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Year of immigration 2

Questionnaire Text

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11. Is this person now, or has this person ever been, a landed immigrant?
A "landed immigrant" is a person who has been granted the right to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities.
[] No - Go to question 13
[] Yes

12. In what year did this person first become a landed immigrant?
[Question 12 was asked of persons who have ever been a landed immigrant, per question 11.]
If exact year is not known, enter best estimate.
Year _ _ _ _

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Question 11 -- Landed immigrant status

Mark No for persons who are: Canadian citizens by birth; foreign students, foreign workers, Minister's permit holders, or refugee claimants.
Mark Yes for persons who are: Canadian citizens by naturalization; permanent residents under the Immigration Act. Permanent residents have been granted the right to live permanently in Canada by immigration authorities but have not yet obtained Canadian citizenship.

Question 12 -- Year of immigration

For persons who immigrated to Canada more than once, report the year landed immigrant status was first obtained.