Questionnaire Text

Poland 1978
Poland 1988
Poland 2002
Poland 2011
Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_EDATTAIN — Education
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11. Education attainment (for persons born in 1963 or earlier one of the education categories should be written in) ____

Higher education completed
Higher education not completed - after general education
Higher education not completed - after vocational education
Post-secondary completed
Secondary education completed
Secondary education not completed
Basic vocational completed
Primary education completed
Primary education not completed
Reading only
Neither writing nor reading
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41 Education attainment (for persons born in 1963 or earlier, one of the education categories listed in the footnote xxx should be written in) (Question 11) [p.55]
1. For all the individuals aged 15 and over, so born in 1963 or earlier, the highest level of education completed shall be specified. The surveyed individual shall be asked if he or she has obtained a document justifying graduation form a given school (graduation diploma, school completion diploma, certain number of classes completion diploma, etc.). While asking about the said diploma, the census enumerator shall not request it to be presented, unless the examined individual expresses the willingness to do so.
Night and part time schools shall be treated similarly to those typical ones. The case is similar with schools operating abroad. So-called "externs", who have taken an external school-leaving exam and passed it shall be also considered as graduates of such schools.
In general, courses shall not be taken into account while specifying education attainment. Only exception are those courses which are equivalents to obtaining a given education degree, for example:
- Tele-technical and telecommunication-related courses organized by the Postal Services and Telegraphy Ministry between 1950-1953, being equivalent to graduating from a high school,
- Remote agricultural courses, being equivalent to graduating from a vocational school,
- Courses for workers, being equivalent to graduating from a primary school.

In the interwar period, some schools offered so-called "courses" (for example: "Commercial Courses"). The course completion diplomas shall be considered to be equivalent to school diplomas.
2. While providing the answer to question 11, one of the terms provided at the bottom of page 2 of the A form shall be utilized, as they apply to the highest education level achieved.
"Higher education completed" shall be written down for the individuals being in possession of a university graduation diploma, regardless whether engineer or master of arts title has been achieved by the said individuals. Both second and first level diplomas fall into this category, as for example engineer or economy specialist diplomas.
"Higher education not completed after general education" or "Higher education not completed after vocational education" shall be written down for the individuals, who have been attending a university and successfully completed at least 2 years of education (four semesters), but have not completed the said school yet. Moreover, the individuals with high school "certificate of completion" also fall into this category. The title shall be based on the previously completed high school general or vocational one.
The said category does not concern individuals, who have started studying after graduating from post-secondary schools and those who have started tertiary education but have not managed to complete it. Such individuals fall into the "Post-secondary completed" category (see below). Individuals, who have started their tertiary education but have not completed two years of it, shall have the "Secondary education completed" annotation written down.
"Post-secondary completed" concerns individuals who have graduated from a post-secondary school, for the attendance to which the school-leaving exam was needed up to 1972 and afterwards completion of a high school. Names of such schools might have changed throughout the consecutive years (however, no "upper" constituent has been used). Similar approach was used for both vocational and general study centers, for example "Study center for teachers". Those are also post-secondary schools and shall not be referred to as universities or tertiary education units.
The "Post-secondary completed" annotation shall be also written down for the individuals, who after graduating from such a unit have started tertiary education but have not managed to complete it, regardless of the number of finished semesters.
"Secondary education completed" shall be written down for all the individuals who have managed to graduate from a high school (general or vocational one), regardless whether they have been awarded with a school-leaving diploma or a technician degree.
"Secondary education not completed" shall be written down for the individuals, who have attended a high school after graduating from a primary school, and successfully completed at least two years of education there. The individuals who graduated from 4-year gymnasiums which operated in the thirties and shortly after the war, shall also fall into this category.
The said category does not include the individuals, who started secondary education after completing a basic vocational education. Those individuals (with no high school education completed, regardless of the number of successfully completed years) shall have the "Basic vocational completed" annotation written down (see below). The individuals , who have not completed two years of education in a high school and entered it after finishing a primary school shall have the "Primary education completed" annotation written down.
"Basic vocational completed" shall be indicated for the individuals who have graduated from 2- or 3-year basic vocational school (basic agricultural school, basic vocational school, masters' school, industrial school, vocational gymnasium, etc.), as well as for the individuals who have attended a high school but have not completed it.
"Primary education completed" shall be indicated for the individuals who have been awarded with a primary school completion diploma, common school completion diploma (before the war), and vocational courses completion diplomas.
Finishing primary education is equal to successfully completing the last year of education in such a unit, regardless of how many years of education there have been, as primary schools have been 7-, 8- ,and even in the past 4-year ones.
"Primary education not completed" shall be indicated for the individuals who have been studying in a primary school, as well as for those, who have not completed primary education, regardless of the number of years of education finished.
For the individuals who have never attended any school (or have done so, but have not managed to finish even the first year of a primary school), shall have one of the following ascribed:

- Self-education if they know how to read and write,
- Reading only, or
-Neither writing nor reading

Person who is capable of reading a newspaper shall be considered as those able to read. An individual who is capable of writing a letter (even without complying with grammatical rules) shall be considered as able to write. It shall be assumed that a person who can write can read as well (self-education). The ability of writing and reading may be in any language (reading and writing in Polish is not compulsory).
Individuals up to 15, so born between 1964-1978, shall have a straight line ("___") written down as an answer to question 11.

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Census of population (inhabitants)

10. Education attainment ____ _

For persons born in 1973 or earlier write in a relevant code and a description.
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Part 4: Rules concerning filling in 2nd and 3rd page of the A Form

27. Educational attainment (question 10) [p.26]
All individuals born in 1973 and earlier (that is -- having at least 15 years) should have their highest level of education obtained in school specified.

Night schools and part-time schools should be treated in the same manner as day schools, as well as abroad schools. So called externs, who passed final exams (extern exams) outside the school on a level of particular school, should be considered as graduates of such schools.

While specifying the education level, the enumerator should follow principles presented below:

'1. Finished higher education' -- it should be indicated for individuals having a diploma of graduation from university.
'2. Unfinished higher education -- after secondary general education' or,
'3. Unfinished higher education -- after secondary vocational education' -- should be indicated for individuals, who -- after graduating from high school or vocational school -- are attending university and finished at least two years of studies (four terms), but they haven't finished it yet, as well as for individuals with university's 'absolutory'. Appropriate term should be defined after specifying the last finished school.
'4. Finished post-secondary education' - should be indicated for individuals, who have a diploma (certificate) of post-secondary school finishing, attending to which was connected with obtaining secondary school leaving diploma, and up to 1972 -- only graduating from high school.
Note. '4 Finished post-secondary education' should be also indicated for individuals, who have started higher education after graduating from post-secondary school, but haven't finish it yet, regardless of number of terms.
'5. Finished secondary education' should be indicated for individuals, who graduated from high school (general or vocational), regardless, whether they obtained secondary school leaving diploma, or only graduation deed.
This category includes also individuals, who started education on university, but haven't finished 2 years (4 terms) of it.
'6. Unfinished secondary education' - Should be indicated for individuals, who attended (are attending) to high school after graduating from primary school, and have finished at least 2 years of education.
'7. Finished basic vocational education' -- should be indicated for individuals having a certificate of graduation from:
2 or 3 year vocational school (basic or agricultural vocational school, industrial school, vocational high school etc.)
Vocational or agricultural preparation school
Master's school
Remote agricultural course on the level of vocational school
Note. '7. Finished basic vocational education' should be indicated also for individuals, who attended (are attending) to high school after graduating from previous school, but they haven't finished it yet -- regardless of completed terms
'8. Finished primary education' - should be indicated for individuals having a certificate of graduation from:
Primary school (general -- before the War), regardless of number of years (eight, sever or even four in the past).
Courses for workers on the level of primary school.
Individuals, who attended (are attending) to high school after graduating from primary school, but they haven't completed two years of education completed, should have this symbol indicated as well.
'9. Unfinished primary education' -- Should be indicated for individuals who learned (are learning) in primary school.
'0. Without school education' - should be indicated for individuals, who haven't attended to primary school, or who have attended, but haven't finished even 1 year of it..

Children in the age lower than 15 years old (born between 1974-1988) should have a straight line written down in this question.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_EDLEV — Level of education completed
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10. What is your education level?
(Give the highest level of education completed in the education system)

Higher Education:
[] 1 At least doctorate
[] 2 Master's degree, degree in medicine or equivalent
[] 3 Non-university certificate or diploma (technical institute, licentiate or bachelor or economist)

[] 4 Post-secondary with secondary school certificate
[] 5 Post-secondary without secondary school certificate

[] 6 Vocational and technical with certificate
[] 7 Vocational without certificate
[] 8 General with certificate
[] 9 General without certificate
[] 10 Basic vocational

[] 11 Primary completed

[] 12 Primary not completed and no school education
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Question 10. What is your education level? [p. 33]

page 8

1. For the persons born in 1989 or before (e.g. aged 12 or more) the highest completed level of education should be given.

The criterion of classification is the fact of possessing the relevant document certifying completion of a school.

2. Depending on the declared level of education the following information should be specified:
Higher -- specify if the person has the MA or equivalent (e.g. medical doctor) or an engineer or equivalent (e.g. bachelor),

Post-secondary -- if the post-secondary required possessing the secondary school certificate (matriculation) or not,

Secondary -- if a person has secondary school certificate (matriculation) or if the secondary was general or vocational.

Poland 2011 — source variable PL2011A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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2. Module -- Education
(Questions concern persons aged 13 years or more i.e. born on 31.03.1998 or earlier)
[Questions 1-6 were asked of persons aged 13 years or more i.e. born on 31.03.1998 or earlier.]

1. What is your highest educational level achieved in the education system?

[] 1. Tertiary, at least with a degree of Doctor's (Ph.D.)
[] 2. Tertiary, with a degree of Master (MA, MSc), Medical Doctor or equivalent
[] 3. Tertiary with a degree of Engineer, Bachelor, or certified economist
[] 4. College diploma
[] 5. Post-secondary with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 6. Post-secondary without secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 7. Secondary vocational with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 8. Secondary vocational without secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 9. General secondary with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 10. General secondary without secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 11. Basic vocational
[] 12. Lower-secondary
[] 13. Primary
[] 14. Incomplete primary or no education
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Module 2 -- Education (questions 1-6)
Questions concern persons aged 13 years or more.
[Questions 1-6 were asked of persons aged 13 years or more.]

Question 1. What is your highest educational level achieved in the education system?

Only one answer must be indicated in the case of this question.

1. The highest educational level achieved in the education system must be specified (up to the critical moment of the census that is -- to 31st March) regardless of the form of education (in a day school, night school, on extra-mural studies, stationary studies, non-resident studies, etc.) in Poland or abroad. Individuals, who have not been learning in typical schools (externs) but passed final exams having the level equal to a particular school in the Central or Local Examinations Syndicate, should be considered as graduates of these schools. The basis for considering a particular educational level as achieved is the obtained document -- a certificate or a diploma confirming graduation.

If a person studies at the university, in a high school, lower secondary school or primary school, the reached educational level is the level achieved at the moment of the census performance. Therefore, an individual studying in a lower secondary school should have the "primary" level of education indicated, individuals studying in high schools should have the "lower secondary" level of education indicated (or in the case of older individuals "primary" or "basic vocational" -- if they continue to study in a high school). Individuals studying at universities should have proper level of education indicated, for example : "general secondary with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)", "secondary vocational with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)" or "tertiary with a degree of Engineer, Bachelor, or certified economist" (if the indicated educational level has been completed).
In order to specify the level of education properly, graduates should be asked additional questions:
- University graduates -- if they hold a degree, the Master of Arts degree (or similar, such as a doctor) or a vocational degree (such as Engineer, Bachelor or Economist degree),
- Individuals, who graduated from post-secondary schools -- if recreation was based on verification of the secondary education completion certificate (the "Matura") or the high school completion certificate only,
- Individuals, who graduated from high schools -- if they were awarded with the secondary education completion certificate (the "Matura") or the high school completion certificate (without the "Matura"), and if the school can be classified as a general high school or a basic vocational school.
Tertiary education should be indicated for individuals:
1 -- holding one of following degrees: PhD or Professor,
2 -- holding the degree of the Master of Arts, Doctor or a similar one, awarded after graduating from university (after completion of the MA course ),
3 -- holding following vocational degrees: Engineer, Bachelor, licensed Economist, which were awarded after completion of the BA or Engineer course.
College diploma
4 -- concerns individuals, who graduated from teacher training colleges, foreign language teaching colleges (except courses organized within the scope of tertiary education), and social colleges. Individuals graduating from teacher training post-secondary schools should also be classified as holding a college diploma.
Post-secondary education:
5 -- with the "Matura" -- concerns individuals, who have been awarded with a secondary education completion certificate (diploma), recruitment to which was conditioned by passing the "Matura" exam.
6 -- without the "Matura" -- concerns individuals, who have been awarded with a secondary education completion certificate (diploma), recruitment to which was conditioned by being awarded with a secondary school completion certificate.
Secondary education:
7 -- secondary vocational with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate) -- concerns individuals, who were awarded a secondary education completion certificate (the "Matura") in a secondary vocational school (technical high school, supplementary technical high school, vocational school, 2nd level art school),
8 --secondary vocational without secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate) - concerns individuals, who were awarded a high school completion certificate in a secondary vocational school (technical high school, supplementary technical high school, vocational school, 2nd level art school),
9 -- general secondary with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate) - concerns individuals, who were awarded a secondary education completion certificate (the "Matura") in a general secondary school , a profiled secondary school, or graduated from lower-secondary school before 1932 (individuals, who graduated from lower-secondary school between 1932 and 1948 (4-year course) should have the "13" (primary) symbol indicated),
10 -- general secondary without secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate) -- concerns individuals, who were awarded a high school completion certificate in a general secondary school or a profiled secondary school
Basic vocational education:
11 -- concerns individuals, who were awarded with a certificate of graduation from: a vocational school (a general vocational school or an agricultural vocational school, an industrial school, a lower-secondary school, etc.), agricultural or vocational training school, an agricultural course providing the level of knowledge equal to basic vocational schools, and apprenticeship schools.
Lower-secondary school:
12 -- concerns individuals, who were awarded with a diploma of graduation from a lower-secondary school (lower-secondary schools were introduced in 1999). Moreover, the category includes graduates of specific vocational schools.
Individuals, who graduated from lower-secondary schools before 1932 should have the "9" symbol indicated (general secondary with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate) and individuals, who graduated from lower-secondary schools between 1932 and 1948 (4-year course) should have the "13" symbol indicated (primary).
Primary education (completed):
13 -- concerns individuals awarded with a certificate of graduation from: a primary school (called "elementary school" before the World War), regardless of how many years it took to graduate (six, eight or four), basic vocational courses, 1st level art school with primary education curriculum.
Incomplete primary education or no education:
14 -- concerns individuals, who have been learning in a primary school, were learning in a primary school but did not finish it, and individuals, who have never attended school.