Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
Chitipa | ||
101001 | Mwenewenya, Nthalire | X |
101002 | Mwenemisuku | X |
101003 | Chitipa Boma, Kameme, Mwabulambya | X |
Karonga | ||
102001 | Karonga Town | X |
102002 | STA Mwakaboko, Kilupula | X |
102003 | STA Mwirang'ombe, Wasambo | X |
102004 | Kyungu | X |
Nkhata Bay, Likoma | ||
103002 | Fukamapiri, STA Zilakoma, Mkumpa | X |
103003 | Boghoyo, STA Mkondowe, Nyaluwanga, Musisya | X |
103004 | Nkhata Bay Boma, STA Mkumbira | X |
103005 | Mankhambira | X |
103006 | Malenga Mzoma, STA Fukamalaza, STA Malanda | X |
103007 | Kabunduli | X |
103008 | Timbiri | X |
Rumphi | ||
104001 | Rumphi Boma, Chikulamayembe | X |
104002 | STA Mwahenga, Katumbi, Zolokere, Vwaza Marsh Game Reserve, Nyika National Park (A) | X |
104003 | STA Chapinduka, STA Mwankhunikira | X |
104004 | Mwamlowe, STA Kachulu, STA Mwalweni | X |
Mzimba | ||
105001 | Mzimba Boma | X |
105002 | Mzukuzuku | X |
Code | Label |
105003 | Mzuzu City | X |
105004 | Vwaza Marsh Game Reserve, Mpherembe | X |
105005 | STA Khosolo Gwaza | X |
105006 | STA Jaravikuba Munthali, Mtwalo | X |
105007 | Chindi | X |
105008 | Mabulabo | X |
105009 | STA Kampingo Sibande | X |
105010 | M'mbelwa | X |
105011 | Mzikubola | X |
Kasungu | ||
201001 | STA Njombwa | X |
201002 | Kasungu Township | X |
201003 | Chulu | X |
201004 | Santhe | X |
201005 | Wimbe | X |
201006 | Kaomba | X |
201007 | STA Kawamba, Kasungu National Park | X |
201008 | STA Chisikwa, Kaluluma | X |
201009 | Lukwa | X |
201010 | STA Chilowamatambe | X |
201011 | Kapelula | X |
201012 | STA M'nyanja | X |
201013 | STA Simlemba | X |
Nkhota Kota | ||
202001 | STA Mwansambo | X |
Code | Label |
202002 | STA Mphonde | X |
202003 | Nkhota Kota Boma | X |
202004 | Mwadzama | X |
202005 | Nkhota Kota Game Reserve, Malenga Chanzi | X |
202006 | STA Kafuzila, Kanyenda | X |
Ntchisi | ||
203001 | Chikho | X |
203002 | Ntchisi Boma, Kalumo | X |
203003 | Kasakula, STA Nthondo | X |
203004 | STA Chilooko | X |
Dowa | ||
204001 | STA Chakhaza | X |
204002 | STA Kayembe | X |
204003 | Chiwere | X |
204004 | Dowa Boma, Mkukula | X |
204005 | Dzoole | X |
204006 | Msakambewa | X |
204007 | Mponela Urban, STA Mponela | X |
Salima | ||
205001 | Pemba | X |
205002 | STA Mwanza | X |
205003 | STA Kambwiri | X |
205004 | Salima Township | X |
205005 | Maganga | X |
205006 | Chipoka Urban, STA Kambalame, Ndindi | X |
Code | Label |
205007 | Karonga | X |
205008 | STA Msosa, Khombedza, Kuluunda | X |
Lilongwe | ||
206001 | Lilongwe city | X |
206002 | STA Mtema | X |
206003 | Kalumbu | X |
206004 | STA Njewa | X |
206005 | STA Chitekwele | X |
206006 | Chitukula | X |
206007 | Tsabango | X |
206008 | Kalumba | X |
206009 | Chiseka | X |
206010 | Kalolo | X |
206011 | Khongoni | X |
206012 | Mazengera | X |
206013 | Kabudula | X |
206014 | Chadza | X |
206015 | Malili | X |
206016 | Chimutu | X |
Mchinji | ||
207001 | Mchinji Boma, Zulu | X |
207002 | Mkanda | X |
207003 | STA Mavwere | X |
207004 | STA Dambe | X |
207005 | STA Mduwa | X |
Code | Label |
207006 | Mlonyeni | X |
Dedza | ||
208001 | Dedza Township | X |
208002 | Kasumbu | X |
208003 | Tambala | X |
208004 | STA Chauma | X |
208005 | STA Chilikumwendo | X |
208006 | STA Kamenya Gwaza | X |
208007 | Kaphuka | X |
208008 | Pemba | X |
208009 | Kachindamoto | X |
Ntcheu | ||
209001 | Ntcheu Boma, Kwataine | X |
209002 | Champiti, Makwangwala | X |
209003 | Goodson Ganya | X |
209004 | Chakhumbira | X |
209005 | Mpando | X |
209006 | Njolomole | X |
209007 | Phambala | X |
209008 | Masasa | X |
Mangochi | ||
301001 | Jalasi | X |
301002 | Makanjila | X |
301003 | Katuli | X |
301004 | Mangochi Boma | X |
Code | Label |
301005 | Monkey Bay Urban, Chimwala, Mponda, Nankumba, Palm Beach Forest, Lake Malawi Natl. Park - Mangochi | X |
301006 | Chowe | X |
301007 | STA Mbwana Nyambi | X |
301008 | STA Namabvi, Namabvi | X |
Machinga | ||
302001 | STA Ngokwe | X |
302002 | Nyambi | X |
302003 | Liwonde Township | X |
302004 | Machinga Boma, Sitola | X |
302005 | STA Mlomba | X |
302006 | Kawinga | X |
302007 | STA Chikweo | X |
302008 | Liwonde, Liwonde National Park | X |
302009 | STA Chiwalo | X |
302010 | STA Mposa | X |
302011 | Chamba | X |
Zomba | ||
303001 | Malemia | X |
303002 | Chikowi | X |
303003 | Mwambo | X |
303004 | Kuntumanji, Mkumbira | X |
303005 | STA Mbiza | X |
303006 | Mlumbe | X |
303007 | Zomba Municipality | X |
Chiradzulu | ||
Code | Label |
304001 | Nchema | X |
304002 | Nkalo | X |
304003 | Likoswe | X |
304004 | Kadewere | X |
304005 | Chiradzulu Boma, Chitera, Mpama | X |
Blantyre | ||
305001 | Blantyre City | X |
305002 | Kapeni | X |
305003 | Kuntaja | X |
305004 | Somba | X |
305005 | Chigeru | X |
305006 | Makata, Machinjili | X |
305007 | Kunthembwe | X |
305008 | Lundu | X |
Mwanza | ||
306001 | Mwanza Boma, Nthache | X |
306002 | Ngozi | X |
306003 | Dambe | X |
306004 | Symon | X |
306005 | Mlauli, Kanduku | X |
Thyolo | ||
307001 | Thomas | X |
307002 | STA Mbawela | X |
307003 | Changata | X |
307004 | Bvumbwe | X |
Code | Label |
307005 | Thyolo Boma, Nchilamwela | X |
307006 | Luchenza Township, Chimaliro | X |
307007 | STA Mphuka | X |
307008 | STA Kwethemule | X |
307009 | Kapichi | X |
307010 | STA Thukuta, Nsabwe | X |
Mulanje | ||
308001 | Laston Njema | X |
308002 | Juma | X |
308003 | Mulanje Boma, Chikumbu | X |
308004 | Nkanda, Mulanje Mountain, Luchenza town, Mulanje district | X |
308005 | Mabuka | X |
308006 | Nthiramanja | X |
Phalombe | ||
309001 | Phalombe Urban, Mkhumba | X |
309002 | Nazombe | X |
Chikwawa | ||
310001 | Chapananga, Lengwe National Park | X |
310002 | Mankhwira | X |
310003 | Ngabu Urban, Ngabu | X |
310004 | Lundu | X |
310005 | Kasisi, Majete Game Reserve | X |
310006 | Maseya | X |
310007 | Chikwawa Boma, Katunga | X |
Nsanje | ||
Code | Label |
311001 | Mlolo | X |
311002 | Tengani, Mwabvi Game Reserve | X |
311003 | STA Mbenje | X |
311004 | Nyachikadza, Malemia | X |
311005 | STA Makoko, Ndamera | X |
311006 | Nsanje Boma | X |
311007 | Chimombo, Ngabu | X |
Balaka | ||
312001 | Msamala | X |
312002 | Kalembo | X |
312003 | Balaka Town | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
GEO2_MW1987 identifies the household's Traditional Authority (TA) within Malawi in 1987. Traditional Authorities (TAs) are the second level administrative units of the country, after districts. A GIS map (in shapefile format), corresponding to GEO2_MW1987 can be downloaded from the GIS Boundary files page in the IPUMS International web site.
The full set of geography variables for Malawi can be found in the IPUMS International Geography variables list. For cross-national geographic analysis on the first and second major administrative level of any country refer to GEOLEV1, and GEOLEV2. More information on IPUMS-International geography can be found here.
Comparability — General
Traditional Authorities with populations less than 20,000 (based on the most recent sample year) were regionalized (combined) with neighboring Traditional Authorities within the same district to create units with populations greater than 20,000.
- All households
- Malawi: 1987