Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
Iquique | ||
011001 | Iquique | X |
011002 | Alto Hospicio | X |
Tamarugal | ||
014001 | Pozo Almonte, Colchane, Huara, Pica, Camiña | X |
Antofagasta | ||
021001 | Antofagasta, Taltal | X |
021002 | Mejillones, Sierra Gorda | X |
El Loa | ||
022001 | Calama, Ollague, San Pedro De Atacama | X |
Tocopilla | ||
023001 | Tocopilla, María Elena | X |
Copiapó | ||
031001 | Copiapó, Caldera, Tierra Amarilla | X |
Chañaral | ||
032001 | Chañaral, Diego De Almagro | X |
Huasco | ||
033001 | Vallenar, Freirina, Huasco, Alto del Carmen | X |
Elqui | ||
041001 | La Serena | X |
041002 | Vicuña, Andacollo, Paiguano, La Higuera | X |
Code | Label |
041003 | Coquimbo | X |
Choapa | ||
042001 | Salamanca | X |
042002 | Canela, Los Vilos | X |
042003 | Illapel | X |
Limarí | ||
043001 | Ovalle | X |
043002 | Combarbalá, Monte Patria, Punitaqui, Río Hurtado | X |
Valparaíso, Isla de Pascua | ||
051001 | Valparaíso, Isla De Pascua, Juan Fernández Islands | X |
051002 | Viña del Mar | X |
051003 | Concón | X |
051004 | Quintero, Puchuncaví | X |
051005 | Casablanca | X |
Los Andes | ||
053001 | Los Andes, San Esteban | X |
053002 | Calle Larga, Rinconada | X |
Petorca | ||
054001 | Papudo, Zapallar, La Ligua | X |
054002 | Petorca, Cabildo | X |
Quillota | ||
055001 | La Cruz | X |
055002 | Calera | X |
055003 | Quillota | X |
Code | Label |
055005 | Nogales, Hijuelas | X |
San Antonio | ||
056001 | Algarrobo, El Quisco, El Tabo | X |
056002 | Cartagena | X |
056003 | San Antonio, Santo Domingo | X |
San Felipe de Aconcagua | ||
057001 | San Felipe | X |
057002 | Llaillay, Panquehue | X |
057003 | Catemu, Santa María, Putaendo | X |
Marga Marga | ||
058001 | Quilpué | X |
058002 | Limache, Olmué | X |
058003 | Villa Alemana | X |
Cachapoal | ||
061001 | Coinco, Coltauco | X |
061002 | Graneros | X |
061003 | Requinoa | X |
061004 | Rancagua | X |
061005 | Malloa, Peumo, San Vicente | X |
061006 | Quinta De Tilcoco, Rengo | X |
061007 | Machalí | X |
061008 | Las Cabras, Pichidegua | X |
061009 | Codegua, Mostazal | X |
061010 | Doñihue, Olivar | X |
Code | Label |
Cardenal Caro | ||
062001 | La Estrella, Litueche, Marchihue, Navidad | X |
062002 | Pichilemu, Paredones | X |
Colchagua | ||
063001 | Chimbarongo, Placilla | X |
063002 | Nancagua, Santa Cruz | X |
063003 | San Fernando | X |
063004 | Chépica, Lolol, Pumanque | X |
063005 | Palmilla, Peralillo | X |
MAULE | ||
Talca | ||
071001 | Pelarco, Río Claro, San Rafael | X |
071002 | Talca | X |
071003 | Constitución, Curepto, Empedrado, Pencahue | X |
071004 | San Clemente | X |
071005 | Maule | X |
Cauquenes | ||
072001 | Cauquenes, Chanco, Pelluhue | X |
Curicó | ||
073001 | Romeral, Teno | X |
073002 | Molina | X |
073003 | Curicó | X |
073004 | Hualañé, Licantén, Vichuquén | X |
073005 | Rauco, Sagrada Familia | X |
Linares | ||
Code | Label |
074001 | Parral, Retiro | X |
074002 | San Javier | X |
074003 | Linares | X |
074004 | Colbún | X |
074005 | Villa Alegre, Yerbas Buenas | X |
074006 | Longaví | X |
Concepción | ||
081001 | San Pedro de la Paz | X |
081002 | Coronel | X |
081003 | Talcahuano | X |
081004 | Hualpén | X |
081005 | Concepción | X |
081006 | Chiguayante | X |
081007 | Penco | X |
081008 | Lota | X |
081009 | Florida, Hualqui, Santa Juana | X |
081010 | Tomé | X |
Arauco | ||
082001 | Los Álamos | X |
082002 | Lebu | X |
082003 | Cañete, Contulmo, Tirúa | X |
082004 | Curanilahue | X |
082005 | Arauco | X |
Biobío | ||
Code | Label |
083001 | Los Ángeles | X |
083002 | Nacimiento, Negrete | X |
083003 | Mulchén | X |
083004 | Cabrero | X |
083005 | Laja | X |
083006 | Antuco, Quilaco, Alto Biobío, Santa Bárbara | X |
083007 | San Rosendo, Yumbel | X |
083008 | Quilleco, Tucapel | X |
Cautín | ||
091001 | Vilcún | X |
091002 | Pucón | X |
091003 | Cunco, Curarrehue, Melipeuco | X |
091004 | Lautaro | X |
091005 | Villarrica | X |
091006 | Nueva Imperial | X |
091007 | Galvarino, Perquenco, Cholchol | X |
091008 | Temuco | X |
091009 | Padre Las Casas | X |
091010 | Freire | X |
091011 | Pitrufquén | X |
091012 | Saavedra, Teodoro Schmidt | X |
091013 | Carahue | X |
091014 | Gorbea, Toltén | X |
091015 | Loncoche | X |
Code | Label |
Malleco | ||
092001 | Traiguén, Victoria | X |
092002 | Ercilla, Los Sauces, Lumaco, Purén | X |
092003 | Angol, Renaico | X |
092004 | Curacautín, Lonquimay | X |
092005 | Collipulli | X |
Llanquihue | ||
101001 | Puerto Montt | X |
101002 | Fresia, Los Muermos, Maullín | X |
101003 | Cochamó, Puerto Varas | X |
101004 | Calbuco | X |
101005 | Frutillar, Llanquihue | X |
Chiloé, Palena | ||
102001 | Ancud, Quemchi | X |
102002 | Quellón, Chaitén, Futaleufú, Hualaihué, Palena | X |
102003 | Curaco de Vélez, Quinchao | X |
102004 | Chonchi, Dalcahue, Puqueldón, Queilén | X |
102005 | Castro | X |
Osorno | ||
103001 | Purranque | X |
103002 | Puyehue, San Pablo | X |
103003 | Puerto Octay, Río Negro, San Juan de la Costa | X |
103004 | Osorno | X |
AYSÉN | ||
Code | Label |
Coihaique | ||
111001 | Coihaique, Lago Verde | X |
Aisén, General Carrera, Capitan Prat | ||
112001 | Aisén, Cochrane, Chile Chico, Río Ibáñez, Guaitecas, Cisnes, Tortel, O'Higgins | X |
Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego, Antártica Chilena | ||
122001 | Punta Arenas, Laguna Blanca, Río Verde, San Gregorio, Cabo de Hornos, Porvenir, Primavera, Timaukel, Antártica | X |
Última Esperanza | ||
124001 | Torres del Paine, Natales | X |
Metropolitana | ||
Santiago | ||
131001 | Renca | X |
131002 | Quinta Normal | X |
131003 | Macul | X |
131004 | Santiago | X |
131005 | La Florida | X |
131006 | Peñalolén | X |
131007 | Ñuñoa | X |
131008 | La Pintana | X |
131009 | Pudahuel | X |
131010 | Recoleta | X |
131011 | El Bosque | X |
131012 | Estación Central | X |
131013 | Cerro Navia | X |
131014 | Providencia | X |
Code | Label |
131015 | Conchalí | X |
131016 | Cerrillos | X |
131017 | San Ramón | X |
131018 | Vitacura | X |
131019 | La Reina | X |
131020 | La Cisterna | X |
131021 | San Miguel | X |
131022 | Lo Barnechea | X |
131023 | Pedro Aguirre Cerda | X |
131024 | Independencia | X |
131025 | Lo Espejo | X |
131026 | Huechuraba | X |
131027 | Lo Prado | X |
131028 | San Joaquín | X |
131029 | Las Condes | X |
131030 | Quilicura | X |
131031 | La Granja | X |
131032 | Maipú | X |
Cordillera | ||
132001 | Pirque, San José de Maipo | X |
132002 | Puente Alto | X |
Chacabuco | ||
133001 | Colina, Tiltil | X |
133002 | Lampa | X |
Maipo | ||
Code | Label |
134001 | Calera De Tango | X |
134002 | San Bernardo | X |
134003 | Paine | X |
134004 | Buin | X |
Melipilla | ||
135001 | Curacaví, María Pinto | X |
135002 | Melipilla, Alhué, San Pedro | X |
Talagante | ||
136001 | Talagante | X |
136002 | Isla De Maipo | X |
136003 | Peñaflor | X |
136004 | Padre Hurtado | X |
136005 | El Monte | X |
Valdivia | ||
141001 | Panguipulli | X |
141002 | Los Lagos, Máfil | X |
141003 | Valdivia | X |
141004 | Lanco, Mariquina | X |
141005 | Paillaco, Corral | X |
Ranco | ||
142001 | Río Bueno | X |
142002 | Futrono, Lago Ranco | X |
142003 | La Unión | X |
Code | Label |
Arica, Parinacota | ||
151001 | Arica, Camarones, Putre, General Lagos | X |
ÑUBLE | ||
Diguillin | ||
161001 | Chillán | X |
161002 | Chillán Viejo | X |
161003 | El Carmen, Pemuco, Yungay, Pinto | X |
161004 | Bulnes, Quillón, San Ignacio | X |
Itata | ||
162002 | Cobquecura, Quirihue, Treguaco, Ninhue, Portezuelo | X |
162003 | Coelemu, Ránquil | X |
Punilla | ||
163001 | San Carlos, San Nicolás | X |
163002 | Coihueco, Ñiquén, San Fabián | X |
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Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
GEO2_CL2017 identifies the household’s commune within Chile in 2017. Communes are the second level administrative units of the country, after provinces. A GIS map (in shapefile format), corresponding to GEO2_CL2017 can be downloaded from the GIS Boundary files page in the IPUMS International web site
The full set of geography variables for Chile can be found in the IPUMS International Geography variables list. For cross-national geographic analysis on the first and second major administrative level of any country refer to GEOLEV1, and GEOLEV2. More information on IPUMS-International geography can be found here.
Comparability — General
Municipalities with populations less than 20,000 (based on the most recent sample year) were regionalized (combined) with neighboring municipalities within the same province to create units with populations greater than 20,000.
- All households
- Chile: 2017