Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | Attending | 603,942 |
2 | Has attended | 1,335,819 |
3 | Never attended | 206,085 |
8 | Unknown | 447 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 221,874 |
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This variable indicates whether the person was attending or had attended school at the time of the census.
- Vietnam 1999: Persons age 5+
- Vietnam: 1999
Questionnaire Text
Persons born before 4/1994 (5 years old and over) answer the following questions:
[Respond questions 8 to 12]
10. Is (Name) attending school now, or has (Name) stopped or never attended?
School: Only record persons currently attending/attended general schools (or equivalent) and institutions of higher education.
[] 1 Attending now
[] 2 Attended in the past
[] 3 Never attended [Go on to question 12]
[] 2 Attended in the past
[] 3 Never attended [Go on to question 12]
Question 10: Is (name) attending school now, or has (name) stopped or never attended?
School attendance is an individual's educational status at a nationally recognized general school or professional and higher education (at college level and higher), such as primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, public/semi-public/ private professional schools at college level and higher, or equivalent (including on-the-job long-term training, evening education, and open education). These types of education aim to provide general education or systematic professional skills in a given time period.
A person response to this question has one of three choices: attending now, attended in the past, and never attended. Therefore, interviewers only can select one of three codes "1", "2", and "3".
If respondent is currently attending general school or college or university or post graduate program, interviewers select code "1" and ask question 11.
Note: Persons who are attending technical school/class, primary and middle professional school are coded as "2 -- attended in the past".
If respondent attended general school or professional school in the past, interviewers select code "2" and ask question 11.
If respondent has never attended general school or professional school (never go to school), interviewers select code "3" and skip question 11 and ask question 12.