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Questionnaire Text

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F. Information about the private home

7.2 Does this home have any of the following appliances?

Black and white TV

[] 5 Has
[] 0 Does not have

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

F. Information about the private home

Once the dwelling part is finished, you will ask questions referring to the Census home.

Remember that in a dwelling inhabited by more than one private home you should fill out as many documents as there are homes.

Write in each one of the documents the information about each of the homes. You should not repeat information in Section E. Information of the private dwelling.

Cancel this section upon enumerating the second and following homes that share this dwelling.

7. Comfort and equipment of the home

7.2 Appliances of the home

Does this home have any of the following appliances?

You should read the listed appliances one by one, waiting for a response. If a home has an appliance, mark the box corresponding to "It has"; if it does not have it, mark the box ("Does not have").

Appliances that are not there because of momentary repair service, etc., should be written down in the box corresponding to "It has".

Some specifications:

Refrigerator: Appliance for keeping food and beverages preserved. If they say refrigerator with freezer, mark only "Refrigerator".

Freezer: It is an independent appliance that keeps products frozen and also makes ice.