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Difficulty walking or climbing steps

Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
B. Individual characteristics

The entire population
[Questions B16 through B28 were asked of all resident persons.]

Population aged 1 year or older.
[Question B21 through B26 were asked of all resident persons age 1 or older.]

B21-B26. The following questions pertain to difficulties which you may have in carrying out certain activities due to a health problem.

Enter the corresponding codes to the answer given (see the bottom of the page)
B23. Does [the respondent] have any difficulties walking or climbing steps?
[] 0. No, no difficulties
[] 1. Yes, some difficulties,
[] 2. Yes, many difficulties
[] 3. not at all capable
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B21/26: set of short questions on disability recommended for the censuses (population aged 1 year and over)
The questions about disability issues have been greatly altered in relation to what previous censuses proposed. It is about Senegal aligning itself with the progress made in this area. The United Nations, through their experts on global statistics, created in the 2000s a group of experts, the Washington group, which developed a series of short questions for censuses and surveys according to the Basic Principles of Official Statistics. These questions identify the majority of those most at risk in the general population who have limited or restricted participation in public life. It is not a question of identifying the handicap or the cause of disability, the question is to identify the limitations of the respondent (and/or one of his or her family members) to have/potentially have difficulty in performing actions linked to their lifestyle and related functions: seeing, hearing, walking, having cognitive faculty, taking care of themselves, and communicating. These are the areas the questions included in the census questionnaire concern.
The questions to ask relate to the difficulties that the respondent or a family member may have in fulfilling certain tasks in a sustainable manner (6 months or more, in a recurring manner):

1) Do you have difficulty seeing, even if you wear glasses?
- The answer of a person who wears glasses and has no difficulties will then be codified by choice 0 on the PDA.
- On the other hand, the answer of someone who wears glasses and who still has difficulties in seeing must be codified in 1 or 2 depending on the degree of difficulty in seeing.
2) Do you have difficulty hearing even with a hearing aid?
- In the same vein: the response of a person with a hearing aid (it is a device in the ear) but who would still have difficulty hearing would be codified in 1 or 2 depending on the degree of difficulty.
3) Do you have difficulty walking or climbing stairs?
4) Do you have trouble remembering or concentrating?
5) Do you have any difficulties (in taking care of yourself) in performing activities like washing yourself or dressing yourself?
[p. 41]
6) Using your usual (common) language, do you have difficulty communicating, (for example, to understand or make yourself understood by others)?

Each question has four response categories:

0 No, no difficulty,
1 Yes, some difficulties,
2 Yes, lots of difficulties,
3 Not at all able to do it.

The severity scale is used in the response categories to identify the full range of functional domains ranging from the most benign to the most severe form. This is very important because we will have a full range of the respondent's capabilities.
NB: This question concerns the population aged at least 1 year.
On the PDA, you will choose the answer on a drop-down list.