Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
Port Louis | ||
011001 | Town of Port Louis-Ward 4, Town of Port Louis-Ward 5 | X |
011002 | Town of Port Louis-Ward 6 | X |
011003 | Town of Port Louis-Ward 2, Town of Port Louis-Ward 1 East | X |
011004 | Town of Port Louis-Ward 3 | X |
011099 | Port Louis district, unknown municipality | X |
Pamplemousses | ||
012001 | Grand Baie West, Fond du Sac, Plaine des Papayes, Pointe aux Piments, Morcellement St André, Pamplemousses, Notre Dame, Arsenal, Calebasses | X |
012002 | Baie du Tombeau, Terre Rouge, Le Hochet | X |
012003 | Triolet | X |
012004 | Mapou South, Piton West, Crève Cœur, Congomah, Long Mountain, Villebague West, D'Épinay | X |
012005 | Amitié West | · |
012006 | Belle Vue Maurel North | · |
012099 | Pamplemousses district, unknown municipality | X |
Rivière du Rempart | ||
013001 | Cottage, Espérance Trébuchet, Roche Terre, Grand Gaube, Goodlands | X |
013002 | Mapou North, The Vale, Grand Baie East, Petit Raffray, Cap Malheureux | X |
013003 | Roches Noires North, Plaines des Roches North, Amaury North, Villebague East, Amitié East, Belle Vue Maurel South, Brisée Verdière North, Rivière du Rempart, Piton East, Poudre d'Or Hamlet, Poudre d'Or | X |
013099 | Riviere du Rempart district, unknown municipality | X |
Flacq | ||
014001 | Lalmatie East, Bon Accueil, Camp Ithier, Mare La Chaux, Centre de Flacq | X |
014002 | Brisée Verdière South, Amaury South, Plaines des Roches South, Quatre Cocos, Laventure, Poste de Flacq | X |
014003 | Bel Air Rivière Sèche, Écroignard | X |
014004 | Montagne Blanche East, Médine Camp de Masque East, St Julien D'Hotman East, Sébastopol, Camp de Masque Pavé, Camp de Masque | X |
014005 | Quatre Sœurs, Olivia, Clémencia, St Julien (Haut de Flacq) East, Queen Victoria, Trou D'Eau Douce, Grand River South-East | X |
Code | Label |
014006 | Dubreuil East | · |
014007 | Villebague South | · |
014008 | Roches Noires South | · |
014099 | Flacq district, unknown municipality | X |
Grand Port | ||
015001 | Old Grand Port, Nouvelle France, Rivière du Poste East, Mare Tabac, L'Escalier East, Union Park, Bananes, Cluny, Trois Boutiques, Mare Chicose, St Hubert, Bambous Virieux, Bois des Amourettes, Grand Sable | X |
015002 | New Grove, Rose Belle | X |
015003 | Mare d'Albert, Plaine Magnien, Beau Vallon | X |
015004 | Grand Bel Air, Mahébourg, Petit Bel Air, Rivière des Créoles | X |
015099 | Grand Port district, unknown municipality | X |
Savanne | ||
016001 | Rivière des Anguilles, Baie du Cap, Bel Ombre, Souillac, Chamouny, Bois Chéri, Grand Bois, Rivière du Poste West, Saint Aubin, Britannia, L'Escalier West, Camp Diable, Bénarès | X |
016002 | Chemin Grenier, Surinam | X |
016003 | Chamarel East | · |
016099 | Savanne district, unknown municipality | X |
Plaines Wilhems | ||
017001 | Midlands, Town of Vacoas/Phoenix-Ward 1 | X |
017002 | Town of Beau-Bassin/Rose-Hill-Ward 4 | X |
017003 | Town of Curepipe-Ward 3 | X |
017004 | Town of Quatre-Bornes-Ward 3 East | X |
017005 | Town of Vacoas/Phoenix-Ward 4 | X |
017006 | Town of Vacoas/Phoenix-Ward 2 | X |
017007 | Town of Beau-Bassin/Rose-Hill-Ward 2 | X |
017008 | Town of Curepipe-Ward 1 | X |
017009 | Town of Beau-Bassin/Rose-Hill-Ward 1 | X |
Code | Label |
017010 | Town of Beau-Bassin/Rose-Hill-Ward 3 | X |
017011 | Town of Curepipe-Ward 2 West | X |
017012 | Town of Vacoas/Phoenix-Ward 3 | X |
017013 | Moka West, Town of Quatre-Bornes-Ward 1 | X |
017014 | Town of Quatre-Bornes-Ward 2 | X |
017015 | Cascavelle East | · |
017099 | Plaine Wilhems district, unknown municipality | X |
Moka | ||
018001 | Pailles, Moka East, St Pierre | X |
018002 | Town of Curepipe-Ward 2 East, Town of Vac/Phoenix-Ward 4 East, Montagne Blanche West, Dubreuil West, Melrose, Médine - Camp de Masque West, Providence, Quartier Militaire, St Julien d'Hotman West | X |
018003 | Nouvelle Decouverte, La Laura - Malenga, Dagotière, Verdun, L'Avenir, Espèrance, Camp Thorel, Lalmatie West | X |
018004 | St. Julien (Haut de Flacq) West | · |
018099 | Moka district, unknown municipality | X |
Black River | ||
019001 | Gros Cailloux, Bambous, Albion, Petite Rivière | X |
019002 | Richelieu, Town of Port Louis-Ward 1 West | X |
019003 | Le Morne, La Gaulette, Chamarel West, Case Noyale, Grande Rivière Noire, Tamarin, Flic en Flac, Town of Quatre-Bornes-Ward 3, Cascavelle West | X |
019099 | Black River district, unknown municipality | X |
Rodrigues, Agaléga Islands | ||
020001 | Baie aux Huitres, St Gabriel, La Ferme, Port Mathurin, Grande Montagne, Marechal, Agalega Islands | X |
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Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
GEO2_MU2011 identifies the household's Municipal Ward/Village Council Area (MVCA) within Mauritius in 2011. MVCA’s are the second level administrative units of the country, after districts. A GIS map (in shapefile format), corresponding to GEO2_MU2011 can be downloaded from the GIS Boundary files page in the IPUMS International web site.
The full set of geography variables for Mauritius can be found in the IPUMS International Geography variables list. For cross-national geographic analysis on the first and second major administrative level of any country refer to GEOLEV1, and GEOLEV2. More information on IPUMS-International geography can be found here.
Comparability — General
MVCA’s with populations less than 20,000 (based on the most recent sample year) were regionalized (combined) with neighboring MVCA’s within the same district) to create units with populations greater than 20,000.
Missing MVCA’s: The 2011 sample is missing 9 MVCA’s
These MVCA’s are:
- Amitié West
- Belle Vue Maurel North
- Brisée Verdière North
- Dubreuil East
- Villebague South
- Roches Noires South
- Chamarel East
- Cascavelle East
- St. Julien (Haut de Flacq) West
- All households
- Mauritius: 2011