Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
0 | Illiterate | 472,764 |
1 | French | 73,706 |
2 | Arabic | 12,842 |
3 | Koran | 23,091 |
4 | One of the national languages (Bambara, Pularr, Songhai, Dongon, etc.) | 2,585 |
5 | One of the national languages plus French | 895 |
6 | French and another written language | 1,039 |
7 | Other languages | 134 |
8 | Unknown | 20,468 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 177,860 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable identifies the literacy status of each person.
- Mali 1987: Persons age 6+
- Mali: 1987
Questionnaire Text
For individuals 6 years of age and older.
[Questions 14-22]
14. Knows how to read and write
This is the second group of questions related to the characteristics of the household members. It relates only to persons aged 6 and older. Put a dash or a hyphen (-) for persons of less than 6 years in questions 14 to 25.
14. Ability to read and write:
Information given about this question allows the illiterate population to be distinguished from the literate population.
Definitions: A literate person is one who is able to read, write and understand in any written language a brief text related to his daily life. An illiterate person would be one who does not know how to read or write.
As a result, a person who speaks only one language (French, for example) without being able to write it or write it, should not be considered a literate person. Likewise a
[Page 30]
person who only knows how to read and write his name and some numbers, or a single, very basic phrase, should not be considered literate.
To find out the ability of the household members to read and write ask the following question: "Do you know how to read and write French, Arabic, the national language or any other written language?"
a. If the answer is "Yes", write:
- ARAB or Arabic: for Arabic
- LN: for a person who knows how to read and write the national language (Bambara, Peul, Senoufo)
- AUT: for other.
NB: At issue is the ability to read and write in a national language, and not just to be able to speak it. This then is for people who take classes in functional literacy.
b. When the answer to the above question is "no", write "No -- illiterate" in column 14.