Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
458001 | Johor | X | X |
458002 | Kedah | X | X |
458003 | Kelantan | X | X |
458004 | Melaka | X | X |
458005 | Negeri Sembilan | X | X |
458006 | Pahang | X | X |
458007 | Pulau Pinang | X | X |
458008 | Perak | X | X |
458009 | Perlis | X | X |
458010 | Selangor, Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory | X | X |
458011 | Terengganu | X | X |
458012 | Sabah, Labuan Federal Territory | X | X |
458013 | Sarawak | X | X |
458097 | Other countries | X | X |
458098 | Unknown | X | X |
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Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
MIG1_5_MY indicates the person's state of residence 5 years ago in Malaysia.
Click on the Source Variables tab for information on place of residence for each sample year. Source variables may contain more geographic unit detail but are not suitable for cross-temporal comparison.
Comparability — General
Where boundaries changed over time, units were harmonized to create units with boundaries that remain stable over time.
- Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory was formed out of Selangor in 1974.
- Labuan Federal Territory split from Sabah in 1984.
For the country of residence of international migrants, see MIGCTRY5 (Country of residence 5 years ago).
- Malaysia 1991: All persons
- Malaysia 2000: All persons
- Malaysia: 1991, 2000
Questionnaire Text
Malaysia 1991 |
Malaysia 2000 |
C16. Where was your usual place of residence 5 years ago (i.e., on 14th of August, 1986)?
[] 2 Same house as in C15 (Code 2)
[] 3 Different house (give full address)
(b) Name of town/village ____
(c) Mukim/District(Kelantan)/Sub-district (Sarawak) ____
(d) Administrative District/Jajahan (Kelantan) ____
(e) State/Country ____
Question C15-C16
The purpose of these questions is to find out current usual place of residence (on Census Day) and usual place of residence 5 years ago (i.e., on 14 August 1986) in order to determine whether a person has moved/migrated or not.
Question C16
[Question C16 of the enumeration form is not presented here.]
How to ask the question
Ask the question as given in the questionnaire. Do not use your own words.
For a child whose age is less than 5 years (i.e., born after 14th August 1986), ask for the mother's usual place of residence at the time of his/her birth.
How to record the answer
This house (Code 1)
If the usual place of residence (house) 5 years ago was the same as the place where the person has been enumerated, you are to mark "X" in the box beside Code 1 (i.e., this house).
Same house, as in C15 (Code 2)
If the usual place of residence 5 years ago was different from the house where he has been enumerated but the same as the address in C15, particulars (a)-(e), you are to mark "X" in the box beside Code 2.
Other house (Code 3)
If the respondent replies that the usual place of residence 5 years ago was different from the address in C15 (Particulars (a) -(e)), you are to mark "X" in the box beside Code 3.
If the usual place of residence 5 years ago was in Malaysia, you are to complete particulars (a) - (e) in full.
For the case where the usual place of residence 5 years ago was outside Malaysia, you are to fill only particular (e) (i.e., Country)
Note: The method of filling in particulars (a) - (e) in Question C16 is the same as those explained for Question C15 above.
Reminder: Questions C15 - C16
All particulars related to address of other house, i.e., particulars (a) until (e) must be completed.
These detail particulars will enable us to code accurately during processing work in the office.
C14. Where was your usual place of residence 5 years ago (i.e., in 1995)?
[] 1 This house as in question K1
[] 2 Different house (Give full address)
(a) Name of street/housing estate ____
(b) Name of town/village ____
(c) Mukim/district(Kelantan)/sub-district(Sarawak) ____
(d) Administrative district/Jajahan(Kelantan) ____
(e) State/country ____