Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
00 | Not attending school | 35,219 |
01 | Pre-Elementary level 1 | 8,179 |
02 | Pre-Elementary level 2 | 7,843 |
03 | Pre-Elementary level 3 | 4,238 |
04 | Elementary level 1 | 12,076 |
05 | Elementary level 2 | 15,365 |
06 | Elementary level 3 | 14,520 |
07 | Elementary level 4 | 174,662 |
08 | Elementary level 5 | 12,476 |
09 | Elementary level 6 | 6,130 |
10 | Elementary level, completed | 89,198 |
11 | Elementary level, unknown level | 107 |
21 | Lower secondary level 1 | 9,872 |
22 | Lower secondary level 2 | 10,946 |
23 | Lower secondary level 3 | 678 |
24 | Lower secondary level, completed | 47,017 |
25 | Lower secondary level, unknown level | 304 |
31 | Upper secondary level, general, year 1 | 4,822 |
32 | Upper secondary level, general, year 2 | 5,260 |
33 | Upper secondary level, general, year 3 | 24,371 |
34 | Upper secondary level, general, unknown year | 34 |
41 | Upper secondary level, vocational, year 1 | 2,296 |
42 | Upper secondary level, vocational, year 2 | 2,128 |
43 | Upper secondary level, vocational, year 3 | 13,106 |
44 | Upper secondary level, vocational, unknown year | 662 |
Code | Label |
45 | Higher level, lower diploma level | 249 |
46 | Higher level, diploma level | 14,742 |
51 | Higher level, bachelor's degree, year 1 | 1,775 |
52 | Higher level, bachelor's degree, year 2 | 1,895 |
53 | Higher level, bachelor's degree, year 3 | 1,627 |
54 | Higher level, bachelor's degree, year 4 | 18,542 |
55 | Higher level, bachelor's degree, year unknown | 11,940 |
56 | Higher level, master's degree | 2,225 |
57 | Higher level, doctorate degree | 166 |
61 | Religious education, scripture school for general education | 181 |
62 | Religious education, scripture school for Dharma | 565 |
63 | Religious education, scripture school for Pali | 85 |
64 | Religious education, short course vocational education | 10 |
65 | Religious education, other education | 50 |
98 | Unknown | 5,318 |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | 43,640 |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
This variable indicates the person's highest grade or level of education completed.
- Thailand 2000: Persons age 5+
- Thailand: 2000
Questionnaire Text
For persons 5 years and over
[Questions S11-12 were asked of all individuals 5 years and older]
S12. _ _ Highest Level of School Attainment as of 1 January 2000
Record the highest level of education completed. If never attended school record "never"
Column S11 and S12 ask only persons 5 years and over
[Questions S11 and S12 were asked of persons 5 years and over]
Column S12 The highest level of education (up to January 1st, 2000).
[p. 97]
Procedure for recording the form
The highest level of education means the level or year when a person passed the last final exam. (Excludes short vocational courses where there are no regular subjects offered, such as hair dressing, tailoring, radio repairing, etc.) Count up to January 1st, 2000 in order to avoid the problem of a person who is studying and has already taken the final exams but does not know the result yet. Alternatively, the result of the exam has already been announced.
The question asked [of respondent] will be: "Considering up to January 1st, 2000, what is your highest level of education?"
Record the highest level of education that a person attained.
1. The person studies in a general education program, or the person studies in school before the primary education, junior secondary school, and senior secondary school
The question asked [of respondent] will be: "Considering up to January 1st, 2000, what is your highest level of education?"
Record the highest level of education that a person attained.
1. The person studies in a general education program, or the person studies in school before the primary education, junior secondary school, and senior secondary school
Record the last level where a person passed the exam, such as kindergarten, primary school grade 1, primary school grade 4, primary school grade 5, secondary school grade 4, secondary school grade 6, etc.
2. For those who graduated from the vocational education [system] or university, if the year of completion is the highest year requirement for that particular level, which means that a person is graduating from his/her education [system] and is receiving a certificate or degree diploma:
Record the name or abbreviation of the certificate or degree that a person obtained, such as Bachelor in Political Science, Advance Dramatic Arts, Advance Education Certificate, Vocational Education Certificate Advance Vocational Education Certificate, Technological Education Certificate, B.Sc, B.Ed, etc.
3. For those who attend vocational education or university, if the highest year a person completed is not the highest required year of that educational program:
Record the class or year that a person attained and the educational program in which a person is studying.
Procedure for recording the class or year of graduation
3.1 If a person is studying in a system where he/she must take and pass the final exam in order to be elevated to the higher level or year:
3.1 If a person is studying in a system where he/she must take and pass the final exam in order to be elevated to the higher level or year:
Record the level or year where a person last passed the final exam.
[p. 98]
For example:
Year 1 Advance Vocational Education, Year 2 Bachelor's degree, Chulalongkorn University.
Example 1: Mr. Kitti studied at Chulalongkorn University since 1957, but was expelled from the university in 1959 because he did not pass the course in year 2.
Year 1 Advance Vocational Education, Year 2 Bachelor's degree, Chulalongkorn University.
Example 1: Mr. Kitti studied at Chulalongkorn University since 1957, but was expelled from the university in 1959 because he did not pass the course in year 2.
Record the highest education level of Mr. Kitti, which is year 1 Bachalor's degree, Chulalongkorn University.
Example 2: Mr. Sompong studied at Patumwan Machanical College during the academic year of 1959. He passed all the subjects of year 2 and was about to be elevated to year 3. However, there was some unavoidable event that made him unable to continue his study.
In this case, the highest education level of Mr. Sompong is year 2, Higher Vocational Education.
3.2 If the educational system is a credit system:
Count the number of years in which a person studied.
Example 1: Mr. Sukit studied at Chetupon Commercial College since the academic year of 1997. He was studying in year 3 of the Vocational Education Program on January 1st, 2000.
Example 1: Mr. Sukit studied at Chetupon Commercial College since the academic year of 1997. He was studying in year 3 of the Vocational Education Program on January 1st, 2000.
Record the highest education level of Mr. Sukit as year 2, Vocational Education Program.
Example 2: Miss Somboon studied at Sakon Nakon Commercial School since the academic year of 1999 and was studying in year 1, Vocational Education Program January 1st, 2000.
Record the education level in which Miss Somboon attained as secondary school 3.
3.3 In the case of the educational program where a person is studying in two programs, the regular program and the special program, alternatively full-time and part-time. Since the part-time or the special program requires a study period longer than the full-time or the normal hour program:
Record the highest educational level of a person according to the regulation mentioned, specify whether the program is the regular or the special one, and record the number of the years of the curriculums as well.
Example : Miss Pornthip is studying in the part-time program of the Higher Vocational Education at a college where the curriculum requires two years for completion if it is a regular program (normal hour). However, in the part-time program the requirement of the curriculum is 3 years for completion. Miss Pornthip is studying in year:
Example : Miss Pornthip is studying in the part-time program of the Higher Vocational Education at a college where the curriculum requires two years for completion if it is a regular program (normal hour). However, in the part-time program the requirement of the curriculum is 3 years for completion. Miss Pornthip is studying in year:
Record the educational level of Miss Pornthip as year 2, Higher Vocational Education (Part-time program, 3 years curriculum).
[p. 99]
3.4 For studying in the Bachelor's Degree level, some aspects of study assigned several curricula for students to select, such as 4 years curriculums for those who finished high schools (secondary school 6). Alternatively, there are 2 years curricula for those who finished the diploma or Higher Vocational Education Program, etc. In order to record the class or year of finishing education, in the case of 4 years or 2 years curriculum:
Record according to the regulation as mentioned earlier and specify the number of years required of that particular curriculum, such as year 1, Bachelor's Degree (two years curriculum) or record it as equivalent to 4 years curriculum year 3 Bachelor's Degree.
Caution: In recording the class or year of finishing the study: if it is not the class or year required for completion of a particular educational level, the class or year recorded must be less than the number of years required for completion of that educational level.
For example:
In the Vocational Education Program where there are 3-year curricula, the class or year at which a person finished must be recorded as year 2 Vocational Education Program. However, if a person completed year 3 Vocational Education Program, it must be recorded as certificate of Vocational Education, or Cert. Voc. Ed.
In the case of the Bachelor's Degree where there is a 4-year curriculum, the class or year at which a person finished must not be higher than year 3 Bachelor's Degree, even though that person spent more than 3 years studying. If record 4 years Bachelor's Degree, this means that a person already graduated or obtained a qualification from that particular educational level. In the latter case, record the name or the abbreviation of the degree. For the Bachelor's Degree that has more than 4-year curricula, record the highest year of education and write the number of years of the curriculum in parenthesis.
4. For those who graduated abroad, if the education level is basic:
For example:
In the Vocational Education Program where there are 3-year curricula, the class or year at which a person finished must be recorded as year 2 Vocational Education Program. However, if a person completed year 3 Vocational Education Program, it must be recorded as certificate of Vocational Education, or Cert. Voc. Ed.
In the case of the Bachelor's Degree where there is a 4-year curriculum, the class or year at which a person finished must not be higher than year 3 Bachelor's Degree, even though that person spent more than 3 years studying. If record 4 years Bachelor's Degree, this means that a person already graduated or obtained a qualification from that particular educational level. In the latter case, record the name or the abbreviation of the degree. For the Bachelor's Degree that has more than 4-year curricula, record the highest year of education and write the number of years of the curriculum in parenthesis.
4. For those who graduated abroad, if the education level is basic:
Compare it with the Thai system of primary education (Pathom Suksa) or secondary education (Mathayom Suksa).
If the system is difficult to compare:
Specify the number of years of study in the basic education system.
For those who graduated from the vocational education, teacher training, and university
Record the name of the certificate, diploma, or degree received and write the equivalent of the Thai educational level in parenthesis.
[p. 100]
5. For those who received a certificate, diploma or degree at the same level but with different qualifications.
Record only one degree. However, if a person receives several degrees of the different levels, record only the highest degree.
6. For those who study religion
Record the religious qualification and the highest education level that the person attained, [putting] the non-religious qualification in parenthesis, such as:
Third grade religion
Third grade religion
(Primary school 4)
Second grade religion
(Bachelor's Degree)
Buddhism Theology 4
(Vocational Education)
Buddhism Theology 9
(Secondary School 3)
7. For those who finished the Adult Educational Program:
Record the educational level at which a person passed the exam, such as level 3. Alternatively, record by comparing with the basic educational program, such as level 4 is equivalent to secondary school 3, then record secondary school 3, etc.
8. Never been educated, never finished any years, or never included in no class education (such as studying from the monk, studying the Chinese language, studying in the language institute in which the level of education cannot be identified, etc.)
Record "Never".
9. For the person who does not know anything related to his/her education"
Record "X"