Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
643001 | Altai Krai | X | X |
643003 | Krasnodar Krai | X | X |
643004 | Krasnoyarsk Krai | X | X |
643005 | Primorsky Krai | X | X |
643007 | Stavropol Krai | X | X |
643008 | Khabarovsk Krai | X | X |
643010 | Amur Oblast | X | X |
643011 | Arkhangelsk Oblast | X | X |
643012 | Astrakhan Oblast | X | X |
643013 | Nenets Autonomous District | · | · |
643014 | Belgorod Oblast | X | X |
643015 | Bryansk Oblast | X | X |
643017 | Vladimir Oblast | X | X |
643018 | Volgograd Oblast | X | X |
643019 | Vologda Oblast | X | X |
643020 | Voronezh Oblast | X | X |
643022 | Nizhny Novgorod Oblast | X | X |
643024 | Ivanovo Oblast | X | X |
643025 | Irkutsk Oblast | X | X |
643026 | Republic of Ingushetia | X | X |
643027 | Kaliningrad Oblast | X | X |
643028 | Tver Oblast | X | X |
643029 | Kaluga Oblast | X | X |
643030 | Kamchatka Krai | X | X |
643032 | Kemerovo Oblast | X | X |
Code | Label |
643033 | Kirov Oblast | X | X |
643034 | Kostroma Oblast | X | X |
643036 | Samara Oblast | X | X |
643037 | Kurgan Oblast | X | X |
643038 | Kursk Oblast | X | X |
643040 | City of Federal Importance St. Petersburg | X | X |
643041 | Leningrad Oblast | X | X |
643042 | Lipetsk Oblast | X | X |
643044 | Magadan Oblast | X | X |
643045 | City of Federal Importance Moscow | X | X |
643046 | Moscow Oblast | X | X |
643047 | Murmansk Oblast | X | X |
643049 | Novgorod Oblast | X | X |
643050 | Novosibirsk Oblast | X | X |
643052 | Omsk Oblast | X | X |
643053 | Orenburg Oblast | X | X |
643054 | Oryol Oblast | X | X |
643056 | Penza Oblast | X | X |
643057 | Perm Krai | X | X |
643058 | Pskov Oblast | X | X |
643060 | Rostov Oblast | X | X |
643061 | Ryazan Oblast | X | X |
643063 | Saratov Oblast | X | X |
643064 | Sakhalin Oblast | X | X |
643065 | Sverdlovsk Oblast | X | X |
Code | Label |
643066 | Smolensk Oblast | X | X |
643068 | Tambov Oblast | X | X |
643069 | Tomsk Oblast | X | X |
643070 | Tula Oblast | X | X |
643071 | Tyumen Oblast | X | X |
643072 | Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District - Yugra | X | X |
643073 | Ulyanovsk Oblast | X | X |
643074 | Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District | X | X |
643075 | Chelyabinsk Oblast | X | X |
643076 | Zabaykalsky Krai, Aginsky Buryat District | X | X |
643077 | Chukotka Autonomous Region | · | · |
643078 | Yaroslavskaya Oblast | X | X |
643079 | Republic of Adygea | X | X |
643080 | Republic of Bashkortostan | X | X |
643081 | Republic of Buryatia | X | X |
643082 | Republic of Dagestan | X | X |
643083 | Kabardino-Balkaria Republic | X | X |
643084 | Altai Republic | X | X |
643085 | Republic of Kalmykia | X | X |
643086 | Republic of Karelia | X | X |
643087 | Komi Republic | X | X |
643088 | Mari El Republic | X | X |
643089 | Republic of Mordovia | X | X |
643090 | Republic of North Ossetia-Alania | X | X |
643091 | Karachay-Cherkess Republic | X | X |
Code | Label |
643092 | Republic of Tatarstan | X | X |
643093 | Tyva Republic | X | X |
643094 | Udmurtia Republic | X | X |
643095 | Republic of Khakassia | X | X |
643096 | Chechen Republic | X | X |
643097 | Chuvash Republic | X | X |
643098 | Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) | X | X |
643099 | Jewish Autonomous Region | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
GEO1_RU identifies the household's regions (referred to as federal subject) within Russia in all sample years. Regions are the first level administrative units of the country. GEO1_RU is spatially harmonized to account for political boundary changes across census years. Some detail is lost in harmonization; see the comparability discussion. A GIS map (in shapefile format), corresponding to GEO1_RU can be downloaded from the GIS Boundary files page in the IPUMS International web site.
The full set of geography variables for Russia can be found in the IPUMS International Geography variables list. For cross-national geographic analysis on the first and second major administrative level refer to GEOLEV1, and GEOLEV2. More information on IPUMS-International geography can be found here.
Comparability — General
Where boundaries changed over time, units were harmonized to create units with boundaries that remain stable over time.
Boundary changes and confidentiality issues:
- Aginsky Buryat District was merged with Chita Oblast in 2008 to form Zabaykalsky Krai
- All households
- Russia: 2002, 2010