List of questions to the sample survey
Dwelling Module
1. Is the dwelling in which you reside situated in a block of flats?
[] 2) No
2. This dwelling is your:
[] 2) Temporary residence (i.e. it is a secondary dwelling intended for temporary or seasonal stay)
3. Dwelling in which you reside is owned by:
[] 2) A co-operative member
[] 3) A co-operative condominium
[] 4) A municipality (gmina)
[] 5) State Treasury
[] 6) A company
[] 7) A building society
[] 8) Other entity
4. Usable floor space of dwelling in which you reside -- total ____ (Please specify in round m2 [square meter])
5. Usable floor space of this dwelling used solely for the purpose of conducting economic activity ____ (Please specify in round m2 [square meter])
6. Number of rooms in this dwelling
____ 2) Of which rooms used solely for the purpose of conducting economic activity
7. Is there a kitchen in dwelling in which you reside?
[] 2) There is a kitchen space without any window (the so-called dark kitchen) or with the area of less than 4 m2 [square meter]
[] 3) There is a room with a kitchenette
[] 4) There is neither a kitchen space with or without window, nor a room with a kitchenette
Fitting of dwelling with installations
8. Is there a tap with running water in dwelling in which you reside?
[] 2) Yes, but only cold
[] 3) No
9. Is there a bathroom with a bath tub or a shower in this dwelling?
[] 2) No
10. Is there a flushable toilet in this dwelling?
[] 2) No
11. Is there a gas supply in this dwelling?
[] 2) Yes, from a gas cylinder
[] 3) No
12. Heating of this dwelling
[] 2) Central heating from a collective source of heat supply to one block of flats
[] 3) Individual central heating system
[] 4) Boilers
[] 5) Other
13. Type of fuel used
[] 2) Gaseous fuel
[] 3) Liquid fuel
[] 4) Electricity
[] 5) Dual fuel system
[] 6) Other
Building module
1. Type of building in which dwelling in which you reside is situated:
[] 2) Institutional (e.g., a hotel, a sanatorium, a student dormitory, a boarding school, a monastery, etc.)
[] 3) Non-residential (i.e., a building meant for non-residential purposes, e.g. an out-patient clinic, a school, etc.)
2. Number of dwellings in the building ____ (Please specify the number)
3. Form of building ownership:
[] 2) Housing cooperative
[] 3) Gmina
[] 4) State treasury
[] 5) Company
[] 6) Public building society
[] 7) Other entity
[] 8) Joint ownership with separate ownership to residential dwellings
[] 9) Joint ownership without separate ownership to residential dwellings
4. Building completion year:
[] 2) Under construction
5. Is there a water system in the building?
[] 2) Yes -- local
[] 3) No
6. Is there a sewerage system in the building?
[] 2) Yes -- local
[] 3) No
1. Residence address
(voivodship, powiat, gmina, locality, street, property number, flat number)
Table 1. Compilation of persons in a dwelling (sample survey)
Please provide also the names of any persons who are not registered in this dwelling, but who are staying in it (as of 31 March).
Information should be given by one adult who can most accurately describe the situation of all persons residing at this address, as well as provide the dwelling and building description.
1. Number of the person in dwelling _ _
2. Surname -- 1st part ____
3. Surname -- 2nd part ____
4. First name ____
5. Middle name ____
6. PESEL identification
[] 2) The person is a foreigner to whom no PESEL has been given
[] PESEL number: ____
7. Sex
[] 2) Female
8. Date of birth _ _-_ _-_ _ _ _
9. Residence status
[] 2) Registered for temporary stay
[] 3) Resides permanently
[] 4) Stays temporarily
[] 5) Does not reside at this address (Note: person answering question No 5 should move to questions No 6,7, and 8 in the personal form and complete only them.)
Table 2. Number of households in a dwelling and relationships between household members
1. No. of the person in dwelling _ _
2. Surname -- 1st part ____
3. Surname -- 2nd part ____
4. First name ____
5. Middle name ____
6. Please indicate the relevant household number for each household member ____
7. What is the relationship between you and the person considered representative
[] 2) Husband/wife /partner
[] 3) Son - daughter
[] 4) Father - mother
[] 5) Father-in-law - mother-in-law
[] 6) Son-in-law - daughter-in-law
[] 7) Brother - sister
[] 8) Grandfather - grandmother, great-grandfather - great-grandmother
[] 9) Grandson - granddaughter
[] 10) Other relative (e.g., sister-in-law, brother-in-law, nephew, uncle)
[] 11) Unrelated person
[] 1) Representative of household No. 2
[] 2) Husband/wife /partner
[] 3) Son - daughter
[] 4) Father - mother
[] 5) Father-in-law - mother-in-law
[] 6) Son-in-law - daughter-in-law
[] 7) Brother - sister
[] 8) Grandfather - grandmother, great-grandfather - great-grandmother
[] 9) Grandson - granddaughter
[] 10) Other relative (e.g., sister-in-law, brother-in-law, nephew, uncle)
[] 11) Unrelated person
8. Please insert the number of the person being the husband/wife/partner from column 1 _ _
Please insert the number of the person being the parent and remaining in the common household
[Questions 9-10]
9. Father's No. _ _
10. Mother's No. _ _
Additional information about households
1. What is the main source of maintenance of the household?
[] 2. Income from hired work in the private sector
[] 3. Income from self-employment outside agriculture
[] 4. Income from self-employment in agriculture
[] 5. Income from renting
[] 6. Income from property
[] 7. Retirement pay (for employees, combatants, farmers)
[] 8. Structural pension
[] 9. Pension resulting from an inability to work, pension for invalids
[] 10. Family pension
[] 11. Social pension
[] 12. Unemployment benefit
[] 13. Pre-retirement benefit or allowance
[] 14. Social assistance benefits
[] 15. Other sources of income not elsewhere specified
1. What is the additional source of maintenance of the household?
Any such additional source may not be identical as the main source.
[] 2. Income from hired work in the private sector
[] 3. Income from self-employment outside agriculture
[] 4. Income from self-employment in agriculture
[] 5. Income from renting
[] 6. Income from property
[] 7. Retirement pay (for employees, combatants, farmers)
[] 8. Structural pension
[] 9. Pension resulting from an inability to work, pension for invalids
[] 10. Family pension
[] 11. Social pension
[] 12. Unemployment benefit
[] 13. Pre-retirement benefit or allowance
[] 14. Social assistance benefits
[] 15. Other sources of income not elsewhere specified
[] 16. No additional source
2. On what basis is the dwelling occupied?
[] 2. Cooperative ownership right to the dwelling (member-owned dwelling or condominium)
[] 3. Rental (dwelling occupied under a tenancy agreement or function dwelling allocation)
[] 4. Sub-rental (as sub-tenant)
[] 5. Kinship (with owner or main tenant) or perpetual usufruct right
[] 6. Other
Did the household in 2002 comprise persons who went abroad after 2002 for permanent residence and who are not included in the composition of persons (i.e. who have deregistered from permanent residence)?
[] 2. No
(3) Name and surname ____
(4) Sex
[] 2. Male
(6) Year of departure from Poland _ _ _ _
(7) Country of residence (index of countries) ____
A. Personal form to the sample census
1. Module -- Socio-demographic characteristics
1. Person No. _ _
2. Surname -- 1st part ____
3. Surname -- 2nd part ____
4. First name ____
5. Middle name ____
6. PESEL ____
[] 1) He/she is a child to whom no PESEL has been given
[] 2) He/she is a foreigner to whom no PESEL has been given
7. Sex
[] 2. Female
8. Date of birth _ _-_ _-_ _ _ _
9. Do you reside in this dwelling permanently, and were you present in or absent from this dwelling on 31 March, or do you stay here temporarily?
[] 2. Residing permanently -- absent, temporarily staying in the country ____
10. How long have described person not been living in this dwelling?
[] 2. One year or longer
11. Is described person place of residence known?
[] 2. No
12. Please specify described person place of residence.
13. What is the actual period of your temporary stay (from arrival to 31 March 2011)?
[] 2. More than 3 months but less than 12 months
[] 3. 12 months or longer
14. What is the actual period of your temporary absence (from departure to 31 March 2011)?
[] 2. More than 3 months but less than 12 months
[] 3. 12 months or longer
15. What is your intended period of temporary stay (from arrival to planned departure)?
[] 2. More than 3 months but less than 12 months
[] 3. 12 months or longer
16. What is your intended period of temporary absence (from departure to planned return)?
[] 2. More than 3 months but less than 12 months
[] 3. 12 months or longer
17. Please specify the main reason of your temporary stay
[] 2. Education
[] 3. Family formation
[] 4. Joining my family
[] 5. Accompanying my family
[] 6. Medical treatment, rehabilitation
[] 7. Housing conditions
[] 8. Necessity to receive care from my family or institution
[] 9. Other
18. Please specify the main cause of your temporary absence
[] 1. Work
[] 2. Education
[] 3. Family formation
[] 4. Joining my family
[] 5. Accompanying my family
[] 6. Medical treatment, rehabilitation
[] 7. Housing conditions
[] 8. Necessity to receive care from my family or institution
[] 9. Other
19. Please specify the main cause of your temporary stay
[] 1. Work
[] 2. Education
[] 3. Family matters
[] 4. Medical treatment, rehabilitation
[] 5. Seeking international or national protection
[] 6. Other
20. Please specify the main cause of your temporary absence
[] 1.2 Jobs inconsistent with my qualifications
[] 1.3 Higher salaries abroad
[] 1.4 Wider opportunities to develop professional career abroad
[] 1.5 Interesting job offers abroad
[] 1.6 Delegation by my employer
[] 1.7 Economic activities conducted abroad
[] 1.8 Other
[] 2.2 Stay connected with scientific scholarship
[] 2.3 Improving professional qualifications (courses, internships)
[] 2.4 Learning (improving the command) of a foreign language
[] 2.5 Other
[] 3.2 Joining my family
[] 3.3 Dissolution of my marriage/cohabitation
[] 3.4 Accompanying my family
[] 3.5 Other
[] 5. Other
21. What is your marital status?
[] 1. Single
[] 2. Married (in actual status of marriage)
[] 3. Married (in separation adjudicated by court)
[] 4. Married (not in the actual status of marriage but without separation adjudicated by court)
[] 5. Widower/widow
[] 6. Divorced
22. Please specify the date of contracting marriage or establishing cohabitation, in which you are currently staying. _ _-_ _-_ _ _ _
23. Non-obligatory question. Was your current relationship formally established in a registry office or in a church (religious association)?
[] 2. No
[] 3. I don't want to answer this question
2. Module -- Education
[Questions 1-6 were asked of persons aged 13 years or more i.e. born on 31.03.1998 or earlier.]
1. What is your highest educational level achieved in the education system?
[] 2. Tertiary, with a degree of Master (MA, MSc), Medical Doctor or equivalent
[] 3. Tertiary with a degree of Engineer, Bachelor, or certified economist
[] 4. College diploma
[] 5. Post-secondary with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 6. Post-secondary without secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 7. Secondary vocational with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 8. Secondary vocational without secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 9. General secondary with secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 10. General secondary without secondary education completion certificate ("Matura" - Baccalaureate)
[] 11. Basic vocational
[] 12. Lower-secondary
[] 13. Primary
[] 14. Incomplete primary or no education
2. What is your field of education? ____
3. What is your specialty education? ____
4. What is your trained occupation? ____
5. Are you continuing your education?
[] 2. Yes, on an evening/weekend (part-time) basis, distance learning
[] 3. No
6. What type of school/studies are you attending?
[] 2. Post-graduate studies
[] 3. Higher education institution -- Master studies
[] 4. Higher education institution -- Bachelor or engineering studies
[] 5. College
[] 6. Post-secondary school
[] 7. Technical secondary school
[] 8. Specialized secondary school
[] 9. General secondary school
[] 10. Basic vocational school
[] 11. Lower secondary school
[] 12. Primary school
3. Module -- Economic activity
[Questions 1-25 were asked of persons aged 15 years or more i.e. born on 31.03.1996 or earlier.]
1. Did you perform for at least 1 hour any work providing earnings or income, or help without any contractual remuneration in the family-owned economic activity during the week lasting from 25 to 31 March 2011?
[] 2. No
2. Did you have a job during the week lasting from 25 to 31 March 2011, but you did not temporarily perform it?
[] 2. No
3. a) Did you perform work in your principal workplace during the week lasting from 25 to 31 March 2011 as:
[] 2. Part-time hired employee
[] 3. Employer
[] 4. Own-account worker (not hiring any employees)
[] 5. Contributing family worker
b) How would you define your main job?
[] 2. As temporary job
4. What job do you perform in your principal workplace? ____
5. a) Is your principal workplace located within the territory of Poland?
[] 2. No
b) Please specify the voivodeship of your principal workplace. ____
c) Please specify the powiat of your principal workplace. ____
d) Please specify the gmina of your principal workplace. ____
e) Please specify the locality of your principal workplace. ____
f) Please specify the street of your principal workplace. ____
g) Do you work in a border area and everyday/regularly commute to work?
[] 2. No
h) Please specify the country of your principal workplace. ____
6. What is the main or dominating type of activity of your principal employer? ____
7. How many hours per week do you usually work in your principal workplace? ____
8. Did you have any additional job during the week lasting from 25 to 31 March 2011?
[] 2. No
9. Did you perform work in your additional workplace during the week lasting from 25 to 31 March 2011 as:
[] 2. Part-time hired employee
[] 3. Employer
[] 4. Own-account worker (not hiring any employees)
[] 5. Contributing family worker
10. What job do you perform in your principal workplace? ____
11. What is the main or dominating type of activity of your additional employer? ____
12. Have you ever performed any work providing earnings or income, or help without any contractual remuneration in the family-owned economic activity?
[] 2. No
13. In which year did you stop working?
[] 2. -- 2010
[] 3. -- 2009
[] 4. -- 2008
[] 5. -- 2007
[] 6. -- 2006
[] 7. -- 2005
[] 8. -- 2004
[] 9. -- 2003
[] 10. -- 2002
[] 11. -- 2001 or earlier
14. What job did you perform in your last workplace? ____
15. What was the main or dominating type of activity of your last employer? ____
16. Did you perform work in your last workplace as:
[] 2. Employer
[] 3. Own-account worker (not hiring any employees)
[] 4. Contributing family worker
17. Why did you stop working?
[] 2. I was granted a pension
[] 3. I lost my job due to liquidation (bankruptcy, restructuring) of my workplace, or due to liquidation of my position
[] 4. I was discharged for other reasons
[] 5. Due to unsatisfactory financial conditions
[] 6. Due to unsatisfactory working conditions, other than financial
[] 7. I completed my temporary or seasonal job
[] 8. To take care of a child or other person who needs to receive care
[] 9. For other family or personal reasons
[] 10. Due to my illness or disability
[] 11. I took up studies or further education
[] 12. I started basic military service
[] 13. For other reasons
18. Were you actively looking for a job in the period from 1 to 31 March 2011?
[] 2. No, I had already arranged for a job and I was waiting for it to start within 3 months
[] 3. No, I had already arranged for a job and I was waiting for it to start after 3 months
[] 4. No
19. How many months were you actively looking for a job? ____
20. Would you be willing to take up a job in the period from 1 to 14 April 2011?
[] 2. No
21. Why are you not looking for a job?
[] 1. I am convinced that I will not find any suitable job
[] 2. I have exhausted all means to find a job, which are known to me
[] 3. I am studying or improving my qualifications
[] 4. I take care of children or other people who need to receive care
[] 5. Due to my illness or disability
[] 6. For other family or personal reasons
[] 7. I am on retirement
[] 8. I am expecting to return to work after a break
[] 9. For other reasons
22. Are you a farm user or a member of a household with a farm user?
[] 2. Yes, a member of the household with a farm user
[] 3. No
23. Please specify the area of agricultural land of your household (in ha). ____
24. Please specify the number of working months on your farm for the last 12 months. ____
25. How would you describe your situation on the labour market in the week lasting from 25 to 31 March 2011?
[] 1. I worked only outside agriculture
[] 2. I worked mainly outside agriculture and additionally in agriculture
[] 3. I worked mainly in agriculture and additionally outside agriculture
[] 4. I worked only in agriculture
[] 5. I was unemployed
[] 6. I learnt or studied
[] 7. I was on retirement (early retirement)
[] 8. I didn't work due to bad health (disability)
[] 9. I took care of my home and family
[] 10. I was inactive due to other reasons
4. Module -- Commuting to work
[Questions 1-5 were asked of persons whose principal workplace located within the territory of Poland, or persons whose workplace not located within the territory of Poland but work in a border area and everyday/regularly commute to work, per questions 5a and 5g in module 3.]
1. Do you commute to your main workplace?
[] 2. I have no permanent workplace
[] 3. No
2. What means of transport do you usually use to get to work? (Please specify the means of transport in which you cover the longest distance, or which you use the most frequently)
[] 2. Private carrier
[] 3. Passenger car -- as a driver
[] 4. Passenger car -- as a passenger
[] 5. Train
[] 6. Other
3. How much time does it usually take you to get to work?
[] 2. Between 31 minutes and 1 hour
[] 3. Between 1 hour and 2 hours
[] 4. More than 2 hours
4. What is the distance from your place of residence to your workplace (in kilometers)? ____
5. How often do you commute to work (from your place of residence)?
[] 2. More often than once a week but not everyday
[] 3. Once a week
[] 4. Once every two weeks
[] 5. Once a month
[] 6. Less frequently than once a month
5. Module -- Source of maintenance
[Questions 1-2 were asked of persons aged 15 years or more.]
1. What is your main source of maintenance?
[] 2. Income from hired work in the private sector
[] 3. Income from self-employment outside agriculture
[] 4. Income from self-employment in agriculture
[] 5. Income from renting
[] 6. Income from property
[] 7. Retirement pay (for employees, combatants, farmers)
[] 8. Structural pension
[] 9. Pension resulting from an inability to work, pension for invalids
[] 10. Family pension
[] 11. Social pension
[] 12. Unemployment benefit
[] 13. Pre-retirement benefit or allowance
[] 14. Social assistance benefits
[] 15. Other sources of income not elsewhere specified
[] 16. Dependent
2. What is your additional source of maintenance?
[] 2. Income from hired work in the private sector
[] 3. Income from self-employment outside agriculture
[] 4. Income from self-employment in agriculture
[] 5. Income from renting
[] 6. Income from property
[] 7. Retirement pay (for employees, combatants, farmers)
[] 8. Structural pension
[] 9. Pension resulting from an inability to work, pension for invalids
[] 10. Family pension
[] 11. Social pension
[] 12. Unemployment benefit
[] 13. Pre-retirement benefit or allowance
[] 14. Social assistance benefits
[] 15. Other sources of income not elsewhere specified
[] 16. No additional source
6. Module -- Disability
1. Has your ability to perform usual activities (learning at school, professional activity, running a household, self-service) been limited due to health problems (disability or chronic disease) for 6 months or longer?
[] 2. Yes, considerably limited
[] 3. Yes, moderately limited
[] 4. No, it is not limited
[] 5. I don't want to answer this question
2. How long has your ability to perform usual activities been limited?
[] 2. From 1 year to 5 years
[] 3. From 5 years to 10 years
[] 4. 10 years or longer
[] 5. I don't want to answer this question
3. Please specify the cause of your limited ability to perform usual activities:
[] 1. Motor organ impairments and diseases
[] 2. Sight impairments and related diseases
[] 3. Hearing impairments and related diseases
[] 4. Circulatory system diseases
[] 5. Nervous system diseases
[] 6. Other diseases not elsewhere specified
[] 7. I don't want to answer this question
4. Do you hold a valid legal confirmation of disability, inability to work or impairment?
[] 2. No
[] 3. I don't want to answer this question
5. How was your disability/inability to work/impairment classified?
[] 2. Moderate disability or complete inability to work, or the 2nd group of disability;
[] 3. Slight disability or partial inability to work, or advisability to re-qualify professionally, or the 3rd group of disability, or long-term inability to work on a farm without entitlements to nursing benefits;
[] 4. Disability for persons up to 16 years of age
[] 5. I don't want to answer this question
7. Module -- Fertility, procreation plans
[Questions 1-4 were asked of woman aged 16-49.]
1. Have you given birth to a child?
[] 2. No
[] 3. I don't want to answer this question
2. How many live births have you given?
[] 2. I don't want to answer this question
3. How many live births has your mother given?
[] 2. I don't know
[] 3. I don't want to answer this question
4. Are you planning to have (more) children?
[] 3. I don't know
[] 4. I don't want to answer this question
8. Module -- Country of birth and citizenship
1. What is your country of birth (according to current state borders)?
[] 2. Other
2. What is your father's country of birth (according to current state borders)?
[] 2. Other
3. What is your mother's country of birth (according to current state borders)?
[] 2. Other
4. What is your citizenship?
[] 2) Only other
5. Are you a citizen of any other country apart from the aforementioned?
6. Have you held the Polish citizenship since your birth?
[] 2. No
9. Module -- Internal and international migration
1. Have you lived in the locality of your current address since you were born (i.e. continually or with breaks shorter than one year)?
[] 2. No
2. When did you arrive or return to the locality of your current residence (indicated in your address of residence)?
[] 2. I returned before 1989
[] 3. I arrived between 1989-2001
[] 4. I returned between 1989-2001
[] 5. I arrived before 2002-2010
3. Please specify the place of your previous (last) residence (the place where you stayed for at least one year)
[] 2) Rural
4. Please specify the main cause of your arrival (return) to your current place of residence
[] 1. Work
[] 1.2 More interesting job offer
[] 1.3 Tiring commuting to work
[] 1.4 Other
[] 2.2 Improving professional qualifications (extracurricular forms)
[] 2.3 Return to hometown after the completion of studies
[] 2.4 Other
[] 3.2 Joining my family
[] 3.3 Accompanying my family
[] 3.4 Other
[] 4.2 Better access to health care
[] 4.3 Necessity to receive care from my family
[] 4.4 Other
[] 5.2 Poor housing conditions in my previous place of residence (e.g., too small flat, no running water...)
[] 5.3 High housing costs in my previous place of residence
[] 5.4 Attractive surroundings to settle down (to build/purchase a house/flat)
[] 5.5 Other
[] 7. Other
5. Please specify the main cause of your arrival to your current place of residence
[] 1. Work
[] 2. Education
[] 3. Family matters
[] 4. Repatriation
[] 5. Other
6. In how many localities within the country (including the current one) have you lived in your entire life for at least one year? ____
7. Have you ever stayed abroad for at least one year?
8. How long did you stay abroad? ____
9. Please specify the main cause of your last departure abroad
[] 1.2 Job inconsistent with my qualifications
[] 1.3 Higher salary abroad
[] 1.4 Wider opportunities to develop professional career abroad
[] 1.5 Interesting job offer abroad
[] 1.6 Delegation by my employer
[] 1.7 Intent to conduct economic activity abroad
[] 1.8 Other
[] 2.2 Stay connected with scientific scholarship
[] 2.3 Improving professional qualifications (courses, internships)
[] 2.4 Learning (improving the command) of a foreign language
[] 2.5 Other
[] 3.2 Joining my family
[] 3.3 Accompanying my family
[] 3.4 Other
[] 5. Other
10. Please specify the main cause of your return to Poland
[] 1. Improvement of the situation on the labour market in Poland
[] 2. Intent to set up economic activity in Poland
[] 3. Saving the planned amount of money
[] 4. Loss of work and difficulties with finding a new job abroad
[] 5. Difficulties with finding the first job abroad
[] 6. Contract termination
[] 7. Homesickness
[] 8. Completion of education or studies abroad
[] 9. Going on retirement and planning to spend my retirement in Poland
[] 10. Accompanying my family
[] 11. Other
11. Did you work abroad?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
12. Was the work performed in line with your qualifications?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No -- below my qualifications
[] 3. No -- above my qualifications
[] 4. I didn't have any qualifications
[] 5. Hard to say
13. What job did you perform before departure abroad?
[] 1. Before departure I worked as: ____ (Please select from the index of jobs)
[] 2. I didn't work before departure
14. Are you staying in Poland for the first time?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
15. Is the work performed by you in Poland in line with your qualifications?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No -- below my qualifications
[] 3. No -- above my qualifications
[] 4. I don't have any qualifications
[] 5. Hard to say
16. How would you describe your command of the Polish language?
[] 1. Very good
[] 2. Good
[] 3. Satisfactory
[] 4. Communication difficulties
17. Are you planning to change your place of residence?
[] 2. Yes -- departure abroad
[] 3. No
[] 4. I don't know
18. When are you planning to change your place of residence?
[] 2. Within a couple of years
[] 3. I don't know
19. For what reason are you planning to change your place of residence?
[] 1. Work
[] 2. Education
[] 3. Family matters
[] 4. Necessity to receive care from my family
[] 5. Housing conditions
[] 6. Other
20. Are you planning to return to Poland?
[] 2. No
[] 3. I don't know
21. Are you planning to return to your country of origin/previous residence, or depart to another country?
[] 2. No
[] 3. I don't know
10. Module -- Nationality and language, religious denomination
1a. What is your nationality?
[] 1. Polish
[] 2. Belarusian
[] 3. Czech
[] 4. Karaitic
[] 5. Lithuanian
[] 6. Lemko
[] 7. German
[] 8. Armenian
[] 9. Romany
[] 10. Russian
[] 11. Slovakian
[] 12. Tatar
[] 13. Ukrainian
[] 14. Jewish
[] 15. Other (please specify) ____
1b. Do you feel affiliated also to any other nation or ethnic group?
[] 2. No
2. What language do you usually speak at home?
[] 1. Only Polish
[] 2. Polish and other (please specify) ____
[] 3. Only other (please specify) ____
3. What is your mother tongue?
[] 1. Polish
[] 2. Other (please specify) ____
4. What religious denomination (church or religious association) do you belong to?
[] 2) Orthodox Church
[] 3) Jehovah's Witnesses ("The Watchtower" -- the Bible and Tract Society)
[] 4) Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession
[] 5) Greek Catholic Church (Catholic Church -- Byzantine-Ukrainian rites)
[] 6) Mariavite Church
[] 7) Pentecostal Church
[] 8) Other (please specify) ____
[] 3. I don't want to answer this question
The above information was provided by:
[] 2. Other household member
Thank you for completing this form