Questionnaire Text

Brazil 1960
Brazil 1970
Brazil 1980
Brazil 1991
Brazil 2000
Brazil 2010
Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_BIRTHPLC — State or country of birth
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G. State or foreign country of birth (see codes; only write the name of the state or country if you don't find it in Code List 1)

____ code list 1

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Question G - State or foreign country of birth

When taking the respondent's declaration, the enumerator will consult the list of codes found on the left-hand side of the questionnaire; for native-born Brazilians, the enumerator will record the digits corresponding to the State declared, and for naturalized Brazilians and foreigners the code of one of the foreign countries specified on the list. The enumerator will write the name of the country in full only when no corresponding code is listed.
Code 28 (Serra dos Aimorés) should be recorded for persons born in this area in litigation between the states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo.
When the declaration is the Federal District, the enumerator will ask the respondent if he or she is referring to the present Federal District (Brasilia) or to the former Federal District (the present State of Guanabara) and will enter the respective code.

[p. 29]

It should be noted that the term Rio de Janeiro is frequently declared. In this case, the enumerator should ascertain whether the respondent is referring to the state of Rio de Janeiro (Code 9) or the City of Rio de Janeiro (in the state of Guanabara - Code 12) and record as such.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_BIRTHPLC — State or country of birth
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9. State or foreign country of birth
____ Code
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Question 9 - State or Foreign Country of Birth

For native-born Brazilians, record the following codes in the corresponding spaces, depending on place of birth:

1 - Rondônia
2 - Acre
3 - Amazonas
4 - Roraima
5 - Pará
6 - Amapá
7 - Maranhão
8 - Piauí
9 - Ceará
10 - Rio Grande do Norte
11 - Paraíba
12 - Pernambuco
13 - Alagoas
14 - Fernando de Noronha
15 - Sergipe
16 - Bahia
17 - Minas Gerais
18 - Espírito Santo
19 - Rio de Janeiro
20 - Guanabara
21 - São Paulo
22 - Paraná
23 - Santa Catarina
24 - Rio Grande do Sul
25 - Mato Grosso
26 - Goiás
27 - Federal District (Brasília)
00 - Brazil, without specifying the state and native Brazilians born abroad or on board.

For foreigners and naturalized Brazilians, record the name of the country of birth.

When a respondent declares Federal District, the Enumerator should make it clear whether the person is referring to [p. 34] the present Federal District (Brasília) or to the former Federal District (now the State of Guanabara). The declaration of Rio de Janeiro also needs greater clarification in order to ascertain whether the person is referring to the State of Rio de Janeiro or the City of Rio de Janeiro (State of Guanabara).

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_BIRTHPLC — State or country of birth
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12. State or foreign country of birth
____ Code

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Question 12 - State or foreign country of birth

For Native-born Brazilians, record the name of the state or territory where the person was born.
For Foreigners and Naturalized Brazilians, record the name of the country of birth.
If the state or foreign country has changed its name, record the current name.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_BPLCNTRY — State or foreign country of birth
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[Questions 15-18 only for people who responded number three on question 14]

16. State or foreign country of birth


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Question 16 - What state or foreign country were you born in?
For native-born Brazilians, record the name of the state or territory where the person was born.
Record Brazil for native-born Brazilians who were born in a foreign country.
For foreigners or naturalized Brazilians, record the name of the country of birth.
[p. 64]
If the state or foreign country has changed its name, record the current name.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_BPL — State or country of birth
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4.21 What is the Brazilian state or foreign country of birth?

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Question 4.21 - What state or foreign country were you born in?

For native-born Brazilians, record the name of the state where the person was born.

Record Brazil for native-born Brazilians who were born in a foreign country and for persons who do not know what state they were born in.

For foreigners, record the name of the country of birth. If the person does not know, record Does not know.

[p. 106]

The states and their acronyms are listed below:

Amazonas - AM
Bahia - BA
Ceará - CE
Distrito Federal - DF
Espírito Santo - ES
Goiás - GO
Maranhão - MA
Mato Grosso - MT
Mato Grosso do Sul MS
Minas Gerais - MG
Pará - PA
Paraíba - PB
Paraná - PR
Pernambuco - PE
Piauí - PI
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Rio Grande do Norte RN
Rio Grande do Sul - RS
Rondônia - RO
Roraima - RR
Santa Catarina - sc
São Paulo - SP
Sergipe - SE
Tocantins - TO

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_BPLSTATE — State of birth
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6. Resident characteristics

Internal migration and international immigration

6.22 What is the federation unit (state) or foreign country of birth?

[Question 6.22 was asked of persons who were born in a foreign country or born in a state other than that of their current residence.]
[] 1 Federation unit ____
[] 2 Foreign country_ _ _

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6.22 - In which state or foreign country were you born?
1 - State
2 - Foreign Country

For native Brazilians
Record the name of the state where the person was born. If the person does not know the name of the state, record Do not know the state.

For those who were registered as Brazilian citizens but were born in a foreign country:

Enter Does not know the state.

For foreigners and naturalized Brazilians

Record the name of the country of birth or, if the country is not known, record Does not know foreign country.

If the foreign country or the state changed its name, record the current name.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_BORNSTAT — Born in this state
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6. Resident characteristics

Internal migration and international immigration

6.19 Were you born in this federation unit (state)?

[Question 6.19 was asked of persons who were not born in their current town, per 6.18.]

[] 1 Yes, and have always lived in it (Skip to 6.24)
[] 2 Yes, but have lived in another federation unit or foreign country (Skip to 6.23)
[] 3 No (Go to 6.20)

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6:19 - Were you born in this state?
1 - Yes, and always lived here.
2 - Yes, but lived in another state or foreign country.
3 - No.

Depending on the situation, record one of the previous options.

Consider persons who were born in the same state of current residence if the following conditions apply:
  • Was born in the current state of residence, even if it has changed its name, and
  • Was born in a maternity ward or hospital located outside of the state of residence, but returned soon after birth

Persons who were born in a foreign country, should be marked as No, even if they are registered as Brazilians, according to the laws of Brazil.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_BPL — State or foreign country of birth
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6. Resident characteristics

Internal migration and international immigration

6.22 What is the federation unit (state) or foreign country of birth?

[Question 6.22 was asked of persons who were born in a foreign country or born in a state other than that of their current residence.]
[] 1 Federation unit ____
[] 2 Foreign country_ _ _

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6.22 - In which state or foreign country were you born?
1 - State
2 - Foreign Country

For native Brazilians
Record the name of the state where the person was born. If the person does not know the name of the state, record Do not know the state.

For those who were registered as Brazilian citizens but were born in a foreign country:

Enter Does not know the state.

For foreigners and naturalized Brazilians

Record the name of the country of birth or, if the country is not known, record Does not know foreign country.

If the foreign country or the state changed its name, record the current name.