Republic of Kenya
Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
Population and Housing Census - 24th/25th August 2019
_ _County
_ _Sub-County
_ _Division
_ _Location
_ _Sub-Location
E. A. number _ _
E. A. type _
E. A. status _
Household No. _ _
Household type _
Structure No. _ _
Constituency _ _
Ward _ _
_ _ _ Males
_ _ _ Females
_ _ _ Others
_ _ _ Total household population
A: Information regarding all persons
P-00. Name: What are the names of each person who spent the night of 24th/25th August, 2019 in this household?
Name _____
P-10. Relationship: What is [the respondent]'s relationship to the head of this household?
[] 2. Spouse
[] 3. Son/daughter
[] 4. Grandchild
[] 5. Brother/sister
[] 6. Father/mother
[] 7. Nephew/niece
[] 8. In-law
[] 9. Grandparent
[] 10. Other relative
[] 11. Non-relative
[] 99. DK
P-11. Sex: What is [the respondent]'s sex?
[] 2. Female
[] 3. Other
P-12. Age: How old is [the respondent]?
Age _ _
P-13. Date of Birth: What is [the respondent]'s date of birth?
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
Line number _____
P-15. Usual member: Is [the respondent] a usual member of this household?
[] 2. No
P-16. Ethnicity/nationality: What is [the respondent]'s ethnicity or nationality?
Ethnicity/nationality _____ _ _
P-17. Religion: What is [the respondent]'s religion?
[] 2. Protestant
[] 3. Evangelical churches
[] 4. African instituted churches
[] 5. Orthodox
[] 6. Other Christian
[] 7. Islam
[] 8. Hindu
[] 9. Traditionists
[] 10. Other religion
[] 11. No religion/Atheists
[] 99. DK
P-18. Marital status: What is [the respondent]'s marital status?
[] 1. Never married
[] 2. Married monogamous
[] 3. Married polygamous
[] 4. Widowed
[] 5. Divorced
[] 6. Separated
[] 9. DK
P-19. Birth place: Where was [the respondent] born?
Birth place _____ _ _
P-20. Previous residence: Where was [the respondent] living in August 2018?
Previous residence _____ _ _
Duration of residence: When did [the respondent] move to the current county?
P-21. Month _ _
P-22. Year _ _ _ _
P-23. Reason for migration: Why did [the respondent] move to the current place of residence?
[] 2. Business
[] 3. Marriage
[] 4. Education
[] 5. Settlement
[] 6. Relocation due to development
[] 7. Conflict/disaster displacement
[] 8. Refugee
[] 9. Asylum seeker
[] 10. Family related movement
[] 11. Retirement
[] 12. Visiting
[] 99. DK
P-24. Orphanhood: Is [the respondent]'s biological father alive?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
P-25. Orphanhood: Is [the respondent]'s biological mother alive?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
B: Information regarding females aged 12 years and above
[Questions 26-41 were asked of females age 12 or more]
Particulars of all live births:
P-26. How many boys have you ever borne alive? _ _
P-27. How many girls have you ever borne alive? _ _
P-28. How many boys have you ever borne alive who usually live in this household? _ _
P-29. How many girls have you ever borne alive who usually live in this household? _ _
P-30. How many boys have you ever borne alive who usually live elsewhere?
P-31. How many girls have you ever borne alive who usually live elsewhere?
P-32. How many boys have you ever borne alive who have died?
P-33. How many girls have you ever borne alive who have died?
Particulars of last live births:
When was your last child born?
P-34.Month _ _
P-35.Year _ _ _ _
P-36. Where did this last birth occur?
[] 2. Non-health facility
[] 9. DK
P-37. What was the sex of this child/children?
[] 2. Female
[] 3. Male twins
[] 4. Female twins
[] 5. Male-female twins
[] 9. DK
P-38. Was this last birth notified?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
P-39. Is this last child/children still alive?
[] 2. No
[] 3. Yes, one of the twins
[] 4. Yes, both twins
[] 5. Yes, one of the multiples
[] 6. Yes, two of the multiples
[] 7. Yes, all of the multiples
[] 9. DK
If the last child is not alive, when did the child die?
P-40. Month _ _
P-41. Year _ _ _ _
C: Information regarding persons with difficulties doing activities of daily life
To be asked of persons aged 5 years and above except P-43
[Question 42 was asked of persons age 5 or more]
P-42. Do you/does [the respondent] have difficulty ... (read out):
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes - a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 9. DK
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes - a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 9. DK
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes - a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 9. DK
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes - a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 9. DK
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes - a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 9. DK
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes - a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 9. DK
P-43. Does [the respondent] have albinism?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
Applicable to persons age 5 years and above.
[Question 44 was asked of persons age 5 or more]
If "no" in P-42 and P-43 skip to P-45
P-44. Because of the difficulty, does [the respondent] have problems in engaging in any economic activity?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
D: Information regarding education attainment
For persons aged 3 years and above.
[Question 43-47 were asked of persons age 3 or more]
P-45. What is the current school/learning institution attendance status of [the respondent]?
If 4 or 9, skip to P-49
[] 2. Left school/learning institution after completion
[] 3. Left school/learning institution before completion
[] 4. Never been to school/learning institution
[] 9. DK
P-46. What is the highest std/form/grade reached by [the respondent]?
Highest std/form/grade reached _ _
P-47. What is the highest std/form/grade completed by [the respondent]?
Highest std/form/grade completed _ _
For persons aged 15 years and above.
[Question 48 was asked of persons age 15 or more]
P-48. What is the main training that [the respondent] has acquired and qualified for?
Main training _ _
To be asked of all persons aged 5 years and above.
[Questions 49-54 were asked of persons age 5 or more]
P-49. Activity status. What was [the respondent] mainly doing during the last 7 days preceding the census night 24th/25th August, 2019?
Activity status _ _
For those who worked or held a job (including those on leave/sick leave.)
[Questions 50-54 were asked of persons age 5 or more who worked or held a job, including those on leave/sick leave]
P-50. Who was [the respondent]'s main employer?
Main employer _ _
P-51. What was [the respondent]'s status in the main job?
Status in main job _ _
P-52. How many hours did [the respondent] work in the last 7 days preceding the census night?
Hours worked _ _
P-53. What kind of economic activity is [the respondent] engaged in?
Economic activity _ _
P-53a. What specific work does [the respondent] usually do in the main job / business that he/she had during the last 7 days?
P-54. Is [the respondent] currently working/employed in the field of training in P-48?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
To be asked of persons aged 3 years and above.
[Questions 55-58 were asked of persons age 3 or more]
P-55. Has [the respondent] owned a mobile phone in the last 3 months?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
P-56. Has [the respondent] used a mobile phone in the last 3 months?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
P-57. Has [the respondent] used the internet from any location in the last 3 months?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
P-58. Has [the respondent] used a computer/Laptop/Tablet from any location in the last 3 months?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
To be asked of persons aged 15 years and above.
[Question 59 was asked of persons age 15 or more]
P-59. Has [the respondent] bought or ordered goods or services online in the last 3 months?
[] 2. Searched and bought elsewhere
[] 3. Searched only
[] 4. Never
[] 9. DK
G: Information about annual live births and deaths in the household
H-10. How many live births occurred in this household between 24/08/2018 and 24/08/2019 last 12 months?
_ _ Girls
H-11. How many deaths occurred in this household between 24/08/2018 and 24/08/2019 last 12 months?
If "00" skip to H-19.
H-12. Please provide the names of the household members who died:
2. _____
3. _____
4. _____
5. _____
H-12a. What was the relationship of the deceased to the head of this household?
[] 2. Son/daughter
[] 3. Grandchild
[] 4. Brother/sister
[] 5. Father/mother
[] 6. Nephew/niece
[] 7. In-law
[] 8. Grandparent
[] 9. Other relative
[] 10. Non-relative
[] 99. DK
H-13. For how long did [the respondent] continuously live in this household between 24/08/2018 and 24/08/2019 last 12 months before the death occurred?
_ _ Days
H-14. Where did the death occur?
[] 2. In a non-health facility
[] 9. DK
H-15. Was this death notified?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
H-16. Age: How old was [the respondent] at his/her death?
Years _ _ _
Months _ _
Days _ _
H-17. Sex: What was the sex of [the respondent]?
[] 2. Female
[] 3. Other
H-18a. Was the death of [the respondent] due to accident, violence, homicide, or suicide?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
H-18b. Did the death of [the respondent] occur... read out:
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
H: Information regarding crop farming, livestock, fishing, and aquaculture
H-19. During the last 12 months, did any member of this household engage in the following within this county?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
H-20. What was the main purpose of the main agricultural production?
[] 2. Producing mainly for sale commercial
[] 3. Not applicable
[] 9. DK
H-21. What is the area of agriculture holding operated by this household in acres in this county? 1 Ha = 2.47 acres:
H-22. During the last 12 months, did any member of this household practice irrigation on the agriculture holding?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
H-23. Does the holding have any of the following permanent crops within this county?
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK
H-24. During the last 12 months, did any member of this household cultivate any of the following crops in this county?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
H-25. Is there any member of this household who is engaged in fishing activities within this county?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
H-26. How many of each of the following livestock are currently owned/reared/managed within this household in this county?
I: Housing conditions and amenities
To be asked of the household head or any other responsible person.
H-27. Dwelling units: How many dwelling units does this household occupy? _ _
H-28. Habitable rooms: How many habitable rooms do these units contain? _ _
H-29. Tenure status of main dwelling unit. Is the main dwelling unit owned or rented/provided?
[] 2. Constructed
[] 3. Inherited
[] 5. County government
[] 6. Parastatal
[] 7. Private company
[] 8. Individual
[] 9. FBO/NGO/church/temple/mosque
H-30. Dominant construction material of the roof in the main dwelling unit
[] 2. Grass thatch/twigs
[] 3. Makuti thatch
[] 4. Dung/mud
[] 5. Iron sheets
[] 6. Tin cans
[] 7. Asbestos sheet
[] 8. Concrete/cement
[] 9. Tiles
[] 10. Canvas/tents
[] 11. Decra/versatile
[] 12. Nylon/cartons/cardboard
[] 13. Shingles
H-31. Dominant construction material of the wall in the main dwelling unit
[] 2. Cane/palm/trunks
[] 3. Grass/reeds
[] 4. Mud/cow dung
[] 5. Stone with mud
[] 6. Covered adobe
[] 7. Uncovered adobe
[] 8. Plywood/cardboard
[] 9. Off cuts/reused wood/wood planks
[] 10. Iron sheets
[] 11. Concrete/concrete blocks/precast wall
[] 12. Stone with lime/cement
[] 13. Bricks
[] 14. Canvas/tents
[] 15. Nylon/cartons
[] 16. Timber
[] 17. Prefabricated panels
H-32. Dominant construction material of the floor in the main dwelling unit
[] 2. Dung
[] 3. Wood planks/shingles/timber
[] 4. Palm/bamboo
[] 5. Parquet or polished wood
[] 6. Vinyl or asphalt strips
[] 7. Ceramic tiles
[] 8. Concrete/cement/terrazzo
[] 9. Wall to wall carpet
H-33. Main source of drinking water
[] 2. Dam
[] 3. Lake
[] 4. Stream/river
[] 5. Protected spring
[] 6. Unprotected spring
[] 7. Protected well
[] 8. Unprotected well
[] 9. Borehole/tube well
[] 10. Piped into dwelling
[] 11. Piped to yard/plot
[] 12. Bottled water
[] 13. Rain/harvested water
[] 14. Water vendor
[] 15. Public tap/standpipe
H-34. Main mode of human waste disposal
[] 2. Septic tank
[] 3. Cesspool
[] 4. VIP Pit latrine
[] 5. Pit latrine covered
[] 6. Pit latrine uncovered
[] 7. Bucket latrine
[] 8. Open
[] 9. Bio-septic tank/biodigester
H-35. Sharing of human waste disposal facility. Is the facility shared with any other household?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
H-36. Main mode of solid waste disposal
[] 2. Collected by community association CBOs, youth groups, faith-based organizations
[] 3. Collected by private company
[] 4. Dumped in the compound
[] 5. Dumped in the street/vacant plot/drain/waterways
[] 6. Dumped in the latrine
[] 7. Burnt in open
[] 8. Buried
[] 9. Compost pit
[] 10. Burnt in a pit
H-37. Main type of cooking fuel
[] 2. Paraffin
[] 3. LPG gas
[] 4. Biogas
[] 5. Firewood and other raw wood products
[] 6. Charcoal
[] 7. Solar
[] 2. Paraffin pressure lamp
[] 3. Paraffin lantern
[] 4. Paraffin tin lamp
[] 5. Gas lamp
[] 6. Wood
[] 7. Solar
[] 8. Torch/spotlight - Solar charged
[] 9. Torch/spotlight - Dry cells
[] 10. Candle
[] 11. Battery car/charged
[] 12. Generator diesel/petrol
[] 13. Biogas
J: Ownership of household assets
H-39. Does any member of this household own any of the following items?
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
Emigrants in the last 15 years since 2005.
H-40. How many members of this household have migrated to another country since 2004 for at least 6 months?
Number of emigrants _____
Short questionnaire for emigrants
E-01a. Line no. of respondent _
E-02. Name of emigrant: Please give me the names of the emigrants ____
E-03. Sex: What is [the respondent]'s sex?
[] 2. Female
E-04. Age: How old was [the respondent] at the time of his/her departure? ____
E-05. Level of education: What was the highest level of education that [the respondent] had completed at the time of his/her departure?
[] 2. Primary
[] 3. Secondary
[] 4. University undergraduate
[] 5. University postgraduate
[] 6. Other tertiary colleges
[] 7. DK
E-06. Professional training: What professional training had [the respondent] acquired before departure from Kenya?
Professional training _____
E-07. Country of first destination: What was [the respondent]'s country of first destination during his/her departure? _
E-08. Year of departure: When did [the respondent] depart from Kenya? _ _
E-09. Main reason for departure: What was the main reason for [the respondent] departing from Kenya?
[] 2. Education
[] 3. Sports
[] 4. Marriage
[] 5. Family related
[] 6. Settlement
[] 7. Others (specify) ____
[] 8. DK
E-10. Country of current residence: What is the current country of residence of [the respondent]? ____
E-10a. Select the name of the emigrant if currently in Kenya:
E-11. Remittances: Did [the respondent] remit money to any member of this household while outside Kenya in the last 12 months?
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK
E-12. Utilization of funds: How was the money utilized?
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
[] 2. No
Short questionnaire for street persons/outdoor sleepers/vagrants
County _ _
Sub-county _ _
Division _ _ _
Location _ _
Sub-Location _ _
EA Number _ _ _
Constituency _ _ _
Ward _ _ _ _
Name of the street _____
Code _____
Name: List at least two names _____
[] 2. Female
[] 3. Other
[] 4. Not stated
Ethnicity/nationality: What is [the respondent]'s nationality/ethnicity? ____
Hotel/lodge residents, hospital in-patients, prison/police cells, and children homes
County _ _
Sub-county _ _
Division _ _
Location _ _
Sub-location _ _
E.A. number _ _ _
E.A. type _
E.A. status _
Constituency _ _ _
Ward _ _
Name of institution: _____
[] Hospital in-patients
[] Prison/police cells
[] Children home
SQ-02. Name: What are the names of all persons who spent the night of 24th/25th August, 2019 in this institution?
Name _____
SQ-03. Sex: What is [the respondent]'s sex?
[] 2. Female
[] 3. Other
SQ-04. Age: How old is [the respondent]?
Age _____
SQ-05. Country/county of Birth: What is [the respondent]'s country/county of birth? ____
SQ-06. Ethnicity/nationality: What is [the respondent]'s nationality/ethnicity? ____
Travelers and persons on transit
County _ _
Sub-county _ _
Division _ _
Location _ _
Sub-location _ _
E.A. number _ _
E.A. type _
E.A. status _
Constituency _ _ _
Ward _ _
Name of place/street/station/airport of enumeration _____
_ _ _ Total population
_ _ _ Males
_ _ _ Females
_ _ _ Others
SQ-02. Name: Names of each traveller?
SQ-03. Sex: What is [the respondent]'s sex?
[] 2. Female
[] 3. Other
SQ-04. Age: How old was [the respondent] on his/her last birthday?
Age _____
SQ-05. Country/county of birth: What is [the respondent]'s country/county of birth? ____
SQ-06. Current residence: What is [the respondent]'s current country/county of residence? ____