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Republic of Kenya
Kenya National Bureau of Statistics

Population and Housing Census - 24th/25th August 2019

_ _County
_ _Sub-County
_ _Division
_ _Location
_ _Sub-Location

E. A. number _ _
E. A. type _
E. A. status _

Household No. _ _
Household type _
Structure No. _ _
Constituency _ _
Ward _ _

_ _ _ Males
_ _ _ Females
_ _ _ Others
_ _ _ Total household population

A: Information regarding all persons

P-00. Name: What are the names of each person who spent the night of 24th/25th August, 2019 in this household?

Record two names of each person, young and old, starting with the head of the household.

Name _____

Line number _

P-10. Relationship: What is [the respondent]'s relationship to the head of this household?

[] 1. Head
[] 2. Spouse
[] 3. Son/daughter
[] 4. Grandchild
[] 5. Brother/sister
[] 6. Father/mother
[] 7. Nephew/niece
[] 8. In-law
[] 9. Grandparent
[] 10. Other relative
[] 11. Non-relative
[] 99. DK

P-11. Sex: What is [the respondent]'s sex?

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female
[] 3. Other

P-12. Age: How old is [the respondent]?

Record age in completed years. If under 1 year, record ''00''.

Age _ _

P-13. Date of Birth: What is [the respondent]'s date of birth?


Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

P-14. Line number of mother

Please insert line number of [the respondent]'s biological mother. Enter "00" if biological mother is not in the household.

Line number _____

P-15. Usual member: Is [the respondent] a usual member of this household?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

P-16. Ethnicity/nationality: What is [the respondent]'s ethnicity or nationality?

For Kenyans, write ethnicity code. For non-Kenyans, write code for nationality. The code list is provided.

Ethnicity/nationality _____ _ _

P-17. Religion: What is [the respondent]'s religion?

[] 1. Catholic
[] 2. Protestant
[] 3. Evangelical churches
[] 4. African instituted churches
[] 5. Orthodox
[] 6. Other Christian
[] 7. Islam
[] 8. Hindu
[] 9. Traditionists
[] 10. Other religion
[] 11. No religion/Atheists
[] 99. DK

P-18. Marital status: What is [the respondent]'s marital status?

Applicable to age 12 and above.

[] 1. Never married
[] 2. Married monogamous
[] 3. Married polygamous
[] 4. Widowed
[] 5. Divorced
[] 6. Separated
[] 9. DK

P-19. Birth place: Where was [the respondent] born?

Write county code, if in Kenya, or country code, if outside Kenya. The code list provided.

Birth place _____ _ _

P-20. Previous residence: Where was [the respondent] living in August 2018?

Write county code, if in Kenya, or country code, if outside Kenya. If aged under 1 year, write "000". The code list provided.

Previous residence _____ _ _

Duration of residence: When did [the respondent] move to the current county?

For respondents enumerated in their county of birth, code month and year of birth. If date of movement is not known, write "99" for month and "9999" for year.

P-21. Month _ _

P-22. Year _ _ _ _

P-23. Reason for migration: Why did [the respondent] move to the current place of residence?

[] 1. Work/employment
[] 2. Business
[] 3. Marriage
[] 4. Education
[] 5. Settlement
[] 6. Relocation due to development
[] 7. Conflict/disaster displacement
[] 8. Refugee
[] 9. Asylum seeker
[] 10. Family related movement
[] 11. Retirement
[] 12. Visiting
[] 99. DK

P-24. Orphanhood: Is [the respondent]'s biological father alive?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

P-25. Orphanhood: Is [the respondent]'s biological mother alive?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

B: Information regarding females aged 12 years and above
[Questions 26-41 were asked of females age 12 or more]

Particulars of all live births:

P-26. How many boys have you ever borne alive? _ _

P-27. How many girls have you ever borne alive? _ _

P-28. How many boys have you ever borne alive who usually live in this household? _ _

P-29. How many girls have you ever borne alive who usually live in this household? _ _

P-30. How many boys have you ever borne alive who usually live elsewhere?

P-31. How many girls have you ever borne alive who usually live elsewhere?

P-32. How many boys have you ever borne alive who have died?

P-33. How many girls have you ever borne alive who have died?

Particulars of last live births:

When was your last child born?

If date of birth is not known code "99" for month and "9999" for year.

P-34.Month _ _

P-35.Year _ _ _ _

P-36. Where did this last birth occur?

[] 1. In a health facility
[] 2. Non-health facility
[] 9. DK

P-37. What was the sex of this child/children?

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female
[] 3. Male twins
[] 4. Female twins
[] 5. Male-female twins
[] 9. DK

P-38. Was this last birth notified?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

P-39. Is this last child/children still alive?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 3. Yes, one of the twins
[] 4. Yes, both twins
[] 5. Yes, one of the multiples
[] 6. Yes, two of the multiples
[] 7. Yes, all of the multiples
[] 9. DK

If the last child is not alive, when did the child die?

If date of death is not known code "99" for month and "9999" for year.

P-40. Month _ _

P-41. Year _ _ _ _

C: Information regarding persons with difficulties doing activities of daily life

To be asked of persons aged 5 years and above except P-43
[Question 42 was asked of persons age 5 or more]

P-42. Do you/does [the respondent] have difficulty ... (read out):

Seeing, even if wearing glasses? Would you say ...
[] 1. No - no difficulty
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes - a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 9. DK

Hearing, even if using a hearing aid? Would you say ...
[] 1. No - no difficulty
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes - a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 9. DK

Walking or climbing steps? Would you say ...
[] 1. No - no difficulty
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes - a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 9. DK

Remembering or concentrating? Would you say ...
[] 1. No - no difficulty
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes - a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 9. DK

With self-care such as washing all over or dressing? Would you say ...
[] 1. No - no difficulty
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes - a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 9. DK

Communicating using his/her usual language, for example understanding or being understood? Would you say ...
[] 1. No - no difficulty
[] 2. Yes - some difficulty
[] 3. Yes - a lot of difficulty
[] 4. Cannot do at all
[] 9. DK

P-43. Does [the respondent] have albinism?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

Applicable to persons age 5 years and above.
[Question 44 was asked of persons age 5 or more]

If "no" in P-42 and P-43 skip to P-45

P-44. Because of the difficulty, does [the respondent] have problems in engaging in any economic activity?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

D: Information regarding education attainment

For persons aged 3 years and above.
[Question 43-47 were asked of persons age 3 or more]

P-45. What is the current school/learning institution attendance status of [the respondent]?
If 4 or 9, skip to P-49

[] 1. At school/learning institution
[] 2. Left school/learning institution after completion
[] 3. Left school/learning institution before completion
[] 4. Never been to school/learning institution
[] 9. DK

P-46. What is the highest std/form/grade reached by [the respondent]?

The code list provided. Write "97" if P-45 = 4 or 9.

Highest std/form/grade reached _ _

P-47. What is the highest std/form/grade completed by [the respondent]?

The code list provided. Write "97" if P-45 = 4 or 9.

Highest std/form/grade completed _ _

For persons aged 15 years and above.
[Question 48 was asked of persons age 15 or more]

P-48. What is the main training that [the respondent] has acquired and qualified for?

Applies when P-45=1, 2, and 3. Code list provided.

Main training _ _

E: Labor force participation

To be asked of all persons aged 5 years and above.
[Questions 49-54 were asked of persons age 5 or more]

P-49. Activity status. What was [the respondent] mainly doing during the last 7 days preceding the census night 24th/25th August, 2019?

Code list provided.

Activity status _ _

For those who worked or held a job (including those on leave/sick leave.)
[Questions 50-54 were asked of persons age 5 or more who worked or held a job, including those on leave/sick leave]

P-50. Who was [the respondent]'s main employer?

The code list provided. Code "99" for not applicable.

Main employer _ _

P-51. What was [the respondent]'s status in the main job?

The code list provided. Code "99" for not applicable.

Status in main job _ _

P-52. How many hours did [the respondent] work in the last 7 days preceding the census night?

Code "99" for not applicable.

Hours worked _ _

P-53. What kind of economic activity is [the respondent] engaged in?

Main job. The code list provided. Code "99" for not applicable.

Economic activity _ _

P-53a. What specific work does [the respondent] usually do in the main job / business that he/she had during the last 7 days?

Specific work _____

P-54. Is [the respondent] currently working/employed in the field of training in P-48?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

F: Information regarding ICT

To be asked of persons aged 3 years and above.
[Questions 55-58 were asked of persons age 3 or more]

P-55. Has [the respondent] owned a mobile phone in the last 3 months?

[] 1. Yes. Skip to P-57
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

P-56. Has [the respondent] used a mobile phone in the last 3 months?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

P-57. Has [the respondent] used the internet from any location in the last 3 months?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

P-58. Has [the respondent] used a computer/Laptop/Tablet from any location in the last 3 months?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

To be asked of persons aged 15 years and above.
[Question 59 was asked of persons age 15 or more]

P-59. Has [the respondent] bought or ordered goods or services online in the last 3 months?

[] 1. Searched and bought online
[] 2. Searched and bought elsewhere
[] 3. Searched only
[] 4. Never
[] 9. DK

G: Information about annual live births and deaths in the household

H-10. How many live births occurred in this household between 24/08/2018 and 24/08/2019 last 12 months?

_ _ Boys
_ _ Girls

H-11. How many deaths occurred in this household between 24/08/2018 and 24/08/2019 last 12 months?

Number of deaths _____

If "00" skip to H-19.

H-12. Please provide the names of the household members who died:

1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
4. _____
5. _____

H-12a. What was the relationship of the deceased to the head of this household?

[] 1. Spouse
[] 2. Son/daughter
[] 3. Grandchild
[] 4. Brother/sister
[] 5. Father/mother
[] 6. Nephew/niece
[] 7. In-law
[] 8. Grandparent
[] 9. Other relative
[] 10. Non-relative
[] 99. DK

H-13. For how long did [the respondent] continuously live in this household between 24/08/2018 and 24/08/2019 last 12 months before the death occurred?

_ _ Months
_ _ Days

H-14. Where did the death occur?

[] 1. In a health facility
[] 2. In a non-health facility
[] 9. DK

H-15. Was this death notified?

Ask whether the burial permit was issued.

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

H-16. Age: How old was [the respondent] at his/her death?

In completed years or months if less than a year.

Years _ _ _
Months _ _
Days _ _

H-17. Sex: What was the sex of [the respondent]?

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female
[] 3. Other

H-18a. Was the death of [the respondent] due to accident, violence, homicide, or suicide?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

H-18b. Did the death of [the respondent] occur... read out:

For females who died at age 12-54 years.

During pregnancy?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

During delivery?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

Within 6 weeks/42 days after delivery?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

H: Information regarding crop farming, livestock, fishing, and aquaculture

H-19. During the last 12 months, did any member of this household engage in the following within this county?

If "2" or "9", skip to H-25.

Crop farming
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

Livestock rearing
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

H-20. What was the main purpose of the main agricultural production?

[] 1. Producing mainly for own consumption subsistence
[] 2. Producing mainly for sale commercial
[] 3. Not applicable
[] 9. DK

H-21. What is the area of agriculture holding operated by this household in acres in this county? 1 Ha = 2.47 acres:

_____ acres

H-22. During the last 12 months, did any member of this household practice irrigation on the agriculture holding?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

H-23. Does the holding have any of the following permanent crops within this county?

[] 1. Yes, compact plantation
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes, compact plantation
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes, compact plantation
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes, compact plantation
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes, compact plantation
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK

Khat miraa
[] 1. Yes, compact plantation
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes, compact plantation
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes, compact plantation
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK

Cashew nut
[] 1. Yes, compact plantation
[] 2. Yes, scattered plants
[] 3. No
[] 9. DK

H-24. During the last 12 months, did any member of this household cultivate any of the following crops in this county?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

Green grams
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

Ground nuts
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

Sweet potatoes
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

H-25. Is there any member of this household who is engaged in fishing activities within this county?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

H-26. How many of each of the following livestock are currently owned/reared/managed within this household in this county?

If None, code '00000'

_ _ _ _ _ 1. Exotic cattle - Dairy
_ _ _ _ _ 2. Exotic cattle - Beef
_ _ _ _ _ 3. Indigenous cattle
_ _ _ _ _ 4. Sheep
_ _ _ _ _ 5. Goats
_ _ _ _ _ 6. Camels
_ _ _ _ _ 7. Donkeys
_ _ _ _ _ 8. Pigs
_ _ _ _ _ 9. Indigenous chicken
_ _ _ _ _ 10. Exotic chicken - Layers
_ _ _ _ _ 11. Exotic chicken - Broilers
_ _ _ _ _ 12. Bees - Number of beehives
_ _ _ _ _ 13Fish - Fish ponds
_ _ _ _ _ 14. Fish - Fish cage
_ _ _ _ _ 15. Rabbits

I: Housing conditions and amenities

To be asked of the household head or any other responsible person.

H-27. Dwelling units: How many dwelling units does this household occupy? _ _

H-28. Habitable rooms: How many habitable rooms do these units contain? _ _

H-29. Tenure status of main dwelling unit. Is the main dwelling unit owned or rented/provided?

If owner occupied, state whether:
[] 1. Purchased
[] 2. Constructed
[] 3. Inherited
If rented/provided, state whether:
[] 4. National government
[] 5. County government
[] 6. Parastatal
[] 7. Private company
[] 8. Individual
[] 9. FBO/NGO/church/temple/mosque

H-30. Dominant construction material of the roof in the main dwelling unit

[] 1. No roof
[] 2. Grass thatch/twigs
[] 3. Makuti thatch
[] 4. Dung/mud
[] 5. Iron sheets
[] 6. Tin cans
[] 7. Asbestos sheet
[] 8. Concrete/cement
[] 9. Tiles
[] 10. Canvas/tents
[] 11. Decra/versatile
[] 12. Nylon/cartons/cardboard
[] 13. Shingles

H-31. Dominant construction material of the wall in the main dwelling unit

[] 1. No walls
[] 2. Cane/palm/trunks
[] 3. Grass/reeds
[] 4. Mud/cow dung
[] 5. Stone with mud
[] 6. Covered adobe
[] 7. Uncovered adobe
[] 8. Plywood/cardboard
[] 9. Off cuts/reused wood/wood planks
[] 10. Iron sheets
[] 11. Concrete/concrete blocks/precast wall
[] 12. Stone with lime/cement
[] 13. Bricks
[] 14. Canvas/tents
[] 15. Nylon/cartons
[] 16. Timber
[] 17. Prefabricated panels

H-32. Dominant construction material of the floor in the main dwelling unit

[] 1. Earth/sand
[] 2. Dung
[] 3. Wood planks/shingles/timber
[] 4. Palm/bamboo
[] 5. Parquet or polished wood
[] 6. Vinyl or asphalt strips
[] 7. Ceramic tiles
[] 8. Concrete/cement/terrazzo
[] 9. Wall to wall carpet

H-33. Main source of drinking water

[] 1. Pond/water pan
[] 2. Dam
[] 3. Lake
[] 4. Stream/river
[] 5. Protected spring
[] 6. Unprotected spring
[] 7. Protected well
[] 8. Unprotected well
[] 9. Borehole/tube well
[] 10. Piped into dwelling
[] 11. Piped to yard/plot
[] 12. Bottled water
[] 13. Rain/harvested water
[] 14. Water vendor
[] 15. Public tap/standpipe

H-34. Main mode of human waste disposal

[] 1. Main sewer
[] 2. Septic tank
[] 3. Cesspool
[] 4. VIP Pit latrine
[] 5. Pit latrine covered
[] 6. Pit latrine uncovered
[] 7. Bucket latrine
[] 8. Open
[] 9. Bio-septic tank/biodigester

H-35. Sharing of human waste disposal facility. Is the facility shared with any other household?

If the response in H-34 is code 4, 5, 6, or 7.

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

H-36. Main mode of solid waste disposal

[] 1. Collected by county government
[] 2. Collected by community association CBOs, youth groups, faith-based organizations
[] 3. Collected by private company
[] 4. Dumped in the compound
[] 5. Dumped in the street/vacant plot/drain/waterways
[] 6. Dumped in the latrine
[] 7. Burnt in open
[] 8. Buried
[] 9. Compost pit
[] 10. Burnt in a pit

H-37. Main type of cooking fuel

[] 1. Electricity
[] 2. Paraffin
[] 3. LPG gas
[] 4. Biogas
[] 5. Firewood and other raw wood products
[] 6. Charcoal
[] 7. Solar

H-38. Main type of lighting

[] 1. Mains electricity
[] 2. Paraffin pressure lamp
[] 3. Paraffin lantern
[] 4. Paraffin tin lamp
[] 5. Gas lamp
[] 6. Wood
[] 7. Solar
[] 8. Torch/spotlight - Solar charged
[] 9. Torch/spotlight - Dry cells
[] 10. Candle
[] 11. Battery car/charged
[] 12. Generator diesel/petrol
[] 13. Biogas

J: Ownership of household assets

H-39. Does any member of this household own any of the following items?

Stand-alone radio
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

TV with free to air set-top-box/digital tv
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

TV with pay tv decoder
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Internet protocol IP tv
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Analog tv with no connection/signal
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Internet through mobile phone/modem
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Fixed internet at home e.g., fiber, satellite dish, Lan, wi-fi
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Desktop computer/laptop/tablet
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Truck/lorry/bus/three wheeler truck
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Motor boat
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Animal drawn cart
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Tuk tuk
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

K: Emigrants

Emigrants in the last 15 years since 2005.

H-40. How many members of this household have migrated to another country since 2004 for at least 6 months?

If none write "00" and end the interview.

Number of emigrants _____

Short questionnaire for emigrants

E-01. Serial no. _

E-01a. Line no. of respondent _

E-02. Name of emigrant: Please give me the names of the emigrants ____

E-03. Sex: What is [the respondent]'s sex?

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female

E-04. Age: How old was [the respondent] at the time of his/her departure? ____

E-05. Level of education: What was the highest level of education that [the respondent] had completed at the time of his/her departure?

[] 1. None
[] 2. Primary
[] 3. Secondary
[] 4. University undergraduate
[] 5. University postgraduate
[] 6. Other tertiary colleges
[] 7. DK

E-06. Professional training: What professional training had [the respondent] acquired before departure from Kenya?

Applicable to persons age 15 years and above.

Professional training _____

E-07. Country of first destination: What was [the respondent]'s country of first destination during his/her departure? _

E-08. Year of departure: When did [the respondent] depart from Kenya? _ _

E-09. Main reason for departure: What was the main reason for [the respondent] departing from Kenya?

[] 1. Employment
[] 2. Education
[] 3. Sports
[] 4. Marriage
[] 5. Family related
[] 6. Settlement
[] 7. Others (specify) ____
[] 8. DK

E-10. Country of current residence: What is the current country of residence of [the respondent]? ____

E-10a. Select the name of the emigrant if currently in Kenya:

Name of emigrant _____

E-11. Remittances: Did [the respondent] remit money to any member of this household while outside Kenya in the last 12 months?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
[] 9. DK

E-12. Utilization of funds: How was the money utilized?

Allow for multiple responses, maximum 3.

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Household consumption
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Short questionnaire for street persons/outdoor sleepers/vagrants

County _ _
Sub-county _ _
Division _ _ _
Location _ _
Sub-Location _ _
EA Number _ _ _
Constituency _ _ _
Ward _ _ _ _
Name of the street _____
Code _____

Line no. _

Name: List at least two names _____


[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female
[] 3. Other
[] 4. Not stated

Age in completed years _ _

County/country of birth _ _

Ethnicity/nationality: What is [the respondent]'s nationality/ethnicity? ____

Hotel/lodge residents, hospital in-patients, prison/police cells, and children homes

County _ _
Sub-county _ _
Division _ _
Location _ _
Sub-location _ _
E.A. number _ _ _
E.A. type _
E.A. status _
Constituency _ _ _
Ward _ _
Name of institution: _____

Type of institution

[] Hotel/lodge residents
[] Hospital in-patients
[] Prison/police cells
[] Children home

SQ-01. Line number _ _

SQ-02. Name: What are the names of all persons who spent the night of 24th/25th August, 2019 in this institution?

Record two names for each person.

Name _____

SQ-03. Sex: What is [the respondent]'s sex?

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female
[] 3. Other

SQ-04. Age: How old is [the respondent]?

Record age in completed years using two digits. If under 1 year, record "00". If 95 years and above, code "95".

Age _____

SQ-05. Country/county of Birth: What is [the respondent]'s country/county of birth? ____

SQ-06. Ethnicity/nationality: What is [the respondent]'s nationality/ethnicity? ____

Travelers and persons on transit

County _ _
Sub-county _ _
Division _ _
Location _ _
Sub-location _ _
E.A. number _ _
E.A. type _
E.A. status _
Constituency _ _ _
Ward _ _

Name of place/street/station/airport of enumeration _____

_ _ _ Total population
_ _ _ Males
_ _ _ Females
_ _ _ Others

SQ-01. Line number _

SQ-02. Name: Names of each traveller?

Record two names for each traveller. _____

SQ-03. Sex: What is [the respondent]'s sex?

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female
[] 3. Other

SQ-04. Age: How old was [the respondent] on his/her last birthday?

Record age in completed years using two digits. If under 1 year, record "00". If 95 years and above, code "95".

Age _____

SQ-05. Country/county of birth: What is [the respondent]'s country/county of birth? ____

SQ-06. Current residence: What is [the respondent]'s current country/county of residence? ____