Questionnaire Text

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Level of instruction.
For those who are currently attending (FA) or have attended (AF), see P16

[Questions P17 and P18 were asked of persons who are currently attending or have attended school.]

(P17) Cycle

[] 0 Nursery school
[] 1 Primary
[] 2 Secondary 1st Cycle (6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd)
[] 3 Secondary 2nd Cycle (2nd, 1st, Tle)
[] 4 Short cycle professional training
[] 5 Long cycle technical teaching
[] 6 Higher education
[] 7 Professional school
[] 8 Other (specify)

(19) Last class attended _ _

Current class for those attending or last class for those who no longer attend
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The questions on education concern educational attendance (column P16) and the level of instruction (columns P17 and P18). They are addressed to the resident population aged 3 and over and all those born before November 2007. For children under 3 or those born after November 2007, put a dash on the dotted lines. Check to this end column P06, that is, the date of birth or the age.

Column P17: Cycle attained

Column P17 concerns the cycle attained or the current cycle of the person surveyed. To all persons aged 3 or more who currently attend, that is P16 = 1 (FA) or who have once gone P16 = 2 (AF), pose the following question: "What is the level of instruction attained by [the respondent]?" Record the code corresponding to the response according to the modalities below:

[p. 34]

0 EM = Nursery school
1 PRIM = Primary
2 SEC1 = First cycle of secondary (6th, 5th, 4th, and 3rd)
3 SEC2 = Second cycle of secondary (2nd, 1st, and Terminal)
4 FPCC = Short cycle professional training
5 ETCL = Long cycle technical education
6 ES = Higher education (university)
7 EP = Professional school
8 Other (specify)

Record the abbreviation corresponding to the response declared on the dotted lines and the corresponding code in the appropriate box.

NB 26:

- It is possible that the declaration of the respondent does not correspond to any of the responses proposed. The name of the last school attended will allow you to know the cycle attained.
- In addition to University, Higher Education also covers schools entered with the level BAC II. Such as the schools of BTS, EAMAU, École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA), Ecole Nationale des Instituteurs (ENI), Ecole Nationale des Sages-femmes (ENSF), Ecole Nationale des Auxiliaires Médicaux (ENAM), Ecole de Formation des Officiers des Forces Armées Togolaise (EFOFAT), Ecole Nationale de Formation Sociale (ENFS), Institut National de Jeunesse et Sport (INJS) and the Institut Africaine d'Informatique Togo (IAI-Togo).
- Professional schools are schools entered with a level below BAC II, such as the Ecole des Aides-Infirmiers de SOKODE.

Column P18: Last class attended

Column P18 concerns the last class followed by the person surveyed.

For those currently attending, record on the dotted lines the current class and for those who have attended, record the last class followed on the dotted lines and record nothing in the grey box.

NB 27: Take into account conventional school only. The latter excludes biblical and Koranic schools, training received in workshops of apprenticeship (informal sector: hairdressing, dressmaking, joinery, masonry, and so on). However, the conventional school does include technical or professional training received in apprenticeship centers such as: Centre Régional d'Enseignement Technique et de Formation Professionnelle (CRETFP), Centre d'Enseignement Technique (CET), Centre de Formation Technique et Professionnelle (CFTP), Centre d'Enseignement Artistique et Artisanal (CEAA) and private training centers (ANCILA, STYLE TAHITI, EANICK - EYAMOD).

[p. 35]

- For those who state that they have attended an educational system other than the Togolese system (Anglophone system for example), you should try to record in full on the dotted lines the declaration (last class attended) of the respondent.

Columns P19 to P23 concern literacy and the economic activity and only concern resident persons aged 6 and over (check the age in column P06). For children under 6, put dashes.