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Highest grade completed

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L8. Highest grade of school completed (as of January 1980) ____

For persons 5 years and older.
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3.19 Education:
Education systems are categorized into:

3.19.1 Formal education which is divided into

a) Nursery
b) Primary education covers P1 - P4, and P5 - P7 (M1 - M3 of the old system). Since the 1978 academic year the coverage of primary education have included P1 - P6
c) Secondary education covers:
Lower secondary education: MS1 - MS3 (M4 - M6 of the old system) or M1- M3 (since the 1978 academic year)
Upper secondary education: MS4 - MS5 (M7 - M8 of the old system) or M4 - M6 (since the 1978 academic year)

[Page 25 is omitted.]

p. 26

d) Adult education
Level 1 is comparable to P2 learning for 6 months.
Level 2 is comparable to P4 learning for 6 months.
Level 3 is comparable to P7 learning for 1 year and 6 months.
Level 4 is comparable to MS3 learning for 1 year and 6 months.
Level 5 is comparable to MS5 learning for 2 years.
3.19.2 Vocational Education
Before 1961:

a) Lower vocation accepts those who complete P4 learning for 3 years
b) Upper vocation accepts those who complete M3 learning for 3 years.
c) Higher vocation accepts those who complete M6 learning for 3 years.

Since 1961

a) Secondary education has 2 levels:
- Lower secondary education (MS1 - MS3)
- Late secondary education (MS4 - MS6) or vocational diploma.
b) Higher vocational diploma is continuing education from MS5 of 3-year curriculum (3 ½ year for evening class) or from MS6 of 2-year curriculum.
c) Vocational teacher training is classified into
- Vocational Certificate in Agricultural Education of 2-year curriculum accepts those who complete MS3.
- Primary Vocational Certificate in Mechanics, 3-year curriculum, accepts those who complete MS3.
- Secondary teacher training
d) Short-training course (less than one year) is vocational training for people.
3.19.3 Teaching education
a) Certificate in Education accepts those who complete MS3 learning for 2 years.
b) Higher Certificate in Education accepts those who complete certificate education, MS5, MS6 learning for 2 years.
c) Bachelor Degree accepts those who complete higher certificate education, or equivalent, or diploma learning for 2 years.
3.19.4 Tertiary Education means education in university, cadet school, police cadet school, or other higher institutions at the same level of the university.

3.19.5 Other Education such as nursing (indicate the level e.g., degree, diploma, nurse assistant), arts etc. Other schools attached to other government agencies e.g., chemistry lab, train engineering, post office, low-ranked soldier school, navy school, air force school, or policeman school.

Column 8 The highest level of education

(Ask only persons 5 years and over, or those who were born before and in 1997 (Tiger year in the Thai Zodiacal calendar)

The highest level of education means the highest or last level of education that a person attained as of January 1, 1980)

Ask "What is your highest qualification, or highest or last level of education as of January 1, 1980?" Record the highest level of education as follows:

a) General education program record the last final exam of level of education e.g.,
1. Primary education P1 - P4 and P5 - P7 (M1- M3 in the old system). Since the 1978 academic year, there are 6 Grades.
2. Secondary education:
Lower secondary education: MS1 - MS3 (M4 - M6 in the old system) and M1 - M3 (Since the 1978 academic year)
Upper secondary education
MS4 - MS5 (M7 - M8 in the old system)
M4 - M6 (Since the 1978 academic year)
b) Vocational education with teaching general program
Record the last final exam of vocational education, followed by the highest general education program in parenthesis. For example:
Year 1 Vocational education (P4)
Year 2 Advance vocational education (P6)
MS6 Vocational education (MS3)
Year 1 Technical vocational education (MS5) etc.
p. 69
c) Tertiary education
Record the year completed and name of university.
For example, Year 1, Chulalongkorn University
Year 2, Thammasat University
Year 3, Ramkamhaeng University
Year 1, Navy Cadet School
Those who obtained certificates record the name of qualification or abbreviation of the qualification. For example,
B.Sc., M.Sc.
B.A. (Education), M.A. (Education)
B.Sc. (Engineering)
B.Sc. (Dentistry)
For those who received certificate, diploma or degree in the same level but different qualifications, record only one degree. However, if a person received several degrees of the different levels, record only the highest degree.

d) Those who study religion
Record the religious qualification in this Column. For example:

Third level religion
Second level religion
Buddhism Theology 4
Buddhism Theology 9
e) Vocational Education without general education program e.g., Certificate in Beauty, Television Fixing, Car Driving, etc. Do not record in this Column, record the qualification obtained from the general education program or vocational education in this Column as specified in Items a) - c).

f) Never been educated, or never finished up of any years record "Never".