Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
01 | Agricultural activities | 18,172 |
02 | Forestry and wood extraction | 255 |
03 | Hunting | 1 |
04 | Fishing | 137 |
11 | Mining, coal | 3 |
12 | Mining, metals | 1 |
13 | Petroleum and natural gas | 3 |
14 | Extraction of stone, clay, and sand | 217 |
19 | Extraction of non-metallic minerals not elsewhere classified and quarrying | 4 |
20 | Manufacturing industries, food (excluding beverages) | 3,709 |
21 | Manufacturing industries, beverages | 744 |
22 | Tobacco industry | 160 |
23 | Textile industry | 2,304 |
24 | Manufacturing of shoes, clothing, and other textile articles | 3,959 |
25 | Manufacturing of wood and cork, except furniture | 1,121 |
26 | Manufacturing of furniture and accessories | 533 |
27 | Manufacturing of paper and related products | 279 |
28 | Printing, publishing and related industries | 657 |
29 | Leather industry, except clothing and shoes | 271 |
30 | Manufacturing of rubber products | 316 |
31 | Manufacturing of chemicals and chemical products | 754 |
32 | Manufacturing of products derived from petroleum and coal | 841 |
Code | Label |
33 | Manufacturing of non-metallic mineral products, except petroleum and coal | 962 |
34 | Basic metal industries | 71 |
35 | Manufacturing of metal products, except machinery and transportation equipment | 1,462 |
36 | Manufacturing of machinery, except electrical machinery | 237 |
37 | Manufacturing of machinery, apparatus, accessories, and electrical products | 740 |
38 | Manufacturing of transport equipment | 1,796 |
39 | Other manufacturing industries | 536 |
40 | Construction | 5,458 |
51 | Electricity, gas, and steam | 1,148 |
52 | Water and sewerage services | 495 |
TRADE | ||
61 | Wholesale trade | 1,853 |
62 | Banks and other financial institutions | 1,674 |
63 | Insurance | 174 |
64 | Real state | 153 |
65 | Retail trade | 8,828 |
71 | Transport | 4,897 |
72 | Storage | 161 |
73 | Communication | 721 |
81 | Government services | 6,506 |
82 | Services to the public | 7,023 |
Code | Label |
83 | Business services | 1,128 |
84 | Recreational services | 1,374 |
85 | Personal services | 10,705 |
90 | Industry not well specified | 1,163 |
98 | Unknown | 4,839 |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | 157,626 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the person's primary industry [2-digit].
- Uruguay 1963: Persons 8+ employed or unemployed
- Uruguay: 1963
Questionnaire Text
Occupational characteristics
For persons age 8 or older
[Questions 13-18 were asked of persons age 8 or older.]
15. Industry of principal activity: ________
Only for those who are employed and unemployed.
Specify the class of establishment where the employed does the principal occupation, or if unemployed, the class of the last establishment worked. Examples: textile factory, food storage, public school, judge's chambers, farm, country house, etc.
Occupational characteristics
222. Under the general title "Occupational characteristics" are six themes for titles 13 to 18. For the information to be collected, firstly the whole population of the country has to be grouped within two primary groups:
b) The not economically active population.
Each one of these two large groups will be, at the same time, differentiated into sub-groups, and each and every one of these will be specified under title 13.
[p. 36]
223. Next, the principal occupation of those to be enumerated is investigated (title 14), considering that when a person works more than one occupation, it is the one that supplies the greatest income; and secondary occupation, that which follows the principal in importance regarding income. If a person only works one occupation, this will be the principal occupation.
224. Next, under the name industry of principal activity, the class of industry or place of work where said principal occupation is done (title 15) is to be investigated, and the category or role with which it is done, as employee, worker, etc. (title 16).
The same is for the investigation of secondary occupation when it exists (title 17), and the industry of secondary activity or class of industry where this last activity is done (title 18).
225. In order to get a rational and appropriate group of information, many individual situations should be contemplated which are adjusted to definitions, each time more refined by economic, social and technical censuses. Such definitions and methodological procedures to register information are structured in the form that reflects the occupational situation of those enumerated on the "day of the census".
226. The information asked for in titles 13 to 18 is intimately correlated. This means that once initial basic information is registered, no other information in titles 14 to 18 should be written down without having clarified, whether proceeding or not, the registration of information in the title immediately before. The information registered in title 13 is clarified, and continue conditionally for each one of the following titles until 18, according to the situation of the person enumerated.
Title 15: Industry of principal activity
252. "Industry of principal activity" is understood to be the class of business, establishment, office, organization, company, institution, etc., where a person does their principal occupation.
253. Write down this information only for people who in the previous title (title 14), were registered with a principal occupation that pertains to one of the two groups: "Employed", or "Unemployed".
As in the case of the principal occupation, try to register in the most concrete form, avoiding vague names, the class of establishment where the person works or worked (if "Unemployed"). Avoid names such as workshop, office, store, company, factory, stall, etc., and instead specify in the following manner: shoe factory, radio repair shop, accountant's office, leather stall, air transportation company, refrigerator repairs, construction company, textile factory, bronze smelting, etc.
[p. 40]
255. Avoid writing down names that are exclusively the name of the establishment, like the factory "La Violeta", "Casa Fénix", etc., that do not give any idea of the class of industry or business done in it.
256. In the case of mixed businesses like a beauty salon or hairdresser's in which there is at the same time a lottery kiosk or caramel vending, register the business that receives the greatest benefits or that the owner considers the most important.
257. If a person is a government employee, of an autonomous, municipal, or decentralized service entity, write down without exception the name of these institutions where they work, such as: Ministry of Public Works, Department of National Parks, Ancap, Department of Combustibles, National Administration of Ports, Department of Accounting, etc.
258. If a person has the same occupation in more than one business or industry, the type of establishment where the greatest remuneration is received should be noted. For example, in the case of a bookkeeper who does the books for a glass factory, a feminine articles shop, and a transportation company, and he receives the largest income from the glass factory, this will have to be noted as the "industry of principal activity". It is understood that this does not concern a person in an accounting office who has a varied clientele -- the same is true for any other professional (doctor, dentist, etc.).
259. If a person does their job in a company that supports two or more different industrial activities, that industrial activity with which the person is directly linked should be written down, since it is a principal activity of the company and not a supplementary activity.
a) In the case of a company that has a refrigerator factory and one that makes furniture, an employee will be written down as industry of principal activity: "refrigerator factory", or "furniture factory", according to which of these industries the employee works for.
b) If a textile factory has its own electric plant that supplies the necessary motorized power, a person who works in this factory will be written down as industry of principal activity: "textile factory", and not "electric plant", because the plant is an supplementary activity of the factory.
260. With respect to domestic employees, they will be written down as industry of principal activity: "family house", or "collective dwelling".