Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | Resident present | 722,056 |
2 | Resident absent inside Mali | 37,229 |
3 | Resident absent outside Mali | 6,703 |
4 | Resident absent | 994 |
5 | Visitor from elsewhere inside Mali | 16,553 |
6 | Visitor from elsewhere outside Mali | 1,286 |
7 | Visitor | 409 |
9 | Unknown | 154 |
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This variable identifies the residence status of each person within a household.
- Mali 1987: All persons
- Mali: 1987
Questionnaire Text
5. Residence status
A resident is a person who has spent 6 months or more in his current place of residence, or who intends to stay there even if the amount of time he has already spent there is less than 6 months. If this person spent the night prior to the enumerator's visit in the town of the census he/she would be written down as: present resident [R.P.].
If the person did not spend the night prior to the enumerator's visit in the town, write down RAI if he/she was absent but in another place in Mali, or RAE if he/she was absent and outside of Mali in another country.
Comments: Do not enumerate absent residents who left the household more than six (6) months ago.
5. Housing Status
The fixed reference [time] for gathering information about the housing status is the night before the enumerator's visit to the household. The different categories of resident and visitor can be distinguished by referring to the night before the enumerator's visit. Refer to the definitions of Resident and Visitor given in the Concepts and write:
For absent residents, indicate as follows:
- RAE for any absent resident who is in a foreign country outside of Mali (Ivory Coast, Senegal, Guinea, France, etc...)
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Absent residents who left the country more than 6 months ago are not enumerated.
For visitors, indicate as follows:
- VE = for visitors from someplace outside of Mali.
Special cases:
- Civil servants who have just been transferred to a new place will be enumerated as present residents [RP] in the new place.
- Women who have left to give birth at their parents' will be indicated as visitors at their parents'. In the husband's house they will be indicated as RAI if the parents are in Mali or RAE if the parents are outside of Mali.
- Boarding school students; hospital residents; the incarcerated; and members of religious orders living in a convent will be enumerated in those institutions, which are called institutional households.
Housing Status for Nomad Households
All nomad households grouped together outside of their normal nomad corridor are considered present residents [RP] even if their stay is for fewer than 6 months.
Nonetheless, a member of a nomad household, as in the case described above, is considered as an absent resident [RA] if he lives outside of the household. In the same way a single individual who lives outside of his household will be recorded as a visitor in the place where he is enumerated (the place where he is seen). It should be clarified that the households living in their normal nomad area will be treated as sedentary households; only the geographical framework changes.