Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 33-34 were asked of females between 15 and 49 years of age who have ever given birth, as per question 32]

33b. How many children to whom you have given birth aren't currently living with you in this household (living elsewhere)?

_ _ Children in other household

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 33b: How many children to whom you have given birth aren't currently living with you in this household (living elsewhere)?
Enter the number of biological children (number of children ever borne alive by the respondent) who are not living in the same household with the respondent (either living in the same house but not sharing meals, or living elsewhere); the enumerator fills the respondent's answer in the two printed boxes. If the number of children ever borne by the respondent who are not living in the same household is less than 10, the enumerator must enter "0" in the left hand box and the number of children in the right hand box. If there are no children born alive by the respondent who are not living in the same household, the enumerator enters "00" in the two printed boxes.