Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
Asunción | ||
000001 | Sección 14 | X |
000002 | Sección 3 | X |
000003 | Sección 1 | X |
000004 | Sección 4 | X |
000005 | Sección 2 | X |
000006 | Sección 13 | X |
000007 | Sección 5 | X |
000008 | Sección 11 | X |
000009 | Sección 6 | X |
000010 | Sección 7 | X |
000011 | Sección 9 | X |
000012 | Sección 18, Sección 8, Sección 16, Sección 17 | X |
000013 | Sección 10 | X |
000014 | Sección 12 | X |
000015 | Sección 15 | X |
000099 | Department of Asunción, municipality unknown | X |
Concepción | ||
001001 | Belén, Horqueta | X |
001002 | Loreto | X |
001003 | Concepción, San Lázaro, San Carlos | X |
San Pedro | ||
002001 | San Estanislao | X |
002002 | Choré | X |
002003 | 25 de Diciembre, Unión | X |
Code | Label |
002004 | Felipe Matiauda | X |
002005 | Tacuatí, Nueva Germania | X |
002006 | San Pedro, San Pablo, Antequera | X |
002007 | Itacurubí del Rosario | X |
002008 | Villa del Rosario | X |
002009 | General Isidoro Resquín, Lima | X |
002010 | General Elizardo Aquino | X |
Cordillera | ||
003001 | Primero de Marzo, Tobatí | X |
003002 | Isla Pucú, Juan de Mena, Mbocayaty del yhaguy, Santa Elena | X |
003003 | Caraguatay | X |
003004 | Itacurubí de la Cordillera, Valenzuela | X |
003005 | Eusebio Ayala | X |
003006 | Caacupé | X |
003007 | Piribebuy | X |
003008 | Atyrá, Loma Grande, Altos | X |
003009 | Arroyos y Esteros, Nueva Colombia | X |
003010 | Emboscada, San Bernardino | X |
Guairá | ||
004001 | Mbocayaty, Villarrica, Yataity | X |
004002 | Colonia Independencia, Independencia 1 | X |
004003 | Coronel Martínez, Itapé, Félix Pérez Cardozo | X |
004004 | General Eugenio A. Garay, Fassardi | X |
004005 | Borja, San Salvador | X |
004006 | Capitán Mauricio José Troche, Natalicio Talavera | X |
Code | Label |
004008 | Iturbe, Ñumí | X |
Caaguazú | ||
005001 | Caaguazú | X |
005002 | Coronel Oviedo | X |
005003 | Yhú Oeste, Yhú Este | X |
005004 | Carayaó, Hugo Stroessner, Doctor Cecilio Báez | X |
005005 | Repatriación | X |
005006 | Doctor Juan Manuel Frutos | X |
005007 | Eulogio Estigarribia | X |
005008 | San Joaquín | X |
005009 | San José | X |
005010 | Doctor Juan Ramón Chávez | X |
Caazapá | ||
006001 | Buena Vista, Caazapá | X |
006002 | Yuty | X |
006003 | Doctor Moisés Bertoni, Yegros, Maciel | X |
006004 | General Higinio Morínigo, San Juan Nepomuceno | X |
006005 | Abaí, Tabai | X |
Itapúa | ||
007001 | Hohenau, Obligado, Capitán Vicente Matiauda | X |
007002 | Carmen del Paraná, Coronel Bogado | X |
007003 | General Delgado, Domingo Robledo, San Cosme | X |
007004 | Fram, General Artigas | X |
007005 | Cambyretá | X |
007006 | Capitán Miranda, Jesús, Trinidad | X |
Code | Label |
007007 | Encarnación, Encarnación 1 | X |
007008 | Bella Vista | X |
007009 | Capitán Meza | X |
007010 | San Rafael del Paraná, Antidia Matiauda | X |
007011 | Carlos Antonio López, Mayor Otaño | X |
007012 | Leandro Oviedo, San Pedro del Paraná | X |
007013 | Natalio | · |
Misiones | ||
008001 | San Patricio, Santa Rosa | X |
008002 | Ayolas, Santiago, Yabebyry | X |
008003 | San Juan Bautista de las Misiones, Villa Florida | X |
008004 | San Ignacio | X |
008005 | San Miguel, Santa María | X |
Paraguarí | ||
009001 | Carapeguá | X |
009002 | Quiíndy | X |
009003 | Acahay | X |
009004 | Roque González de Santa Cruz | X |
009005 | La Colmena, Tebicuary-mí, Ybycuí | X |
009006 | Caapucú, Quyquyhó | X |
009007 | Mbuyapey | X |
009008 | Paraguarí | X |
009009 | Pirayú | X |
009010 | Ybytimí, Caballero | X |
009011 | Escobar, Sapucaí | X |
Code | Label |
009012 | Yaguarón | X |
Alto Paraná | ||
010001 | Doctor Juan León Mallorquín, Yguazú | X |
010002 | Juan Emilio O'Leary | X |
010003 | Ciudad del Este | X |
010004 | Itakyry, Hernandarias Norte, Hernandarias Sur | X |
010006 | Presidente Franco | X |
010008 | Domingo Martínez de Irala Oeste, Ñacunday, Domingo Martínez de Irala Este | X |
Central | ||
011001 | Nueva Italia, Villeta | X |
011002 | San Antonio | X |
011003 | Areguá | X |
011004 | Guarambaré, Ypané | X |
011005 | Ñemby | X |
011006 | Lambaré | X |
011007 | Limpio | X |
011008 | San Lorenzo | X |
011009 | Itauguá | X |
011010 | Fernando de la Mora Sur | X |
011011 | Fernando de la Mora Norte | X |
011012 | Luque | X |
011013 | Capiatá | X |
011014 | Villa Elisa | X |
011015 | Mariano Roque Alonso | X |
011016 | Itá | X |
Code | Label |
011017 | Ypacaraí | X |
Ñeembucú | ||
012001 | Pilar | X |
012002 | Laureles, Tacuaras, Guazú Cuá | X |
012003 | General José E. Díaz, Humaitá, Isla Umbú, Mayor José J. Martínez, Paso de Patria | X |
012004 | Cerrito, Desmochados, Villalbín | X |
012005 | Alberdi, San Juan Bautista de Ñeembucú, Villa Franca, Villa Oliva | X |
Amambay | ||
013001 | Bella Vista, Pedro Juan Caballero | X |
013002 | Capitán Bado | X |
Canindeyú | ||
014001 | Itanará, Igatimí, Ypehú | X |
014002 | Salto del Guairá Norte, Salto del Guairá Sur | X |
014003 | Corpus Cristi | X |
014004 | Curuguaty | X |
Presidente Hayes | ||
015001 | Benjamín Aceval, Puerto Pinasco, Villa Hayes, Pozo Colorado | X |
Boquerón, Alto Paraguay, Chaco, Nueva Asunción | ||
019001 | Mayor Pablo Lagerenza, La Victoria, General Eugenio A. Garay, Doctor Pedro P. Peña, Mariscal Estigarribia, Fuerte Olimpo | X |
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Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
GEO2_PY1982 indicates the household’s districts within Paraguay in 1982. Districts are the second level administrative units of the country, after departments. A GIS map (in shapefile format), corresponding to GEO2_PY1982 can be downloaded from the GIS Boundary files page in the IPUMS International web site
The full set of geography variables for Paraguay can be found in the IPUMS International Geography variables list. For cross-national geographic analysis on the first and second major administrative level of any country refer to GEOLEV1, and GEOLEV2. More information on IPUMS-International geography can be found here.
Comparability — General
Districts with populations less than 20,000 (based on the most recent sample year) were regionalized (combined) with neighboring districts within the same departments to create units with populations greater than 20,000.
- All households
- Paraguay: 1982