Questionnaire Text

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A. Questions to be asked to all members of the household
[Questions 1-14.]

P13. Major disability or handicap

Does ____ have any sort of disability?

If the answer is "Yes", ask what type of disability or handicap, and circle the code corresponding to one of the abbreviations copied at the bottom of the page, according to the declaration of the interviewee.

If the answer is "No", circle the number 1, and go to P15.

[] 1. SH = No handicap or disability
[] 2. AV = Blind
[] 3. SM = Mute/deaf
[] 4. MI = Disability or handicap in lower limbs
[] 5. MS = Disability or handicap in upper limbs
[] 6. DM = Mental deficiency
[] 7. TR = Trauma
[] 8. AH = Other handicap or disability

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

P13: Major disability or Handicap

For item P13, the census enumerator has to ask each person the type of disability or handicap that he/she suffers from, whether the disability or handicap is visible or not. When the enumerated person mentions his/her disability or handicap, one will circle the number corresponding to the answer given.

- Total handicap (ikimara) is classified as "Other handicaps".

- When an enumerated person declares having no disability or handicap, one will circle the number "1".
One will write nothing under P14, and one will go to question P15.

If the person has several disabilities or handicaps, write down the most severe one.