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Disability limiting ability to walk

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      class Dismobil : public Editor {

  Dismobil(VarPointer varInfo) : Editor(varInfo) {}
  void edit() {

    long a = getRecoded();
    switch (dataSet) {
    case dataset_id::mw2008a: {
      if (MW2008A_0418() != 4 && (MW2008A_0420() == 4 || MW2008A_0422() == 4))
        a = 1;
    } break;
    case dataset_id::tt2011a: {
      if (TT2011A_0415() == 0 || TT2011A_0415() == 3)
        a = 0;
    } break;
    case dataset_id::rw2012a: {
      if (RW2012A_0414() == 4 || RW2012A_0416() == 4 || RW2012A_0418() == 4 ||
          RW2012A_0420() == 4 || RW2012A_0422() == 4)
        a = 1;
    } break;
    case dataset_id::mu2000a: {
      if (MU2000A_0416() < 98 && MU2000A_0417() < 98 && MU2000A_0419() < 98)
        a = 2;
      if (MU2000A_0416() == 4 || MU2000A_0417() == 4 || MU2000A_0419() == 4)
        a = 1;
      if (MU2000A_0416() == 98 || MU2000A_0417() == 98 || MU2000A_0419() == 98)
        a = 9;
    } break;
    case dataset_id::za2011a: {
      if (ZA2011A_0401() >= 0 && ZA2011A_0401() <= 4)
        a = 0;
    } break;




DISMOBIL indicates whether the person has difficulty walking or climbing stairs.

Comparability — Index

Costa Rica
El Salvador
Puerto Rico
South Africa
Trinidad and Tobago
United States

Comparability — General

DISMOBIL identifies functional limitation affecting the ability to ambulate: walk, climb stairs, or similar activity. It is distinct from the variable DISLOWR (disability affecting lower limbs), which is focused on the status of the person's legs and feet (paralysis, absence, impairment). There is considerable overlap in the two variables, but users should examine the questionnaire text and response categories to weigh the degree of comparability for their purposes.

A number of samples in DISMOBIL indicate degree of difficulty walking or climbing (some, much, complete). Any degree of impairment is coded as "yes." The relevant samples are Brazil 2000 and 2010, South Africa 2011, Tanzania 2012, Trinidad and Tobago 2011, Uruguay 2011, and Vietnam 2009. The response details are preserved in the unharmonized source variables for those samples.

Only permanent conditions were to be considered disabilities in the samples that contain such language, but many are not explicit on that point. See the enumeration text for the samples for the precise wording.

There are only minor difference in the universe of respondents across samples.

DISMOBIL differs from DISINDEP (independent mobility difficulty), which assesses the respondent's ability to leave their home and perform daily tasks without assistance. The cause of difficulty could be mental or physical.

Comparability — Brazil [top]

The 2000 and 2010 censuses record any level of permanent difficulty walking, even with the use of prosthesis or walking aid. The source data identify degrees of difficulty. Any degree of difficulty is recorded as "yes" in DISMOBIL.

Related data for 1991 are included in DISLOWR, which identifies paralysis in a lower limb.

Comparability — Cambodia [top]

The 2019 census question identified people having difficulty walking or climbing steps.

Comparability — Colombia [top]

The 2005 sample specified a permanent limitation in mobility or ability to walk.

Related data for 1993 are included in DISLOWR, which identifies paralysis, absence, or loss of function in a lower limb.

Comparability — Costa Rica [top]

The questionnaire asked if the person has "difficulty with walking".

Comparability — El Salvador [top]

The 1992 sample refers to persons with paralysis or partial/total loss of a lower extremity, while the 2007 sample identifies permanent limitations in moving or walking.

Comparability — Honduras [top]

The 2013 census refers to persons who cannot move or walk, so they need help to get around.

Comparability — Israel [top]

The census question asks for difficulty in walking at home or up and down the stairs. The response "does not have difficulty or has a mild difficulty" is coded as "no" in DISMOBIL.

Comparability — Kenya [top]

The 2019 census refers to persons who have difficulty walking or climbing stairs. Difficulties walking can include those resulting from impairments in balance, endurance, or other non-musculoskeletal systems.

Comparability — Laos [top]

The 2015 census question identified people having difficulty walking or climbing stairs.

Comparability — Malawi [top]

In 2008 question asks if the respondent has any problems or difficulty in walking which "inhibit the ability to work or participate in normal activities". The 2018 census question identified people having difficulty walking or climbing stairs.

Comparability — Mauritius [top]

The 2000 harmonized variable is constructed from the first, second, and third reported disabilities. It indicates a disability related to motion: walking, running, and other ambulation disabilities.

The 2011 sample reports different levels of difficulty in walking or climbing stairs, where persons with any level of difficulty are classified as "yes". The difficulty levels are preserved in the corresponding unharmonized source variable.

Related data for 1990 are included in DISLOWR, which identifies paralysis in a lower limb.

Comparability — Mexico [top]

The 2000 and 2010 samples identify persons with a limitation moving or walking in such a way that they need help from another person or a device (wheelchair, walker, or other). This includes partial or total loss of legs and movement restrictions if they have their legs. In the 2000 sample, the "yes" category also appears to include write-in responses that suggested a disability affecting movement. Both samples refer to a disability that limits the person's ability to carry out daily life activities. The 2020 sample identified people with difficulty walking or going up or down steps or slopes.

Comparability — Mongolia [top]

The 2020 census question identified people having difficulty walking or climbing stairs.

Comparability — Morocco [top]

The 2004 sample identifies persons unable to practice daily activities in a normal way because of a total or partial mobility disability affecting limbs.

The 2014 sample indicates whether the person has any difficulty in walking or climbing stairs, where persons with any level of difficulty are classified as "yes". The difficulty levels are preserved in the corresponding unharmonized source variable.

Comparability — Mozambique [top]

The 2020 census question identified people having difficulty walking.

Comparability — Myanmar [top]

The 2014 sample indicates whether the person has any difficulty in walking, climbing stairs, or carrying items, where persons with any level of difficulty are classified as "yes". The difficulty levels are preserved in the corresponding unharmonized source variable.

Comparability — Panama [top]

In 2010, the variable indicates whether the person has any permanent difficulty in walking or standing for long periods of time. The question includes persons with any paralysis affecting their extremities, the elderly and persons with other medical conditions that limit their mobility.

Comparability — Peru [top]

The 2017 census question identified people with moving or walking disability, using arms or legs.

Comparability — Philippines [top]

The 2010 census indicates whether the person has any permanent difficulty in walking or climbing stairs.

Related data for 1995 and 2000 are included in DISLOWR, which identifies paralysis, absence, or loss of function in a lower limb.

Comparability — Puerto Rico [top]

The question in both samples records serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs.

Comparability — Rwanda [top]

The 2012 census records a disability that causes "difficulty walking or climbing stairs."

Related data for 2002 are included in DISLOWR, which identifies paralysis, absence, or loss of function in a lower limb.

Comparability — Senegal [top]

The 2013 census question reports different levels of difficulty in walking or climbing stairs. Persons with any level of difficulty are classified as "yes" in 2013. These details are preserved in the unharmonized source variable.

Comparability — South Africa [top]

The 2011 and 2016 samples record degrees of "difficulty walking or climbing stairs." The degree of difficulty is preserved in the corresponding unharmonized source variables.

The 2011 sample asked this question of all persons, but the census documentation recommended including only persons age 5+ in the analysis of disability. Thus, DISMOBIL has responses restricted to persons age 5+ in the variable universe. The original responses for persons under this age are available in the corresponding unharmonized source variable.

Comparability — Suriname [top]

The 2012 sample reports different levels of difficulty in walking or climbing stairs, where persons with any level of difficulty are classified as "yes". The difficulty levels are preserved in the corresponding unharmonized source variable.

Comparability — Tanzania [top]

In 2012, the census question aimed to gauge the respondent's level of difficulty walking. The degree of difficulty walking is preserved in the source variable.

Comparability — Trinidad and Tobago [top]

In 2000 the census asked only whether the person had a walking disability, while the 2010 census recorded the degree of difficulty walking (details preserved in the source variable).

Comparability — Uganda [top]

The 2014 sample asks for difficulty in walking or climbing steps. It reports different levels of difficulty, where persons with any level of difficulty are classified as "yes"; these details are preserved in the unharmonized source variable.

Comparability — United States [top]

The question in both samples records serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs.

Comparability — Uruguay [top]

The 2006 sample identifies persons with permanent limitations walking, even when using canes, crutches, or prosthetics, which affect the ability to perform daily life activities. Data are only available for persons interviewed in the third trimester of the household survey.

In the 2011 sample, a person is classified as disabled in the lower extremities if he/she has difficulty in walking or climbing stairs. Degrees of difficulty are preserved in the source variable.

Comparability — Vietnam [top]

The 2009-2019 census question asks for the level of difficulty walking. The degree of difficulty is preserved in the source variable.


  • Brazil 2000: All persons
  • Brazil 2010: All persons
  • Cambodia 2019: Persons age 5+
  • Colombia 2005: All persons
  • Costa Rica 2011: All persons
  • El Salvador 2007: Persons in private occupied dwellings
  • Honduras 2013: All persons
  • Israel 2008: Persons age 5+
  • Kenya 2019: Persons age 5+
  • Laos 2015: All persons
  • Malawi 2008: Non-visitors
  • Malawi 2018: Persons age 5+
  • Mauritius 2000: All persons
  • Mauritius 2011: All persons
  • Mexico 2000: All persons
  • Mexico 2010: All persons
  • Mexico 2020: All persons
  • Mongolia 2020: Citizens or residents of Mongolia
  • Morocco 2004: All persons
  • Morocco 2014: All persons
  • Mozambique 2017: All persons
  • Myanmar 2014: All persons
  • Panama 2010: All persons
  • Peru 2017: All persons
  • Philippines 2010: All persons
  • Puerto Rico 2010: Persons age 5+
  • Puerto Rico 2015: Persons age 5+
  • Puerto Rico 2020: Persons age 5+
  • Rwanda 2012: All persons
  • Senegal 2013: Residents age 1+ in ordinary households
  • South Africa 2011: Persons age 5+ in private households
  • South Africa 2016: Persons age 5+
  • Suriname 2012: All persons
  • Tanzania 2012: All persons
  • Trinidad and Tobago 2000: All persons
  • Trinidad and Tobago 2011: Persons in private households who live in Trinidad and Tobago
  • Uganda 2014: Persons age 2+
  • United States 2010: Persons age 5+
  • United States 2015: Persons age 5+
  • United States 2020: Persons age 5+
  • Uruguay 2006: Persons in third trimester
  • Uruguay 2011: All persons
  • Vietnam 2009: Persons age 5+
  • Vietnam 2019: Persons age 5+


  • Brazil: 2000, 2010
  • Cambodia: 2019
  • Colombia: 2005
  • Costa Rica: 2011
  • El Salvador: 2007
  • Honduras: 2013
  • Israel: 2008
  • Kenya: 2019
  • Laos: 2015
  • Malawi: 2008, 2018
  • Mauritius: 2000, 2011
  • Mexico: 2000, 2010, 2020
  • Mongolia: 2020
  • Morocco: 2004, 2014
  • Mozambique: 2017
  • Myanmar: 2014
  • Panama: 2010
  • Peru: 2017
  • Philippines: 2010
  • Puerto Rico: 2010, 2015, 2020
  • Rwanda: 2012
  • Senegal: 2013
  • South Africa: 2011, 2016
  • Suriname: 2012
  • Tanzania: 2012
  • Trinidad and Tobago: 2000, 2011
  • Uganda: 2014
  • United States: 2010, 2015, 2020
  • Uruguay: 2006, 2011
  • Vietnam: 2009, 2019