Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
011 | No schooling, with no certificate of apprentice school | 17,891 |
012 | No schooling, with certificate of apprentice school | 1 |
021 | 1-3 grades of primary (general) school, with no certificate of apprentice school | 37,007 |
031 | 4-5 grades of primary (general) school, with no certificate of apprentice school | 57,331 |
041 | 6-7 grades of primary (general) school, with no certificate of apprentice school | 147,679 |
042 | 6-7 grades of primary (general) school, with certificate of apprentice school | 10 |
051 | 8 grades of primary (general) school, with no certificate of apprentice school | 113,526 |
052 | 8 grades of primary (general) school, with certificate of apprentice school | 20,096 |
061 | 1-4 grades of secondary school without final exam, with no certificate of apprentice school | 19,404 |
062 | 1-4 grades of secondary school without final exam, with certificate of apprentice school | 1,980 |
071 | Secondary school with final examination, with no certificate of apprentice school | 35,871 |
072 | Secondary school with final examination, with certificate of apprentice school | 3,117 |
081 | Attended third-level education, without diploma, with no certificate of apprentice school | 4,824 |
082 | Attended third-level education, without diploma, with certificate of apprentice school | 175 |
091 | Diploma from non-university third-level education, with no certificate of apprentice school | 5,721 |
092 | Diploma from non-university third-level education, with certificate of apprentice school | 111 |
101 | University diploma, with no certificate of apprentice school | 8,830 |
102 | University diploma, with certificate of apprentice school | 62 |
999 | NIU (not in universe) | 41,483 |
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This variable indicates highest educational attainment and whether the respondent has an apprentice certificate.
- Hungary 1970: Persons age 6+
- Hungary: 1970
Questionnaire Text
12. Educational qualification / completed grades
15. Do you have a certificate of an apprentice school?
[Question a-b are asked of those who answered Yes]
[] Grades of primary school
[] Grades of higher elementary school
[] Grades of secondary school
[] Years of a school of third degree [tertiary]
[] Never went to school
[] Grades of higher elementary school
[] Grades of secondary school
[] Years of a school of third degree [tertiary]
[] Never went to school
15. Do you have a certificate of an apprentice school?
[] Yes
[] No
[] No
[Question a-b are asked of those who answered Yes]
a. When did you obtain your qualification?
In year 1 _ _ _
b. How long did it take to obtain your qualification?
For _ years _ _ months
Filling in part "II. Data on education of the enumerated person"
Questions 12-14 refer to the training completed in regular educational institutions. A supplementary instruction is issued to define the education obtained regarding the persons having completed studies in educational institutions already not existing.
The questions related to the education should be filled in only in case the enumerated person was born in 1963 or earlier. That is in case of the children born between 1964 -1969 this part as well as part III of the questionnaire will be empty.
First question of part II collects information on the regular school attendance of the enumerated person. A regular school i.e. educational institution is
In the primary education: the general school;
In the secondary level: the grammar school,
In the secondary level: the grammar school,
The (so called) technical school,
The specialized secondary school;
The specialized secondary school;
On the higher level: the university,
The academy,
The technical school of a higher level,
The teachers training college
Training college for kindergarten teachers.
The technical school of a higher level,
The teachers training college
Training college for kindergarten teachers.
Questions 12-14 refer to the training completed in regular educational institutions. A supplementary instruction is issued to define the education obtained regarding the persons having completed studies in educational institutions already not existing.
12. Not studied in a school
In case the enumerated person did not attend the school or is studying in the first grade of the primary education, the answer is "without attending the school" and the printed boxes remain empty.
Number of levels (classes) completed
In the case of persons either conducting regular studies in an educational institution or having finished his/her studies, the number of the highest grade completed should be entered with Arabic numerals into the empty boxes. The numbering of the grades should start with the first grade of the primary school and it should continuously follow up to the last grade completed by the respective person (e. g. in case a person has a final certificate issued by a secondary educational institution or a diploma of a university the total number of grades completed will be recorded).
Only the classes (grades) completed successfully -- that is the completed grade confirmed by a certificate - should be taken into account. In case a person is visiting the 4th grade of the primary school only the 3d grade can be marked as completed. Repeated and post-graduate classes must not be considered. The evening and correspondence courses are treated equally with the daily courses.
Due to the past changes in the educational system the individuals have had different ways in obtaining the highest grade of their education. By taking into consideration the previous statement the enumerator should note (record) the facts according to the contemporary educational system.
Examples for recording the answers to question 12:
Number of levels (classes) completed
In the case of persons either conducting regular studies in an educational institution or having finished his/her studies, the number of the highest grade completed should be entered with Arabic numerals into the empty boxes. The numbering of the grades should start with the first grade of the primary school and it should continuously follow up to the last grade completed by the respective person (e. g. in case a person has a final certificate issued by a secondary educational institution or a diploma of a university the total number of grades completed will be recorded).
Only the classes (grades) completed successfully -- that is the completed grade confirmed by a certificate - should be taken into account. In case a person is visiting the 4th grade of the primary school only the 3d grade can be marked as completed. Repeated and post-graduate classes must not be considered. The evening and correspondence courses are treated equally with the daily courses.
Due to the past changes in the educational system the individuals have had different ways in obtaining the highest grade of their education. By taking into consideration the previous statement the enumerator should note (record) the facts according to the contemporary educational system.
Examples for recording the answers to question 12:
General (primary) school 4 4 8 8
Higher elementary school 4 0 0 8
Secondary school 0 8 4 4
Institution of higher education 0 0 0 5
Higher elementary school 4 0 0 8
Secondary school 0 8 4 4
Institution of higher education 0 0 0 5
Generally a higher level of the education is possible only after the successful completion of the lower level studies. Nevertheless there are persons who obtained the certificate on the specialized matriculation exam or the diploma of a university without completing the secondary school. These extraordinary cases occurred only in the course of some selected years only.
The courses completed in technical institutes, on technical courses must not be considered. These (e.g. courses for stenographers, typists, medical courses, apprentice schools, etc.) are not regarded as training in regular educational establishments. The specialised secondary school -- being a regular educational institution -- must not be mistaken with the apprentice school (e.g. there is a difference between medical training college and the medical secondary education).
Attention should be given to the fact that in the training of the teachers, kindergarten teachers as well as the technicians there was in the past (and as regards the latter category it is even presently) both secondary and high level education. In these categories completed, high level education can be registered if the given person obtained a final certificate (qualification document).
The schools for backward children (schools for tongue-tacked, deaf and dumb persons, blinds, the persons deficient in body, the mentally back warded persons) should be regarded as the schools in general.
Higher elementary school
Some people unduly regard the higher elementary school as a secondary school. Therefore the enumerator should whether the given person visited an ordinary or a higher elementary school. To register the higher elementary school is possible only if persons completing their studies before 1948. The number of grades/classes noted should be between 1 and 4.
Institution of higher education
One-year colleges (e.g. commercial college) are regarded as training courses consequently the completed years do not mean completed secondary or higher level education.
13. Does the person have a certificate from a secondary schoolThe courses completed in technical institutes, on technical courses must not be considered. These (e.g. courses for stenographers, typists, medical courses, apprentice schools, etc.) are not regarded as training in regular educational establishments. The specialised secondary school -- being a regular educational institution -- must not be mistaken with the apprentice school (e.g. there is a difference between medical training college and the medical secondary education).
Attention should be given to the fact that in the training of the teachers, kindergarten teachers as well as the technicians there was in the past (and as regards the latter category it is even presently) both secondary and high level education. In these categories completed, high level education can be registered if the given person obtained a final certificate (qualification document).
The schools for backward children (schools for tongue-tacked, deaf and dumb persons, blinds, the persons deficient in body, the mentally back warded persons) should be regarded as the schools in general.
Higher elementary school
Some people unduly regard the higher elementary school as a secondary school. Therefore the enumerator should whether the given person visited an ordinary or a higher elementary school. To register the higher elementary school is possible only if persons completing their studies before 1948. The number of grades/classes noted should be between 1 and 4.
Institution of higher education
One-year colleges (e.g. commercial college) are regarded as training courses consequently the completed years do not mean completed secondary or higher level education.
In the case of persons having certificates issued by two secondary educational institutions, only one certificate will be recorded, that is the which is more close to the person's job, work performance.
14. Person completed secondary educationIn the case of persons having obtained a diploma, the final certificate should not be underlined -- that is in case the answer "the person has only a final certificate" is underlined, then the answer "diploma obtained" must not be marked. The final certificates issued by theological and military colleges are regarded as diplomas.
The answers "diploma obtained ", "the person has only a final certificate" will be marked only in case if the given person completed at least 2 years on the given higher educational institution, that is the line "higher educational institution" of question 12 at least 2 years are marked.
In the case of persons who obtained several diplomas, only one must be noted -- the one which is closer to his/her profession, job performance.
In case the persons visited or visiting the university but no diploma had been obtained (yet), the answer "no" will be underlined and the remaining part of the sub questions will not be answered.
The answers "diploma obtained ", "the person has only a final certificate" will be marked only in case if the given person completed at least 2 years on the given higher educational institution, that is the line "higher educational institution" of question 12 at least 2 years are marked.
In the case of persons who obtained several diplomas, only one must be noted -- the one which is closer to his/her profession, job performance.
In case the persons visited or visiting the university but no diploma had been obtained (yet), the answer "no" will be underlined and the remaining part of the sub questions will not be answered.