Time in country]
[The instructions refer to a graphic of section VI, question 7 on the census form.]

-- Read the question and the possible answers and fill in the corresponding cell.