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Questionnaire Text

Bolivia 1976
Bolivia 2001
Bolivia 2012
Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_LANG — Native language spoken
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
A. General Information

For all individuals regardless of age (including newborn infants)
[Questions 1-8 were asked of all persons.]

8. What Bolivian languages are you able to speak?

"Able" means the ability to communicate ideas in this language; it is not sufficient to merely understand. If able to speak more than one language mark one of the boxes 5-9.

[] 0 Does not speak yet or none
[] 1 Spanish
[] 2 Aymara
[] 3 Quechua
[] 4 Other
[] 5 Spanish-Aymara
[] 6 Spanish-Quechua
[] 7 Spanish with other
[] 8 Aymara-Quechua
[] 9 Spanish-Aymara-Quechua

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Question 8. What Bolivian languages do you know how to speak?

Read the different alternatives in order and mark only one of the boxes.

If they do not speak any or only speak foreign languages, mark the box "0" (does not speak any or none)

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_LANG1 — Speaks Quechua
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Chapter D. For all individuals (Request the presence of those people who slept in this dwelling, including [explicitly both male and female] children.)
[Questions 27-34 were asked of all persons.]

32. What languages and dialects are you able to speak?

Mark as many boxes as affirmative answers given.

[] 1 Quechua
[] 2 Aymara
[] 3 Spanish
[] 4 Guaraní
[] 5 Foreign language
[] 6 Doesn't speak
[] 7 Other indigenous Bolivian language

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Chapter D. For all persons

From this question [question 27] onwards, each person who spent the night prior to the census day in this dwelling should be interviewed individually. The presence of all persons, including children, should be requested.

If the person is younger than 7 years of age or if he cannot make himself understood, his presence should be requested but the information should be provided by the father, mother, or another adult. This person should be present for the duration of the interview.

Question 32. What languages do you speak? (if this applies, more than one alternative is filled in)

There are only two questions with multiple option answers: 20 and 32. They are marked by a double line in the box and the options have rectangles.

[p. 61]

For example:

Juan speaks Spanish and an indigenous language: Chiquitano.

The form is filled out in this way:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with the rectangles corresponding to 3 (Spanish) and "Other indigenous" filled in with the word "Chiquitano" written in the boxes provided.]

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_LANG2 — Speaks Aymara
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Chapter D. For all individuals (Request the presence of those people who slept in this dwelling, including [explicitly both male and female] children.)
[Questions 27-34 were asked of all persons.]

32. What languages and dialects are you able to speak?

Mark as many boxes as affirmative answers given.

[] 1 Quechua
[] 2 Aymara
[] 3 Spanish
[] 4 Guaraní
[] 5 Foreign language
[] 6 Doesn't speak
[] 7 Other indigenous Bolivian language

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Chapter D. For all persons

From this question [question 27] onwards, each person who spent the night prior to the census day in this dwelling should be interviewed individually. The presence of all persons, including children, should be requested.

If the person is younger than 7 years of age or if he cannot make himself understood, his presence should be requested but the information should be provided by the father, mother, or another adult. This person should be present for the duration of the interview.

Question 32. What languages do you speak? (if this applies, more than one alternative is filled in)

There are only two questions with multiple option answers: 20 and 32. They are marked by a double line in the box and the options have rectangles.

[p. 61]

For example:

Juan speaks Spanish and an indigenous language: Chiquitano.

The form is filled out in this way:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with the rectangles corresponding to 3 (Spanish) and "Other indigenous" filled in with the word "Chiquitano" written in the boxes provided.]

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_LANG3 — Speaks Spanish
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Chapter D. For all individuals (Request the presence of those people who slept in this dwelling, including [explicitly both male and female] children.)
[Questions 27-34 were asked of all persons.]

32. What languages and dialects are you able to speak?

Mark as many boxes as affirmative answers given.

[] 1 Quechua
[] 2 Aymara
[] 3 Spanish
[] 4 Guaraní
[] 5 Foreign language
[] 6 Doesn't speak
[] 7 Other indigenous Bolivian language

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Chapter D. For all persons

From this question [question 27] onwards, each person who spent the night prior to the census day in this dwelling should be interviewed individually. The presence of all persons, including children, should be requested.

If the person is younger than 7 years of age or if he cannot make himself understood, his presence should be requested but the information should be provided by the father, mother, or another adult. This person should be present for the duration of the interview.

Question 32. What languages do you speak? (if this applies, more than one alternative is filled in)

There are only two questions with multiple option answers: 20 and 32. They are marked by a double line in the box and the options have rectangles.

[p. 61]

For example:

Juan speaks Spanish and an indigenous language: Chiquitano.

The form is filled out in this way:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with the rectangles corresponding to 3 (Spanish) and "Other indigenous" filled in with the word "Chiquitano" written in the boxes provided.]

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_LANG4 — Speaks Guarani
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Chapter D. For all individuals (Request the presence of those people who slept in this dwelling, including [explicitly both male and female] children.)
[Questions 27-34 were asked of all persons.]

32. What languages and dialects are you able to speak?

Mark as many boxes as affirmative answers given.

[] 1 Quechua
[] 2 Aymara
[] 3 Spanish
[] 4 Guaraní
[] 5 Foreign language
[] 6 Doesn't speak
[] 7 Other indigenous Bolivian language

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Chapter D. For all persons

From this question [question 27] onwards, each person who spent the night prior to the census day in this dwelling should be interviewed individually. The presence of all persons, including children, should be requested.

If the person is younger than 7 years of age or if he cannot make himself understood, his presence should be requested but the information should be provided by the father, mother, or another adult. This person should be present for the duration of the interview.

Question 32. What languages do you speak? (if this applies, more than one alternative is filled in)

There are only two questions with multiple option answers: 20 and 32. They are marked by a double line in the box and the options have rectangles.

[p. 61]

For example:

Juan speaks Spanish and an indigenous language: Chiquitano.

The form is filled out in this way:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with the rectangles corresponding to 3 (Spanish) and "Other indigenous" filled in with the word "Chiquitano" written in the boxes provided.]

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_LANG5 — Speaks foreign language
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Chapter D. For all individuals (Request the presence of those people who slept in this dwelling, including [explicitly both male and female] children.)
[Questions 27-34 were asked of all persons.]

32. What languages and dialects are you able to speak?

Mark as many boxes as affirmative answers given.

[] 1 Quechua
[] 2 Aymara
[] 3 Spanish
[] 4 Guaraní
[] 5 Foreign language
[] 6 Doesn't speak
[] 7 Other indigenous Bolivian language

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Chapter D. For all persons

From this question [question 27] onwards, each person who spent the night prior to the census day in this dwelling should be interviewed individually. The presence of all persons, including children, should be requested.

If the person is younger than 7 years of age or if he cannot make himself understood, his presence should be requested but the information should be provided by the father, mother, or another adult. This person should be present for the duration of the interview.

Question 32. What languages do you speak? (if this applies, more than one alternative is filled in)

There are only two questions with multiple option answers: 20 and 32. They are marked by a double line in the box and the options have rectangles.

[p. 61]

For example:

Juan speaks Spanish and an indigenous language: Chiquitano.

The form is filled out in this way:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with the rectangles corresponding to 3 (Spanish) and "Other indigenous" filled in with the word "Chiquitano" written in the boxes provided.]

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_LANG6 — Does not speak
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Chapter D. For all individuals (Request the presence of those people who slept in this dwelling, including [explicitly both male and female] children.)
[Questions 27-34 were asked of all persons.]

32. What languages and dialects are you able to speak?

Mark as many boxes as affirmative answers given.

[] 1 Quechua
[] 2 Aymara
[] 3 Spanish
[] 4 Guaraní
[] 5 Foreign language
[] 6 Doesn't speak
[] 7 Other indigenous Bolivian language

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Chapter D. For all persons

From this question [question 27] onwards, each person who spent the night prior to the census day in this dwelling should be interviewed individually. The presence of all persons, including children, should be requested.

If the person is younger than 7 years of age or if he cannot make himself understood, his presence should be requested but the information should be provided by the father, mother, or another adult. This person should be present for the duration of the interview.

Question 32. What languages do you speak? (if this applies, more than one alternative is filled in)

There are only two questions with multiple option answers: 20 and 32. They are marked by a double line in the box and the options have rectangles.

[p. 61]

For example:

Juan speaks Spanish and an indigenous language: Chiquitano.

The form is filled out in this way:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with the rectangles corresponding to 3 (Spanish) and "Other indigenous" filled in with the word "Chiquitano" written in the boxes provided.]

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_LANG7 — Speaks other indigenous language
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Chapter D. For all individuals (Request the presence of those people who slept in this dwelling, including [explicitly both male and female] children.)
[Questions 27-34 were asked of all persons.]

32. What languages and dialects are you able to speak?

Mark as many boxes as affirmative answers given.

[] 1 Quechua
[] 2 Aymara
[] 3 Spanish
[] 4 Guaraní
[] 5 Foreign language
[] 6 Doesn't speak
[] 7 Other indigenous Bolivian language

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Chapter D. For all persons

From this question [question 27] onwards, each person who spent the night prior to the census day in this dwelling should be interviewed individually. The presence of all persons, including children, should be requested.

If the person is younger than 7 years of age or if he cannot make himself understood, his presence should be requested but the information should be provided by the father, mother, or another adult. This person should be present for the duration of the interview.

Question 32. What languages do you speak? (if this applies, more than one alternative is filled in)

There are only two questions with multiple option answers: 20 and 32. They are marked by a double line in the box and the options have rectangles.

[p. 61]

For example:

Juan speaks Spanish and an indigenous language: Chiquitano.

The form is filled out in this way:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with the rectangles corresponding to 3 (Spanish) and "Other indigenous" filled in with the word "Chiquitano" written in the boxes provided.]

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_LANG1 — First language spoken
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
F1. For all people

30. What is the first language you learned to speak as a child?

1. ____
[] 2 Does not speak [Go to question 32]

31. What language do you speak?

(Write in order of importance)

1 ____
2 ____
3 ____
4 ____
5 ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

31. Languages spoken
On the census form, the question about languages spoken is an open-ended question and may have more than one answer. We recommend waiting for the person to state their answer or answers. If there are two or more languages spoken, write the answers in order of importance.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_LANG2 — Second language spoken
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
F1. For all people

30. What is the first language you learned to speak as a child?

1. ____
[] 2 Does not speak [Go to question 32]

31. What language do you speak?

(Write in order of importance)

1 ____
2 ____
3 ____
4 ____
5 ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

31. Languages spoken
On the census form, the question about languages spoken is an open-ended question and may have more than one answer. We recommend waiting for the person to state their answer or answers. If there are two or more languages spoken, write the answers in order of importance.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_LANG3 — Third language spoken
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
F1. For all people

30. What is the first language you learned to speak as a child?

1. ____
[] 2 Does not speak [Go to question 32]

31. What language do you speak?

(Write in order of importance)

1 ____
2 ____
3 ____
4 ____
5 ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

31. Languages spoken
On the census form, the question about languages spoken is an open-ended question and may have more than one answer. We recommend waiting for the person to state their answer or answers. If there are two or more languages spoken, write the answers in order of importance.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_LANG4 — Fourth language spoken
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
F1. For all people

30. What is the first language you learned to speak as a child?

1. ____
[] 2 Does not speak [Go to question 32]

31. What language do you speak?

(Write in order of importance)

1 ____
2 ____
3 ____
4 ____
5 ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

31. Languages spoken
On the census form, the question about languages spoken is an open-ended question and may have more than one answer. We recommend waiting for the person to state their answer or answers. If there are two or more languages spoken, write the answers in order of importance.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_LANG5 — Fifth language spoken
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
F1. For all people

30. What is the first language you learned to speak as a child?

1. ____
[] 2 Does not speak [Go to question 32]

31. What language do you speak?

(Write in order of importance)

1 ____
2 ____
3 ____
4 ____
5 ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Chapter F. The person's main characteristics

F1. For all people

31. Languages spoken
On the census form, the question about languages spoken is an open-ended question and may have more than one answer. We recommend waiting for the person to state their answer or answers. If there are two or more languages spoken, write the answers in order of importance.