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Republic of Uruguay
General Committee of Statistics and Censuses
General Census
VI of Population
IV of Dwellings 1985

A. Identification of dwelling

1. Department ____ _ _

2. Census section ____ _ _
Location or locality

Name ____ _ _ _
Category (Indicate if it is a city, villa, village, town, etc.) ____ _ _ _

3. Segment ____ _ _ _

4. Zone ____ _ _ _

5. Order number of the enumerator within the zone _ _

6. Place or locality

Name: ____ _ _ _
Category: ____ _ _
(Indicate if it is a city, villa, village, hamlet, rural place, etc.)

7. Area

[] 1 Urban
[] 2 Rural

8. Only for rural areas -- the piece of land where this dwelling is found: is it used for agricultural and/or livestock industry?

[] 1 Yes, it measures less than 1 hectare
[] 2 Yes, it measures 1 hectare or more
[] 3 No

9. Order number of the dwelling

_ _

10. Number of the document

_ _

11. Address

Street or road ____
No. ____
Floor ____
Apartment number ____

B. Condition of the occupation of the dwelling


[] 0 With inhabitants present
[] 1 With inhabitants absent


[] 2 Seasonal (summer home, rest house)
[] 3 Finishing construction or repair
[] 4 Other (for rent, sale, etc.)

Type of dwelling

1. Private dwellings

[] 5 House
[] 6 Apartment
[] 7 A place not meant for residential purposes
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

2. Collective dwellings

[] 1 Hotel, parador [motel]
[] 2 Boarding house
[] 3 Hospital
[] 4 House of health
[] 5 Asylum
[] 6 Boarding school
[] 7 Worker house
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

D. Homes in a private dwelling
In this dwelling, does everyone share expenses at least for meals?

[Only for occupied private dwellings]

[] 1 Yes: single home
[] 2 No: first home
[] 3 No: second, third, etc.

E. Information about the occupied private dwelling
[Only for the first home or single home]

1. What is the predominant material in the exterior walls of the dwelling?

[] 4 Masonry: bricks, concrete blocks, stones, etc.
[] 5 Wood plank, sheets of zinc, fibrocemento
[] 6 Mud (earth, adobe, fagina)
[] 7 Tin and other waste material
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

2. What is the predominant material in the roof of the dwelling?

[] 1 Sheets of concrete, bovedilla [type of vault], with or without tiles

Sheets of zinc, fibro cement, aluminum, asphalt tiles, tiles over framework:

[] 2 With a flat roof
[] 3 Without a flat roof

[] 4 Straw
[] 5 Tin and other waste material
[] 6 Other (specify) ____

3. What is the predominant material in the floor of the dwelling?

[] 0 Earth, mud, or rubble earth
[] 1 Masonry and portland concrete, stones, or bricks
[] 2 Wood, floor tile, parquet, linoleum, etc.
[] 3 Other (specify) ____

4. What is the origin of water used for drinking and cooking in the dwelling?

General system [network]

[] 4 Public
[] 5 Private

[] 6 Spring/well
[] 7 Tank [aljibe], catch pipes [cachimba]
[] 8 Other (stream, river, etc.) (specify) ____

5. How does this water arrive at the dwelling?

[] 1 By pipes within the dwelling

By pipes outside of the dwelling:

[] 2 Up to 100 meters away, on the property
[] 3 Up to 100 meters away, off the property
[] 4 More than 100 meters

[] 0 Without water supply by pipes

6. Does this dwelling have any of the following services of electric lighting?

From U.T.E. [public electricity company]

[] 1 Has
[] 0 Does not have

Battery charger

[] 2 Has
[] 0 Does not have

Own electrical generator

[] 3 Has
[] 0 Does not have

Other electric (specify) ____

[] 4 Has
[] 0 Does not have

7. State of preservation of the dwelling


[] 5 Good
[] 6 Average
[] 7 Bad


[] 8 Yes
[] 0 No

F. Information about the private home

1. Order number of the home within the dwelling _ _

2. Sanitary service

Does it have water, "taza turca" [squat toilet], latrine, etc.?

It has

[] 1 With instant discharge of water
[] 2 Without discharge

[] 3 Does not have

2.1 Use of sanitary service is

Only for those who have sanitary service.

[] 5 Private in this dwelling
[] 6 Share it with other homes

2.2 The disposal of sewage is done by

Only for those who have sanitary service.

General network

[] 1 Public
[] 2 Private

[] 3 Septic tank, cesspool
[] 4 Other (hole in the wall, surface, etc.)

3. Cooking service

The members of this home: do they cook in the home?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

3.2 In this home, is there an appropriate place for cooking with a kitchen sink and faucet?


[] 7 Private to this home
[] 8 Shared with other homes

[] 0 No

4. Sources of energy

What is the principal source of energy used for cooking?

(Mark only the principal.)

[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Gas from pipes
[] 3 Supergas [LPG]
[] 4 Kerosene
[] 5 Firewood
[] 6 Other (specify) ____
[] 0 None

4.2 Do you use any means for heating rooms?

(Mark only the principal.)

Central heating

[] 6 Private of the home
[] 7 Common with other homes

[] 8 Stove, conditioner, heating panel, or similar
[] 0 None

4.3 What is the principal source of energy used for heating rooms?

[Question 4.3 was asked of households that had heating, per question 4.2.]

[] 0 Electricity
[] 1 Diesel
[] 2 Gas oil
[] 3 Fuel oil
[] 4 Gas from pipes
[] 5 Supergas [LPG]
[] 6 Kerosene
[] 7 Firewood
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

5. Tenancy

With respect to this dwelling, this home:

It is owned:

[] 1 Is being paid for?
[] 2 Is already paid for?

[] 3 Member of a dwelling cooperative?
[] 4 Paid rent?
[] 5 Is it sharecropping [medianero]?
[] 6 Is it occupied without paying with permission from the owner?
[] 7 Is it occupied without paying without permission from the owner?

6. Rooms of the home

Number of rooms used for sleeping _ _

Number of rooms used for other residential purposes (do not include the bathrooms or those not used for residential purposes, for example: corridors, garages, halls, etc.) _ _

7. Comfort and equipment of the home

7.1 Does this home have its own vehicle (car or truck) for private use only?

[] 0 No

[] 7 One
[] 8 More than one

7.2 Does this home have any of the following appliances?

Water heater or heater

[] 1 Has
[] 0 Does not have


[] 2 Has
[] 0 Does not have


[] 3 Has
[] 0 Does not have

Color TV

[] 4 Has
[] 0 Does not have

Black and white TV

[] 5 Has
[] 0 Does not have


[] 6 Has
[] 0 Does not have

Summary of the people of the home

_ _ Men
_ _ Women
_ _ Total

Type of home

[] 1 One person
[] 2 Nuclear
[] 3 Extended
[] 4 Compound

G. Person characteristics

(I) General characteristics
[All persons]

1. What is the name and surname of every person who slept in this home last night?

Begin with the head of household. Include those born before 12 o'clock at night of the day of the census and those who died after this hour.

2. What relation or relationship do you have with the head of household?

Mark the corresponding box. In the case of collective home, mark member of a collective home.

[] 0 Head of household
[] 1 Spouse or companion
[] 2 Child
[] 3 Son/daughter in-law
[] 4 Mother/father [or parent] in-law
[] 5 Other relatives
[] 6 Domestic servants
[] 7 Other non-relatives
[] 8 Member of a collective home

3. Are you a man or woman?

[] 1 Man
[] 2 Woman

4. How old are you?

Write down the age in complete years. For those younger than 1, write "0"

Years _ _ _

5. What is your current de facto marital state?

Ask in the indicated order and when you receive an affirmative response, mark the corresponding box and go to the next question.

[] 3 Married
[] 4 Free union
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Divorced
[] 7 Separated
[] 8 Single

6. In what locality or place do you habitually live?

If they habitually live in the locality where they are being enumerated, mark the box corresponding to "Here".

If they live in "Another place in this country", specify the department or locality.

If they habitually live "Abroad", write down the country.

[] 00 001 Here
[] Another place in this country

Department ____
Locality ____

[] Abroad

Country ____

[Questions 7 and 8 are asked only for those who live habitually in this country]

7. In what locality or place did you begin living habitually when you were born?

If it was in the locality of enumeration, mark the box corresponding to "Here".

If it was "Another place in this country", specify the department and locality.

If it was "Abroad", write down the name of the country and the year of arrival to live here habitually.

[] 00 001 Here
[] Another place in this country

Department ____
Locality ____

[] Abroad

Country ____
Year of arrival _ _ _ _

8. In what locality or place did you live five years ago on this date?

If they lived in the same locality of enumeration, mark the box corresponding to "Here".

If they lived in "Another place in this country", specify the department and locality.

If it was "Abroad", write down the country.

[] 00 001 Here
[] Another place in this country

Department ____
Locality ____

[] Abroad

Country ____

(II) Educational characteristics
[Questions 9-14 were asked of persons age 6 or older]

9. Do you know how to read and write?

Mark the corresponding box.

If they only read or only write, mark "No".

[] 1 Yes
[] 0 No

10. Do you or did you attend any establishment of regular education?

Mark the corresponding box.

[] 1 Attends
[] 2 Does not attend but attended
[] 3 Never attended

[Questions 11-14 are for persons age 6 or older who attend or attended establishments of regular education]

11. What is the highest level that you attend or attended in establishments of regular education?

Mark the corresponding box.

[] 1 Primary
[] 2 Secondary first cycle (high school)
[] 3 Secondary second cycle (preparatory, 4th, 5th year of private high school)
[] 4 Teaching or professional

[] 5 Military
[] 6 University of Work [private university]
[] 7 University of the Republic [public university]
[] 8 Other (specify the institution) ____

12. Did you finish this level?

Mark the corresponding box.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

13. What is the last grade or year passed in this level?

Mark the corresponding box.

If they did not pass the first year, mark "0".

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8

14. What is the major or career that you study or studied?

Only for those who answered within part B of question 11.

Write down the name of the major or career.


(III) Occupational characteristics
[Questions 15-18 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

15. Of the following types of activities, what did you do last week?

Ask them in the indicated order and, when you receive an affirmative response, mark the corresponding box and go to the next person.

[] 11 You worked last week?
[] 12 You did not work because of leave, sickness or strike but you have employment?
[] 21 You did not work because of maternity leave or being suspended?
[] 22 You did not work because of being a harvest or seasonal worker?
[] 23 You looked for work having worked before?

[] 31 You looked for work for the first time?
[] 41 You are retired or pensioned and did not work?
[] 42 You are a rentier and did not work?
[] 43 You studied and did not work?
[] 44 You only took care of the home?
[] 45 Other (specify) ____

[Questions 16-18 are only for persons age 12 or older who answered within part "A" of question 15.]

16. What is the occupation, profession or office that provides you the most income?

Do not write down employee or worker without specifying. Write down for example: mason, doctor, typist, carpenter, etc. If an enumerated person did not have a job the week before the census, write down the occupation, profession or office that they had last.


17. What is principally done in the establishment in which you work or worked the last time?

Write down for example: making of refrigerators, small farming, ministry of public health, construction of buildings, street vending, etc.


18. Of the following, what is the category in the occupation that you indicated?

Ask in the indicated order and when you receive an affirmative answer, mark the corresponding box and go to the next question.

[] 1 Employer with employees at your charge?
[] 2 Worker for your own account?

Employer or worker with paycheck or salary?

[] 3 Public
[] 4 Private

[] 5 Non-remunerated family worker?
[] 6 Member of a production cooperative?
[] 7 Other? (specify) ____

(IV) Other characteristics
[Questions 19-21 were asked of women age 15 or older]

19. How many children born alive in total have you had?

Total number of children born alive _ _

[Questions 20 and 21 were asked of women age 15 or older who had children born alive.]

20. Of your children born alive,

How many currently live in this country?

No. of children who currently live in this country _ _

How many currently live abroad?

Number and sex of children who currently live abroad

_ _ Men
_ _ Women

How many died?

Number of children who have died _ _

21. How many were born in the last 12 months?

If she answers "None", write down "0".

Number of children born alive in the last 12 months _