Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
00 | NIU (not in universe) | X | X |
10 | None, preschool, or non-formal education | · | · |
11 | None | X | X |
12 | Preschool | · | X |
13 | Non-formal education | · | X |
Primary | |||
21 | Standard 1 | X | X |
22 | Standard 2 | X | X |
23 | Standard 3 | X | X |
24 | Standard 4 | X | X |
25 | Standard 5 | X | X |
26 | Standard 6 | X | X |
27 | Standard 7 | X | X |
31 | Diploma or certificate after primary | X | X |
32 | Vocational training after primary | X | X |
Lower secondary | |||
41 | Form 1 (form A) | X | X |
42 | Form 2 (form B) | X | X |
43 | Form 3 (form C) | X | X |
44 | Diploma or certificate after lower secondary | X | X |
45 | Vocational training after lower secondary | X | X |
Upper secondary | |||
51 | Form 4 (form D) | X | X |
52 | Form 5 (form E) | X | X |
Post-secondary | |||
Code | Label |
60 | Post-secondary, non-university | X | X |
61 | Undergraduate or graduate studies | X | · |
62 | Undergraduate studies | · | X |
63 | Graduate studies | · | X |
90 | Other | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- Supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
class Educls : public Editor {
Educls(VarPointer varInfo) : Editor(varInfo) {}
void edit() {
long a = getRecoded();
switch (dataSet) {
case dataset_id::ls1996a: {
if (LS1996A_0415() == 1 && LS1996A_0406() >= 5)
a = 11;
} break;
EDUCLS indicates the person's educational attainment in Lesotho in terms of the level of schooling completed.
Comparability — General
The education system of Lesotho includes 7 years of primary education (Standard 1-7), 3 years of lower secondary (Form 1-3), and 2 years of upper secondary (Form 4-5). Lower secondary leads to the Junior Certificate (JC), while upper secondary leads to the Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC).
Technical and vocational training is offered after primary, lower secondary, or upper secondary. Programs after the JC include the Lesotho Primary Teachers Course (LPTC), the Primary Higher Certificate (PHC), nursing, among others. Post-secondary non-university programs lead to a diploma or a certificate, which lasts between 2 to 3 years.
Higher education includes bachelor, master, and doctorate degrees. The first stage of higher education is composed of bachelor's degree programs, which take 4 to 5 years, depending on the field of study. Master's degree programs take 2 years to complete and doctorate programs take 3 years.
Preschool and non-formal education are only identified in 2006. The data for this census shows smaller than expected frequencies for persons with preschool and exactly 6 years of age, with respect to those with preschool and who are 7 or 8 years old.
The 1996 and 2006 samples do not provide information about the number of years achieved in university or vocational training programs. The 1996 sample does not distinguish between undergraduate and graduate education.
- Lesotho 1996: Persons age 5+
- Lesotho 2006: Persons age 2+
- Lesotho: 1996, 2006
Questionnaire Text
Lesotho 1996 |
Lesotho 2006 |
17. What is (the respondent's) highest level of education completed?
[] 2 Standard 2
[] 3 Standard 3
[] 4 Standard 4
[] 5 Standard 5
[] 6 Standard 6
[] 7 Standard 7
[] 11 Form 1
[] 12 Form 2
[] 13 Form 3
[] 14 Form 4
[] 15 Form 5
[] 20 Diploma/ Certificate after primary
[] 21 Vocational training after primary
[] 22 Diploma/ Certificate after secondary
[] 23 Vocational after secondary
[] 24 Diploma/ Certificate after High School
[] 25 Vocational after High School
[] 26 Graduate/ Post Graduate
[] 99 Don't know
[] Other, Specify ____
123. Column 17: If ever attended school give highest standard passed.
Give highest qualification held, even if obtained through part-time education, using the code from the list provided. Make sure that Code NA is for persons who either never attended school, or are too young, or are attending/attended school but have not passed standard 1, or are attending school but are under the age of 5 years even if they have passed standard 1.
Code 01 for persons who have passed standard 1; 02 for persons who have passed standard 2 etc.;
Code 07 for those who passed old standard 6 and latest standard 7 (refer to conversion table in paragraph 124).
For persons who have passed Form A, enter code 11; Form B, failed JC, code 12, Form C, failed form D, code 13; Form D, failed Form E code 14 and Form E or COSC/Matric code 15.
Code 20 for persons who have had any training including vocational training after standard 7.
Code 21 Post JC for persons with post JC qualifications other than Form D or E, these include persons who have had vocational training after J.C, nursing, LPTC, PH etc.
Code 22 for persons with post COSC qualifications, these include persons who have had vocational training after COSC, S.T.C, S.T.T.C., Certificate in Agriculture, Diploma in Agriculture, Diploma in Science and Certificate in Statistics.
Note that these qualifications are not equivalent to a University Degree. Code for university degree is 23.
124. The following conversion table will help you to write the appropriate standard for respondents who attended the former "elementary" school and the comparatively new school system and reached a particular grade.
[For all persons aged 2 years and over.]
22. What is (the respondent's) highest level of education completed?
[] 1 Standard 1
[] 2 Standard 2
[] 3 Standard 3
[] 4 Standard 4
[] 5 Standard 5
[] 6 Standard 6
[] 7 Standard 7
[] 11 Form 1
[] 12 Form 2
[] 13 Form 3
[] 14 Form 4
[] 15 Form 5
[] 20 Diploma/ Certificate after primary
[] 21 Vocational training after primary
[] 22 Diploma/ Certificate after secondary
[] 23 Vocational after secondary
[] 24 Diploma/ Certificate after High School
[] 25 Vocational after High School
[] 26 Graduate
[] 27 Post Graduate
[] 28 Non formal education
[] 29 None
[] 30 Other, Specify ____
[] 88 Not applicable
[] 99 Don't know
For persons aged 2 years and over
91. Column 22: What is (name's) highest level of education completed?
Code 01 for persons who have passed standard 1; 02 for persons who have passed standard 2 etc.; 07 for those who have passed standard 7 or the old standard 6 (refer to conversion table in paragraph 93). For persons who have passed Form A, enter code 11; Form B, failed JC, code 12, Form C, failed Form D, code 13 and Form E or COSC/Matric code 15.
Code 20 for persons who have had any training in diploma/certificate after primary.
Code 22 Post JC for persons with post JC qualifications other than Form D or E, these include persons who have had vocational training after JC, nursing, LPTC, PhD, etc.
Code 24 for persons with post COSC qualifications, these include persons who have had vocational training after COSC, S.T.C, S.T.T.C, Certificate in Agriculture, Diploma in Agriculture, Diploma in Science, and Certificate in Statistics.
Note: that these qualifications are not equivalent to a University Degree. Codes for University Degrees are 26 and 27.