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Has difficulty in walking or climbing steps

Questionnaire Text

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C: Information regarding persons with difficulties doing activities of daily life

To be asked of persons aged 5 years and above except P-43
[Question 42 was asked of persons age 5 or more]

P-42. Do you/does [the respondent] have difficulty ... (read out):

Walking or climbing steps? Would you say ...
[] 1. No - no difficulty
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes - a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 9. DK
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
22. Section C: Information regarding persons with difficulties in performing activities of daily life

Columns p42 to p44 contain questions pertaining to persons with difficulties in performing activities of daily life. These questions are to be asked of the head of the household or any other responsible person.

22.1. Introduction
Questions regarding persons with difficulties in performing activities of daily life have to be asked very carefully and with caution due to the sensitivity and stigma associated with difficulties.

22.2. Questions to be asked to respondents
During this census, the following questions will be asked;

Questions P42 to P44 are to be asked of persons aged 5 years and above except P43.

Questions P42

i. Does [the respondent] have difficulty seeing, even if wearing glasses?
ii. Does [the respondent] have difficulty hearing, even if using a hearing aid?
iii. Does [the respondent] have difficulty walking or climbing steps?
iv. Does [the respondent] have difficulty remembering or concentrating?
v. Does [the respondent] have difficulty with self-care such as washing all over or dressing?
vi. Does [the respondent] have difficulty communicating, using his/her usual language, for example understanding or being understood?

Each of the above six questions has five possible response categories:

1. No, no difficulty,
2. Yes, some difficulty,
3. Yes, a lot of difficulty, or
4. Cannot do it at all
5. Don't know

The enumerator should read questions in P42 together with the response options without pause except option 5 - Don't Know

For example: "Does [the respondent] have difficulty walking or climbing stairs? Would you say: No, no difficulty; or yes, some difficulty; or yes, a lot of difficulty or cannot do it at all"

Question 3: Do you have difficulty walking or climbing stairs?
This question is intended to identify persons who have some limitation or problems of any kind getting around on foot. "Walking" refers to the use of lower limbs (legs) in such a way as to propel oneself over the ground to get from point A to point B. The capacity to walk should be without assistance of any device (wheelchair, crutches, walker etc.) or human. If such assistance is needed, the person has difficulty walking.

Difficulties walking can include those resulting from impairments in balance, endurance, or other non-musculoskeletal systems, for example blind people having difficulty walking in an unfamiliar place or deaf people having difficulty climbing stairs when there is no lighting. Any difficulty with walking (whether it is on flat land or, up or down stairs) that is considered a problem should be captured.

Included are problems: "walking short (about 100 yards/meters) or long distances (about 500 yards/meters)", "walking any distance without stopping to rest is included", and "walking up or down stairs".