Brazil 1960 |
Brazil 1970 |
Brazil 1980 |
Brazil 1991 |
Brazil 2000 |
Brazil 2010 |
J. State or foreign country where lived before moving to this municipality (see codes; only write the name of the state or country if you don't find it in Code List 1)
____ Code list 1
These questions will only be asked of persons who were not born in the municipality where they are residing on the date of the Census. For those born in the municipality of residence and for present nonresidents (response to Question B) the enumerator should not record anything.
It would be good to note that:
13. In what state or foreign country lived before moving to this municipality?
19. Indicate the state abbreviation and the name of the municipality or of the foreign country in which resided before moving to this municipality
____ name
Internal migration and international immigration
6.25 In which federation unit (state) and municipality or foreign country had you lived before moving to this municipality?
6.253 Municipality_ _ _