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Presidency of the Republic Brazil
I.B.G.E. - National Census Service

Demographic Census of 1960

Enumeration Form

Questions (Persons)

A. First name or name at baptism


B. Condition of presence in the household on the date of the census and sex

Resident present:

[] 1 male
[] 2 female

Resident absent:

[] 3 male
[] 4 female

Nonresident present:

[] 5 male
[] 6 female

C. Family relationship or relationship with head of household

[] 7 head
[] 8 spouse
[] 9 child or stepchild
[] 10 grandchild
[] 11 parents and in-laws
[] 12 other relatives
[] 13 person who has permanent residence in the domicile, without
being a relative, boarder or employee [agregado]
[] 14 boarder or employee

D. Age (if over 1 year, note years completed; if less than 1, note months completed)

If less than 1 year, mark here: ___ 0
____ years
____ months

E. Religion

[] 15 Roman Catholic
[] 16 Protestant
[] 17 Spiritist
[] 18 Buddhist
[] 19 Jewish
[] 20 Orthodox
[] 21 Mohammedan
[] 22 Other
[] 23 No religion

F. Color (Indian [indigenous] only applies for people who live on reservations or Indigenous posts)

[] 24 white
[] 25 black
[] 26 yellow
[] 27 mixed [parda]
[] 28 Indian [indigenous]

G. State or foreign country of birth (see codes; only write the name of the state or country if you don't find it in Code List 1)

____ code list 1

H. Nationality

[] 29 Brazilian native
[] 30 naturalized Brazilian
[] 31 foreigner

Only for persons who were not born in this municipality
[Applies to questions I - J]

I. Number of years that you've lived in this municipality. If previously lived in a rural zone, also mark 0

[] 0
[] 32 less than 1 year
[] 33 1 year
[] 34 2 years
[] 35 3 years
[] 36 4 years
[] 37 5 years
[] 38 6-10 years
[] 39 11+ years

J. State or foreign country where lived before moving to this municipality (see codes; only write the name of the state or country if you don't find it in Code List 1)

____ Code list 1

[The original language document does not have a question "K"]

Only for persons 5 years and older
[Applies to questions L - N]

L. School attendance and literacy

Attending school:

[] 40 can read
[] 42 can't read

Not attending school:

[] 41 can read
[] 43 can't read

Questions M and N: If attending or attended school, indicate the last grade and/or level that was passed

M. Grade

[] 44 1st grade
[] 45 2nd grade
[] 46 3rd grade
[] 47 4th grade
[] 48 5th grade
[] 49 6th grade
[] 50 currently attending 1st grade
[] 51 didn't attend and never attended

N. Level

[] 52 elementary
[] 53 middle-1st cycle
[] 54 middle-2nd cycle
[] 55 higher education

Only for people 10 years and older
[Applies to questions O - U]

O. Type of course that was passed

____ Code

P. If living with a partner, spouse, companion, consort, etc., indicate the nature of the union. If not living with a partner spouse, companion, consort, etc., indicate if person is:

[] 56 civil and religious marriage
[] 57 civil marriage only
[] 58 religious marriage only
[] 59 other
[] 60 single
[] 64 separated
[] 65 abandoned [desquitado]
[] 66 divorced
[] 67 widowed

Q. If living with a partner, indicate the year of marriage or union

____ year
00 isn't alive

R. If have children, how many, including those that were born dead?

____ children
00 don't have

S. Of the children you have, how many do you think are alive on the date of the census?

____ children
00 none

T. How much earned, on average, per month (Cr$ = cruzeiros)?

[] 65 up to 2100
[] 66 2101 to 3300
[] 67 3301 to 4500
[] 68 4501 to 6000
[] 69 6001 to 10,000
[] 70 10,001 to 20,000
[] 71 20,001 to 50,000
[] 72 50,001+
[] 73 don't have

U. If person didn't work in the year prior to the date of the census, what is the occupation or situation that he/she considers principal?

[] 74 domestic affairs
[] 75 student
[] 76 retired
[] 77 lives on rent income
[] 78 temporary illness
[] 79 permanent incapacity
[] 80 imprisoned
[] 81 no occupation

Only for people who worked in the year prior to the census date
[Applies to questions V - Z]

V. Occupation, profession, office, duty, function, etc, that was exercised for the longest time in the year before the census date (see codes; only write the name of the occupation if you don't find it in Code List 3)

____ Code list 3

W. During the last week, person was exercising occupation declared in the previous question (inclusive of vacation or leave), other occupation, or was unemployed?

[] 82 occupation declared in previous question
[] 83 other occupation
[] 84 unemployed

X. Class and location of activity (sector) in which occupation declared in question V (see codes; only write the name of the activity class (sector) if you don't find it in Code List 4)

____ Code list 4

[The original language document does not have a question "Y"]

Z. Position in the occupation declared in question V

[] 85 public employee
[] 86 private employee
[] 87 self-employed
[] 88 partner (part or half ownership)
[] 89 employer
[] 90 member of family or institution

Household Questions

A. Type of family group [dwelling]

Living in private household:

[] 1 single
[] 3 living in household

Multiple family (convivente):

[] 2 collective

B. Type (of construction)

[] 4 durable
[] 5 rustic
[] 6 improvised

C. Condition of ownership

[] 7 already paid
[] 8 rented
[] 9 other

D. Monthly rent (in Cr$=cruzeiros)

[] 10 up to 500
[] 11 501 to 1000
[] 12 1001 to 2000
[] 13 2001 to 4000
[] 14 4001 to 6000
[] 15 6001 to 10,000
[] 16 10,001 to 20,000
[] 17 20,001+
[] 18 don't pay rent

E. Water supply

General system:

[] 19 with interior plumbing
[] 20 with exterior plumbing

Well or spring:

[] 21 with plumbing
[] 22 without plumbing
[] 23 other form

F. Sewage installations

[] 24 sewage system
[] 25 septic tank
[] 26 rudimentary septic tank
[] 27 other drainage
[] 28 don't have

G. Stove

[] 29 wood
[] 30 coal
[] 31 electric
[] 32 gas
[] 33 oil or kerosene
[] 34 don't have

H. Electricity

[] 35 have
[] 36 don't have

I. Radio

[] 37 have
[] 38 don't have

J. Refrigerator

[] 37 have
[] 38 don't have

L. Television

[] 37 have
[] 38 don't have

M. Total number of rooms


N. Number of rooms serving as bedrooms
