Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
D.I. Aceh | ||
011001 | Regency of South Aceh | X |
011002 | Regency of Southeast Aceh | X |
011003 | Regency of East Aceh | X |
011004 | Regency of Central Aceh | X |
011005 | Regency of West Aceh | X |
011006 | Regency of Greater Aceh | X |
011007 | Regency of Pidie | X |
011008 | Regency of North Aceh | X |
011071 | Municipality of Banda Aceh (A) | X |
011072 | Municipality of Sabang (B) | X |
Sumatra Utara | ||
012001 | Regency of Nias | X |
012002 | Regency of South Tapanuli | X |
012003 | Regency of Central Tapanuli | X |
012004 | Regency of North Tapanuli | X |
012005 | Regency of Labuhan Batu | X |
012006 | Regency of Grindings | X |
012007 | Regency of Simalungun | X |
012008 | Regency of Dairi | X |
012009 | Regency of Karo | X |
012010 | Regency of Deli Serdang | X |
012011 | Regency of Langkat | X |
012071 | Municipality of Sibolga (A) | X |
012072 | Municipality of Tanjung Balai (B) | X |
Code | Label |
012073 | Municipality of Kota Siantar (C) | X |
012074 | Municipality of Tebing Tinggi (D) | X |
012075 | Municipality of Medan (E) | X |
012076 | Municipality of Binjai (F) | X |
Sumatra Barat | ||
013001 | Regency of South Pesisir | X |
013002 | Regency of Solok | X |
013003 | Regency of Sawahlunto/Sijunjung | X |
013004 | Regency of Tanah Datar | X |
013005 | Regency of Padang Pariaman | X |
013006 | Regency of Agam | X |
013007 | Regency of Lima Puluh Kota | X |
013008 | Disrict of Pasaman | X |
013071 | Municipality of Padang (A) | X |
013072 | Municipality of Solok (B) | X |
013074 | Municipality of Padang Panjang (D) | X |
013075 | Municipality of Bukit Tinggi (E) | X |
013076 | Municipality of Payakumbuh (F) | X |
Riau | ||
014001 | Regency of Indragiri Hulu | X |
014002 | Regency of Indragiri Hilir | X |
014003 | Regency of Kapulauan Riau | X |
014004 | Regency of Kampar | X |
014005 | Regency of Bengkalis | X |
014071 | Municipality of Pekan Baru (A) | X |
Code | Label |
Jambi | ||
015001 | Regency of Kerinci | X |
015002 | Regency of Sarko | X |
015003 | Regency of Batanghari | X |
015004 | Regency of Tanjung Jabung | X |
015005 | Regency of Bungo Tebo | X |
015071 | Municipality of Jambi (A) | X |
Sumatra Selatan | ||
016001 | Regency of Ogan Komering Ulu | X |
016002 | Regency of Ogan Komering Ilir | X |
016003 | Regency of Lematang Ilir Ogan Teng . | X |
016004 | Regency of Lahat | X |
016005 | Regency of Musi Rawas | X |
016006 | Regency of Musi Banyu Asin | X |
016007 | Regency of Bangka | X |
016008 | Regency of Belitung | X |
016071 | Municipality of Palembang (A) | X |
016072 | Municipality of Pangkal Pinang (B) | X |
Bengkulu | ||
017001 | Regency of South Bengkulu | X |
017002 | Regency of Rejang Lebong | X |
017003 | Regency of North Bengkulu | X |
017071 | Municipality of Bengkulu (A) | X |
Lampung | ||
018001 | Regency of South Lampung | X |
Code | Label |
018002 | Regency of Central Lampung | X |
018003 | Regency of North Lampung | X |
018071 | Municipality of Tanjung Karang (A) | X |
D.K.I. Jarkarta | ||
031071 | Municipality of of South Jakarta | X |
031072 | Municipality of East Jakarta | X |
031073 | Municipality of Central Jakarta | X |
031074 | Municipality of West Jakarta | X |
031075 | Municipality of North Jakarta | X |
Jawa Barat | ||
032001 | Regency of Pandeglang | X |
032002 | Regency of Lebak | X |
032003 | Regency of Bogor | X |
032004 | Regency of Sukabumi | X |
032005 | Regency of Cianjur | X |
032006 | Regency of Bandung | X |
032007 | Regency of Garut | X |
032008 | Regency of Tasikmalaya | X |
032009 | Regency of Ciamis | X |
032010 | Regency of Kuningan | X |
032011 | Regency of Cirebon | X |
032012 | Regency of Majalengka | X |
032013 | Regency of Sumedang | X |
032014 | Regency of Indramayu | X |
032015 | Regency of Subang | X |
Code | Label |
032016 | Regency of Purwakarta | X |
032017 | Regency of Karawang | X |
032018 | Regency of Bekasi | X |
032019 | Regency of Tangerang | X |
032020 | Regency of Serang | X |
032071 | Municipality of Bogor (A) | X |
032072 | Municipality of Sukabumi (B) | X |
032073 | Municipality of Bandung (C) | X |
032074 | Municipality of Cirebon (D) | X |
Jawa Tengah | ||
033001 | Regency of Cilacap | X |
033002 | Regency of Banyumas | X |
033003 | Regency of Purbalingga | X |
033004 | Regency of Banjarnegara | X |
033005 | Regency of Kebumen | X |
033006 | Regency of Purworejo | X |
033007 | Regency of Wonosobo | X |
033008 | Regency of Magelang | X |
033009 | Regency of Boyolali | X |
033010 | Regency of Klaten | X |
033011 | Regency of Sukoharjo | X |
033012 | Regency of Wonogiri | X |
033013 | Regency of Karanganyar | X |
033014 | Regency of Sragen | X |
033015 | Regency of Grobogan | X |
Code | Label |
033016 | Regency of Blora | X |
033017 | Regency of Rembang | X |
033018 | Regency of Pati | X |
033019 | Regency of Kudus | X |
033020 | Regency of Jepara | X |
033021 | Regency of Demak | X |
033022 | Regency of Semarang | X |
033023 | Regency of Temanggung | X |
033024 | Regency of Kendal | X |
033025 | Regency of Batanghari | X |
033026 | Regency of Pekalongan | X |
033027 | Regency of Pemalang | X |
033028 | Regency of Tegal | X |
033029 | Regency of Brebes | X |
033071 | Municipality of Magelang (A) | X |
033072 | Municipality of Surakarta (B) | X |
033073 | Municipality of Salatiga (C) | X |
033074 | Municipality of Semarang (D) | X |
033075 | Municipality of Pekalongan (E) | X |
033076 | Municipality of Tegal (F) | X |
D.I. Yogyakarta | ||
034001 | Regency of Kulon Progo | X |
034002 | Regency of Bantul | X |
034003 | Regency of Gunung Kidul | X |
034004 | Regency of Sleman | X |
Code | Label |
034071 | Municipality of Yogyakarta (A) | X |
Jawa Timur | ||
035001 | Regency of Pacitan | X |
035002 | Regency of Ponorogo | X |
035003 | Regency of Trenggalek | X |
035004 | Regency of Tulungagung | X |
035005 | Regency of Blitar | X |
035006 | Regency of Kediri | X |
035007 | Regency of Malang | X |
035008 | Regency of Lumajang | X |
035009 | Regency of Jember | X |
035010 | Regency of Banyuwangi | X |
035011 | Regency of Bondowoso | X |
035012 | Regency of Situbondo | X |
035013 | Regency of Probolinggo | X |
035014 | Regency of Pasuruan | X |
035015 | Regency of Sidoarjo | X |
035016 | Regency of Mojokerto | X |
035017 | Regency of Jombang | X |
035018 | Regency of Nganjuk | X |
035019 | Regency of Madiun | X |
035020 | Regency of Magetan | X |
035021 | Regency of Ngawi | X |
035022 | Regency of Bojonegoro | X |
035023 | Regency of Tuban | X |
Code | Label |
035024 | Regency of Lamongan | X |
035025 | Regency of Gresik (Surabaya) | X |
035026 | Regency of Bangkalan | X |
035027 | Regency of Sampang | X |
035028 | Regency of Pamekasan | X |
035029 | Regency of Sumenep | X |
035071 | Municipality of Kediri (A) | X |
035072 | Municipality of Blitar (B) | X |
035073 | Municipality of Malang (C) | X |
035074 | Municipality of Probolinggo (D) | X |
035075 | Municipality of Pasuruan (E) | X |
035076 | Municipality of Mojokerto (F) | X |
035077 | Municipality of Madiun (G) | X |
035078 | Municipality of Surabaya (H) | X |
Bali | ||
051001 | Regency of Jembrana | X |
051002 | Regency of Tabanan | X |
051003 | Regency of Badung | X |
051004 | Regency of Gianyar | X |
051005 | Regency of Klungkung | X |
051006 | Regency of Bangli | X |
051007 | Regency of Karang Asem | X |
051008 | Regency of Buleleng | X |
Nusa Tenggara Barat | ||
052001 | Regency of West Lombok | X |
Code | Label |
052002 | Regency of Central Lombok | X |
052003 | Regency of East Lombok | X |
052004 | Regency of Sumbawa | X |
052005 | Regency of Dompu | X |
052006 | Regency of Bima | X |
Nusa Tenggara Timur | ||
053001 | Regency of West Sumbawa | X |
053002 | Regency of East Sumba | X |
053003 | Regency of Kupang | X |
053004 | Regency of South Timor Tengah | X |
053005 | Regency of North Timor Tengah | X |
053006 | Regency of Belu | X |
053007 | Regency of Alor | X |
053008 | Regency of East Flores | X |
053009 | Regency of Sikka | X |
053010 | Regency of Ende | X |
053011 | Regency of Ngada | X |
053012 | Regency of Manggarai | X |
East Timor | ||
054001 | Cova Lima | · |
054002 | Bobonaro | · |
054003 | Manufahi | · |
054004 | Ainaro | · |
054005 | Viqueque | · |
054006 | Lautem | · |
Code | Label |
054007 | Baucau | · |
054008 | Manatuto | · |
054009 | Alileu | · |
054010 | Dili | · |
054011 | Ermera | · |
054012 | Liquica | · |
054013 | Ambeno | · |
Kalimantan Barat | ||
061001 | Regency of Sambas | X |
061002 | Regency of Pontianak | X |
061003 | Regency of Sanggau | X |
061004 | Regency of Ketapang | X |
061005 | Regency of Sintang | X |
061006 | Regency of Kapuas Hulu | X |
061071 | Municipality of Pontianak (A) | X |
Kalimantan Tengah | ||
062001 | Regency of West Kotawaringin | X |
062002 | Regency of East Kotawaringin | X |
062003 | Regency of Katingan | X |
062004 | Regency of Kapuas | X |
062005 | Regency of South Barito | X |
062006 | Regency of East Barito | X |
062007 | Regency of North Barito | X |
062008 | Regency of Kahayan Hulu / G. Mas | X |
062009 | Regency of Murung Raya | X |
Code | Label |
062071 | Municipality of Palangka Raya (A) | X |
Kalimantan Salatan | ||
063001 | Regency of Tanah Laut | X |
063002 | Regency of Kota Baru | X |
063003 | Regency of Banjar | X |
063004 | Regency of Barito Kuala | X |
063005 | Regency of Tapin | X |
063006 | Regency of South Hulu Sei | X |
063007 | Regency of Central Hulu Sei | X |
063008 | Regency of North Hulu Sei | X |
063009 | Regency of Tabalong | X |
063071 | Municipality of Banjarmasin (A) | X |
Kalimantan Timur | ||
064001 | Regency of Pasir | X |
064002 | Regency of Kutai | X |
064003 | Regency of Berau | X |
064004 | Regency of Bulongan | X |
064071 | Municipality of Balikpapan (A) | X |
064072 | Municipality of Samarinda (B) | X |
Sulawesi Utara | ||
071001 | Regency of Gorontalo | X |
071002 | Regency of Bolaang Mengondow | X |
071003 | Regency of Minahasa | X |
071004 | Regency of Sangihe Talaut | X |
071071 | Municipality of Gorontalo (A) | X |
Code | Label |
071072 | Municipality of Manado (B) | X |
Sulawesi Tengah | ||
072001 | Regency of Luwuk/Banggai | X |
072002 | Regency of Poso | X |
072003 | Regency of Donggala | X |
072004 | Regency of Toli-Toli | X |
Sulawesi Selatan | ||
073001 | Regency of Selayar | X |
073002 | Regency of Bulukumba | X |
073003 | Regency of Bantaeng | X |
073004 | Regency of Jeneponto | X |
073005 | Regency of Takalar | X |
073006 | Regency of Gowa | X |
073007 | Regency of Sinjai | X |
073008 | Regency of Bone | X |
073009 | Regency of Maros | X |
073010 | Regency of Pangkajene Kepulauan | X |
073011 | Regency of Barru | X |
073012 | Regency of Soppeng | X |
073013 | Regency of Wajo | X |
073014 | Regency of Sidenreng Rappang | X |
073015 | Regency of Pinrang | X |
073016 | Regency of Enrekang | X |
073017 | Regency of Luwu | X |
073018 | Regency of Tana Toraja | X |
Code | Label |
073019 | Regency of Polewali Mamasa | X |
073020 | Regency of Majene | X |
073021 | Regency of Mamuju | X |
073071 | Municipality of Ujung Pandang (A) | X |
073072 | Municipality of Pare-Pare (B) | X |
Sulawesi Tenggara | ||
074001 | Regency of Buton | X |
074002 | Regency of Muna | X |
074003 | Regency of Kendari | X |
074004 | Regency of Kolaka | X |
Maluku | ||
081001 | Regency of Southeast Moluku | X |
081002 | Regency of Central Moluku | X |
081003 | Regency of Halmahera Tengah | X |
081004 | Regency of North Moluku | X |
081071 | Municipality of Ambon (A) | X |
Irian Jaya | ||
082001 | Regency of Peg. Jaya Wijaya | X |
082002 | Regency of Jayapura | X |
082003 | Regency of Paniai | X |
082004 | Regency of Fak-Fak | X |
082005 | Regency of Sorong | X |
082006 | Regency of Manokwari | X |
082007 | Regency of Tel-Cenderawasih | X |
082008 | Merauke | X |
Code | Label |
082009 | Regency of Yapen Waropen | X |
Other |
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Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
GEO2_ ID1980 identifies the household's regency (kapupaten) within Indonesia in 1980. It is also known as municipality (kotamadya). The difference between regency and a municipality is dependent on the population density of the geographical unit. A primarily rural area would be known as regency and a primarily urban area would be known as a municipality. Regencies/municipalities are the second level administrative units of the country, after provinces. A GIS map (in shapefile format), corresponding to GEO2_ ID1980 can be downloaded from the GIS Boundary files page in the IPUMS International web site.
The full set of geography variables for Indonesia can be found in the IPUMS International Geography variables list. For cross-national geographic analysis on the first and second major administrative level of any country refer to GEOLEV1, and GEOLEV2. More information on IPUMS-International geography can be found here.
Comparability — General
Regencies with populations less than 20,000 (based on the most recent sample year) were regionalized (combined) with neighboring regencies within the same province to create units with populations greater than 20,000.
- All households
- Indonesia: 1980