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Only for those who marked one of the choices in part A in the previous question (15).
[Applies to questions 16-18.]

16. During the last week (or in your last job if unemployed), what was your principal occupation? Do not write worker or manual laborer without specifying more clearly. Write, for example: mining drill operator, automobile mechanic, grocery sales, potato grower, domestic employee, etc.

____ Specify occupation [a 3-digit blank box also appears in this item]

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Question 16. During the past week (or in your last job if the person is unemployed), what was your main occupation?

a. For purposes of the census, the main occupation is the one that generates the most income.

If the person worked during the week in question, or didn't work but had a job, you will record the occupation that the person being enumerated reports as the main one.

Clarification: You should record the main occupation and not the profession. Example: A doctor that is in charge of a hospital, you should record: Hospital Director.

b. If the person looked for work having worked previously, you will record the last main job that they had.

If the answer that the informant gives is unclear or questionable, ask them to describe in some detail the job that they currently perform. Examples of incorrect and correct ways of recording the occupations are given below.

Incorrect recording: Teacher
Correct recording: Pre-school teacher, teacher of girl technical school, primary or elementary school teacher, university professor

Incorrect recording: Farmer
Correct recording: Farmhand, shepherd, beekeeper, poultry farmer, unskilled farm or dairy worker

Incorrect recording: Miner
Correct recording: Miner of metal deposits, mine driller, mine smearer, gathers minerals extracted from a mine

[p. 45]

Incorrect recording: Administrator
Correct recording: Event administrator, leisure activities administrator, hospital administrator

Incorrect recording: Builder
Correct recording: Master builder, formwork builder, construction foreman, bricklayer, tile layer, stuccoer

Incorrect recording: Shoemaker
Correct recording: shoe sewer, shoe repairer, puts heels on shoes

Incorrect recording: Repairer
Correct recording: Sewing machine repairer, industrial machine repairer, telephone line repairer

Incorrect recording: Director
Correct recording: Artistic or orchestra director, director and manager in a wholesale business, director and manager in a service business, director of an educational establishment

Incorrect recording: Seller
Correct recording: Retail seller of groceries, wholesale seller of groceries, fare agent

Incorrect recording: Mechanic
Correct recording: Automotive mechanic, mechanic-repairer of industrial machinery, dental, optical, etc., technician, auto-body worker

Incorrect recording: Engineer
Correct recording: Civil engineer for clean-up projects, civil engineer for building construction, agricultural, industrial, chemical engineer, electrical systems engineer