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      class Bplbr : public Editor {

  Bplbr(VarPointer varInfo) : Editor(varInfo) {}
  void edit() {

    long a = getRecoded();
    if (dataSet == dataset_id::br1991a) {
      if (BR1991A_0424() == 0)
        a = BR1991A_0003(0);
    if (dataSet == dataset_id::br2000a) {
      if (BR2000A_0447() == 0)
        a = BR2000A_0001(0);
    if (dataSet == dataset_id::br2010a) {
      if (BR2010A_0413() < 3 || BR2010A_0414() < 3)
        a = BR2010A_0022(0);
      if (BR2010A_0417() == 2)
        a = 98;




BPLBR indicates the person's state of birth within Brazil.

Comparability — General

BPLBR is fully comparable across censuses. There has been some merging and splitting of states over time, as described in STATEBR.

For the country of birth of foreign-born persons, see BPLCOUNTRY.


  • All persons


  • Brazil: 1960, 1970, 1980, 1991, 2000, 2010