Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
Pinar del Río, Artemisa, Mayabeque | |||
192021001 | Pinar del Río | X | X |
192021002 | Güira de Melena, Batabanó, Quivicán | X | X |
192021003 | Consocaión del Sur | X | X |
192021004 | Artemisa | X | X |
192021005 | San José de las Lajas | X | X |
192021006 | San Cristobal | X | X |
192021007 | Güines, Melena del Sur | X | X |
192021008 | San Antonio de los Baños | X | X |
192021009 | Bauta | X | X |
192021010 | Mariel | X | X |
192021011 | San Juan y Martínez | X | X |
192021012 | Bahía Honda | X | X |
192021013 | Caimito | X | X |
192021014 | Los Palacios | X | X |
192021015 | Sandino | X | X |
192021016 | Guane | X | X |
192021017 | La Palma | X | X |
192021018 | Santa Cruz del Norte | X | X |
192021019 | San Luis | X | X |
192021020 | Minas de Matahambre | X | X |
192021021 | Alquizar | X | X |
192021022 | Madruga | X | X |
192021023 | Guanajay | X | X |
192021024 | Viñales | X | X |
Code | Label |
192021025 | Bejucal | X | X |
192021026 | Nueva Paz | X | X |
192021027 | Mantua | X | X |
192021028 | Jaruco | X | X |
192021029 | San Nicolás | X | X |
192021030 | Candelaria | X | X |
La Habana | |||
192023001 | La Lisa, Boyeros, Marianao, Cerro, Playa | X | X |
192023002 | Diez de Octubre | X | X |
192023003 | Arroyo Naranjo | X | X |
192023004 | La Habana del Este | X | X |
192023005 | San Miguel del Padrón | X | X |
192023006 | Plaza de la Revolución | X | X |
192023007 | Centro Habana | X | X |
192023008 | Guanabacoa | X | X |
192023009 | La Havana Vieja | X | X |
192023010 | Cotorro | X | X |
192023011 | Regla | X | X |
Matanzas | |||
192025001 | Matanzas | X | X |
192025002 | Cárdenas | X | X |
192025003 | Calimete, Colón | X | X |
192025004 | Jagüey Grande | X | X |
192025005 | Jovellanos | X | X |
192025006 | Unión de Reyes, Ciénaga de Zapata | X | X |
Code | Label |
192025007 | Pedro Betancourt | X | X |
192025008 | Perico | X | X |
192025009 | Limonar | X | X |
192025010 | Los Arabos | X | X |
192025011 | Martí | X | X |
Villa Clara | |||
192026001 | Santa Clara, Ranchuelo, Cifuentes, Camajuaní, Encrucijada | X | X |
192026002 | Remedios, Caibarién | X | X |
192026003 | Placetas | X | X |
192026004 | Manicaragua | X | X |
192026005 | Sagua la Grande | X | X |
192026006 | Santo Domingo | X | X |
192026007 | Corralillo | X | X |
192026008 | Quemado de Güines | X | X |
Cienfuegos | |||
192027001 | Cienfuegos | X | X |
192027002 | Cumanayagua | X | X |
192027003 | Rodas | X | X |
192027004 | Palmira | X | X |
192027005 | Aguada de Pasajeros | X | X |
192027006 | Cruces | X | X |
192027007 | Abreus | X | X |
192027008 | Lajas | X | X |
Sancti Spíritus | |||
192028001 | Sancti Spíritus | X | X |
Code | Label |
192028002 | Trinidad | X | X |
192028003 | Cabaiguán | X | X |
192028004 | La Sierpe, Jatibonico | X | X |
192028005 | Yaguajay | X | X |
192028006 | Taguasco | X | X |
192028007 | Fomento | X | X |
Ciego de Ávila | |||
192029001 | Ciego de Ávila | X | X |
192029002 | Bolivia, Morón | X | X |
192029003 | Venezuela, Baraguá | X | X |
192029004 | Florencia, Chambas | X | X |
192029005 | Majagua, Ciro Redondo | X | X |
192029006 | Primero de Enero | X | X |
Camagüey | |||
192030001 | Camagüey | X | X |
192030002 | Guáimaro, Nuevitas | X | X |
192030003 | Florida | X | X |
192030004 | Najasa, Vertientes | X | X |
192030005 | Minas, Sierra de Cubitas | X | X |
192030006 | Santa Cruz del Sur | X | X |
192030007 | Sibanicú | X | X |
192030008 | Esmeralda | X | X |
192030009 | Carlos Manuel de Céspede | X | X |
192030010 | Jimaguayú | X | X |
Las Tunas | |||
Code | Label |
192031001 | Majibacoa, Las Tunas | X | X |
192031002 | Puerto Padre | X | X |
192031003 | Jesús Menéndez | X | X |
192031004 | Jobabo | X | X |
192031005 | Amancio | X | X |
192031006 | Colombia | X | X |
192031007 | Manatí | X | X |
Holguín | |||
192032001 | Holguín | X | X |
192032002 | Moa, Sagua de Tánamo | X | X |
192032003 | Mayarí | X | X |
192032004 | Banes, Antilla | X | X |
192032005 | Urbano Noris, Cacocum | X | X |
192032006 | Gibara | X | X |
192032007 | Calixto García | X | X |
192032008 | Rafael Freyre | X | X |
192032009 | Báguanos | X | X |
192032010 | Cueto | X | X |
192032011 | Frank País | X | X |
Granma | |||
192033001 | Bayamo | X | X |
192033002 | Manzanillo | X | X |
192033003 | Jiguaní, Cauto Cristo | X | X |
192033004 | Yara | X | X |
192033005 | Bartolomé Masó | X | X |
Code | Label |
192033006 | Guisa | X | X |
192033007 | Río Cauto | X | X |
192033008 | Campechuela | X | X |
192033009 | Niquero | X | X |
192033010 | Media Luna | X | X |
192033011 | Buey Arriba | X | X |
192033012 | Pilón | X | X |
Santiago de Cuba | |||
192034001 | Santiago de Cuba | X | X |
192034002 | Songo - La Maya, San Luis | X | X |
192034003 | Palma Soriano | X | X |
192034004 | Contramaestre | X | X |
192034005 | Segundo Frente | X | X |
192034006 | Mella | X | X |
192034007 | Guamá | X | X |
192034008 | Tercer Frente | X | X |
Guantánamo | |||
192035001 | Manuel Tames, Guantánamo | X | X |
192035002 | Baracoa | X | X |
192035003 | San Antonio del Sur, Yateras | X | X |
192035004 | El Salvador | X | X |
192035005 | Maisí | X | X |
192035006 | Caimanera, Niceto Pérez | X | X |
192035007 | Imías | X | X |
Isla de la Juventud | |||
Code | Label |
192040001 | Isla de la Juventud | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
GEO2_CU identifies the household's municipality within Cuba. Municipalities are the second level administrative units of the country, after provinces. GEO2_CU is spatially harmonized to account for political boundary changes across census years. Some detail is lost in harmonization; see the comparability discussion. A GIS map (in shapefile format), corresponding to GEO2_CU can be downloaded from the GIS Boundary files page in the IPUMS International web site.
The full set of geography variables for Cuba can be found in the IPUMS International Geography variables list. For cross-national geographic analysis on the first and second major administrative level refer to GEOLEV1, and GEOLEV2. More information on IPUMS-International geography can be found here.
Comparability — General
Where officially-defined municipalities have populations less than 20,000, they have been regionalized (combined) with neighboring municipalities.
Boundary changes for GEO2_CU are too numerous to list here, but users should be aware that there were changes over time.
- All households
- Cuba: 2002, 2012