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School grade completed or attending

Questionnaire Text

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Persons born before 4/1994 (5 years old and over) answer the following questions:

[Respond questions 8 to 12]

11*. What is the highest educational level that (Name) is attending or has completed?

For persons who have completed/ are attending secondary vocational schools or lower, record his/her general education grades

[] 1 General school

_ _ Grade system

[] 2 Undergraduate
[] 3 Graduate
[] 4 Post-Graduate

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 11: What is the highest educational level that (name) is attending or has completed?

This question is only for persons who have code "1" or "2" in Question 10.

Filling-in process for this question, as follows:

1. Selecting code "1" and writing down highest grade (or completed) for those who are attending or stopped going to general school and never studied at professional school/class, and persons who are attending technical school/class, primary and middle professional school.

Grade in general school: If respondent is attending general school, interviewers record the grade which respondent is studying. If respondent is no longer enrolled, interviewers record the highest grade completed (passed the final exam or graduated). If respondent is attending or completed technical school/class, primary and middle professional school, interviewers report his/her highest grade at general school (passed the final exam or graduated).

Persons who dropped out at a certain grade at general education level, and persons who completed training curriculum of a certain grade but failed the final exam or graduation test are considered to complete the next lower grade. Persons who did not complete the 1st grade or dropped out before the 2nd grade are considered as "00" grade.

Persons who studied aboard should report their grade and name of the country where they receive education. Persons who attended French schools before country's independence should report their grade and level of education.

Writing down respondent's grade in the given line, do not fill in code in 2 empty cells.

Do not convert grade at general school in the enumeration form (person who is in charge of coding will convert it later).

Grade system: grade system is coded by the last grade at upper secondary school (high school) which a person should complete in order to graduate from national's training curriculum at general education level. In our country, there have been two main grade systems. These are 10 grades and 12 grades.

Filling in correct grade system for respondent in the given line and do not fill in code in 2 empty cells.

Persons who attended general education aboard report name of that country or write down "French colonized period" for persons who attended French schools before country's independence.

2. Select code "2", "3", or "4" for those who are attending, graduated from two-year college, university, or postgraduate education.

Note: If a person has one or more graduation certificate at college level or higher level of education and is now studying at a college, university, or post graduate program, interviewers select his/her highest level of education completed or currently attending.

For example: a person graduated from a teacher training college and is currently studying evening law school, interviewers select code "3" for question 11 and code '1" (is attending) for question 10.