Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | Distance (block) heating | 17,503 |
2 | Building central heating | 113,564 |
3 | Gas convectors | 0 |
4 | Built-in electric heater | 0 |
5 | Central heating serving dwelling (floor) | 18,192 |
6 | Individual stove | 107,768 |
7 | Other heating (1981) | 17,527 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 9,139 |
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This variable indicates the predominant type of heating system used in the dwelling.
- Austria 1981: Private household, except single rooms without kitchen
- Austria: 1981
Questionnaire Text
(7) Predominant type of heating:
[] Central heating serving dwelling (floor)
[] Building central heating
[] Distance (block) heating
[] Other heating
(9) Predominantly used heating source:
Only one response please.
[] Wood
[] Coal, coke, briquette
[] Electricity
[] City or natural gas
[] Liquid gas
[] Other heating sources
[] (Fuel) oil
Is an oil tank available for the residence?
[] No
How many liters does the oil tank hold?
[] 101-200
[] 201-300
[] More than 300
(10) Other possible heating sources:
Does the type of heating marked in question 7 also operate with other heating sources?
[] Yes
[] No
If answer is yes
(Only one response please.)
[] Coal, coke [Koks], briquette
[] (Fuel) oil
[] Town or natural gas
[] Liquid gas
[] Other heating sources
(7) The predominant type of heating is that which heats the majority of the rooms. "Long-distance heating" should not only be the response concerning supply from a "long-distance heating plant", but also in the case when a "block heating system" supplies multiple buildings of an apartment complex with heat. "Other heating" is chosen for a solar heating system, for example.
(9) This question is only to be answered by those with oven heating (single ovens), dwelling central heating (level heating) and house central heating in buildings with one or more dwelling. With regards to house central heating in a larger building and long-distance heating, it is to be supposed as a rule, namely that the dwelling occupant/ owner does not know the type of heating fuel.
(10) Here every heating fuel should be noted that--as long as it is technically possible--the chosen heating from Question 7 appears on the first line in consideration, if in the case the chosen ordinarily used heating fuel in Question 9 is not available (i.e. transposition to a coke [Koks] heating due to oil deficiency).
For Questions 7, 9, and 10, heating and fuel:
Please observe above all that with these questions only one box should be marked.